Mister Babadook's Replies

Yeah thats another thing Dever could've pulled off young Ellie cause shes not very tall and still looks pretty young but at the same time she could've also pulled off the older Ellie as well cause shes not stuck in the forever 14 look like Bella Ramsay is, i could easily see her playing both versions Ellie's. Just saw this on youtube, someone did a deepfake of Kaitlyn as Ellie in The Last Of Us Part 2 and it looks perfect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBWAeMD88og&ab_channel=Lorect Lmfao, i didn't wanna go there but she does have that Rocky Dennis kinda face, not as disfigured obviously lol but theres a resemblance there for sure. Funny she did kinda the same thing at the SAG awards the other day, constantly making herself known everytime Michelle Yeoh was mentioned, when Yeoh won Curtis had to be front and center clapping and pressed right up against her when getting up from the table. In her speech for her win she obsessively praised Michelle Yeoh "I asked am i gonna be working opposite Michelle Yeoh? ok sign me up!" yeah Jamie we get it you're not racist and we all will remember to think of you when Michelle wins cause you've made it a point to leech from her spotlight so much. Shes such a fucking attention whore. https://tvseriesfinale.com/tv-show/let-the-right-one-in-cancelled-no-season-two-for-showtime-horror-series/ It indeed got cancelled, which fucking sucks cause it was a great show, and it ended on such a big cliffhanger that'll likely never get a follow up to. Holding out hope another network picks it up. Who's obsessed? just pointing out the pointless need to race swap a character to fit an agenda. And i only brought her up cause i saw Tommy's wife was now black all of a sudden, so that was two characters they turned black for no reason other than forced diversity. Did i say you haven't? Remind me, where did i say its the only thing to do it? In that world, after Ellie has saw what it is and knows how things are, she should know better. She would know better in the game, had Ellie found out in the game she absolutely would've told Joel and Henry. Never watched it, but that formula just doesn't make sense to me, wheres the fun in knowing everything ahead of time and waiting for the main character to learn about it? Just doesn't appeal to me, wheres the mystery and fun of not knowing until the end? i don't like watching something for almost an hour and in that time i'm never wondering whats gonna happens, cause i already know. And again like i said above i get that old trope, but Yeah he was kind of built up as a big boss, he talks down to his henchmen who failed him and beat him up saying "You're a bleeder, you got no endurance for pain" and punches him out cold, as if to say he had all those things. Has lines to Dalton saying he thought it would be fun to fight him, as if he's some skilled fighter and salivated at the thought of going 1 on 1 with Dalton to test his skills. Dalton struggles with him in the final fight, struggles more with him than he did with all his henchmen. if Brad was truly the weak lead bad guy whos only powerful in the money sense Dalton should've annihilated him in that fight. To me it just felt like they couldn't make up their mind with his character, a part of him felt like the weak guy who uses money and power as his way of ruling, but they was also trying to present him as some kind of threat physically as well, and it just didn't match up for me with the actor. Eh i dunno i don't see Ben Gazzara being able to do much more than he did even with a healthy Swayze. Thats why we needed another actor that would've made for a better final fight for Dalton, someone just as tough as him and just as skilled. Like another poster said David Carradine would've been perfect for the role, he at the time was also an older guy, looked similar to Ben Gazzara but could be more of a physical challenge for Dalton than Ben Gazzara. And i know the old trope of a main bad guy whos weak but uses his money and power to protect himself and make things tough for our lead guy, but this movie also tried to present Brad Wesley as someone who could fight and present a challenge to Dalton, but it didn't match up with the actor. God yes that would've been amazing. Terribly miscast, shes a middle aged fat soccer mom without an ounce of menace or authority in her at all, she sounded ridiculous trying talk bad ass and sound threatening while using the tone of voice she'd use asking her husband what he wants for dinner. I mean why is the bad ass dude with the beard not leading everyone? he's following around this mousey nonthreatening soccer mom, it looks ridiculous. And yeah she really does play the same person in everything shes in, in Yellowjackets and Castle Rock she has the exact same delivery of lines and facials, never changes her tone of voice. Even when threatening that guy with a gun and being this leader of all these people who overthrew the military she still sounded like she does in Yellowjackets and every other thing shes in. Yeah Bill and Frank in 10 years time looked like they went from 45 to 75, while Joel in 20 years just got a little bit of grey hair.....It looked ridiculous, they made them age way too much in just a 10 year span, they had over the top old age makeup on like Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence in Life when they was elderly. Yeah i'll never understand why they can award comedies, drama, super hero movies, action movies, but horror is looked at like its smut or something. Now some horror is like smut and just a gore reel or cheap jump scares, but damn it horror films that actually have amazing performances in it like Mia Goth's in Pearl it should be acknowledged, it shouldn't be overlooked and looked down upon just cause its got the horror genre under it, the performance should be what matters not what genre the movie is in. Rebecca Hall is another one that gets snubbed from awards despite all her brilliant performances cause shes in the horror genre, like her performance in The Night House, doesn't even matter or get glanced at cause its a horror movie. This is Laramie, shes been in the show since season 3 https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNDFiOGMyYzYtODUxNy00NWY2LTgyYzctYmM0ODYzODcwZDgyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTE4MDg3NTIz._V1_.jpg Laramie, the blonde at the bunkhouse is the hottest to come on the show easily. They don't show them, they show them in a bra yes, but as soon as she takes it off the camera cuts away before you see them. God i hope so. Yeah i know, i'm most disappointed about not getting the BTK killer followed up on, i was really intrigued and loved how they showed us tiny glimpses of the BTK killer just casually going about his day at the beginning of episodes in season 2, they was so creepy. A shame we never got more into it, but they could make up for that with this show hopefully. Every movie doesn't need to have diversity in it, sometimes its ok to just have a movie set in a white neighborhood, and its ok to have a movie set in a black neighborhood, or any other kind of neighborhood, its no big deal. Yeah theres different ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientation etc in the world, but not every movie has to have a grand display of all of them parading around to push an agenda. We got enough of that in everything else, why bitch about 1 movie that doesn't shove that down your throat?