SaltandLimes's Replies

So long as he gets to have an actual sequel to MOS, then I will be happy. I'm female. FYI, my username has nothing to do with tequila. I created this when my favorite snack was limes and salt, lol. Whenever I come on here, I see the opposite. I see people making all kinds of excuses for Trump. The way men write is usually different from the way women write. Also, given the stance on many current issues, I'm guessing most of the posters here are white conservative guys. True. But usually men write different from women. Also, the way people talk about current issues makes me think the majority of the posters here are white males...who are Republican. Because of the way they write. Men and women write different, just like we talk different. So? Amber Heard and Emilia Clarke will be 38. This actress is only 2 years older than them. To me it wasn't that bad. There were things that needed to be improved. The movie was too long. But, it's not the worst film that's out there. <blockquote>Chemistry is also about directing. And the director IMO wasn't being super clear in many of the scenes. Like he tried too hard sometimes</blockquote> I thought they tested chemistry during the casting process? <blockquote>For example, my biggest beef with MoS was the Jonathan Kent sacrificial moment saving his dog in a very windy day. I mean, what a mess! A very convoluted way to show such a simplicistic concept. It simply doesn't make any sense..</blockquote> I agree. Zack Snyder was a terrible choice for a director. They really made a mistake in wanting Superman to be another Batman. If they had decided to go the light-hearted route, I doubt they would have even considered Snyder. <blockquote>About why they chose an actress that doesn't resemble the comic book depiction. Idk, to be honest I really don't know how Lois Lane looked in the comics. I thought comics were illustrated by many different artists? Sometimes even the cover art doesn't exactly matched the drawings inside.</blockquote> In the comics, TV shows, and other movies, Lois Lane is a pretty brunette who is in Clark Kent/Superman's age group. Margot Kidder & Christopher Reeve had chemistry. Amy Adams & Henry Cavill did not have it. I would have been fine with them choosing Adams if I could believe her spark with Cavill, but there was none there. Besides, them choosing an actress who looks nothing like the comic book character was a bit distracting. They chose Cavill who looks exactly like the character (except for his height). Why wouldn't they not select an actress who resembled Lois Lane? The problem is that Amy Adams is much older than Henry Cavill. I think Amy is a pretty woman, but when she was cast, she was 38 years old. Next to the 30-year-old Cavill, the age difference was quite glaring. If they actually did the trilogy that they wanted to do, with Lois Lane having a significant part, the age difference would have stuck out like a sore thumb. What they should have done was cast an actress that was in Cavill's age group. I mentioned Jena Malone as better choice in a previous thread. She's talented & pretty - not in Cavill's league (though there are few actress who are). Alexandra Daddario would have been a very good choice, because she's talented and is probably one of the few actress in Cavill's league. I'm not saying that Lois Lane should be just as good looking as Superman. I just think it would have been more believable, if Superman had the hots for a woman who was in his generation. What's more important is the chemistry between the characters. Adams didn't have much chemistry with Cavill, which made things worse. I agree that Amy Adams is too old for the part. I'm surprised they didn't get an actress who is in Henry Cavill's age group to play the character. Casting an actress who is 9 - 10 years older than the lead will only cause issues for future films. If they actually did a trilogy in the following years, Amy's age difference would have become more apparent. I think that most people would have found that distracting. Adams also didn't have much chemistry with Cavill, as his love interest. Jena Malone would have been a good choice. She actually was in the director's cut of BvS. If not her than someone else who's not much younger or older than Cavill. She's a good choice, too! National Geographic? I don't think so. A lot of A-List actors are doing TV work. Which makes since, because fewer people were going to the theaters. We also have to get most of our entertainment from our TVs, anyway - all thanks to Corona. "The Witcher" should only boast HC's popularity, considering how many people have Netflix. She was abusive towards her personal assistant and ex-girlfriend. She may have abused Elon Musk, when they were dating. Huh? That should be of no surprise to anyone. GOT has been the most respected show for the past decade. It's a shame that season 8 couldn't have been just as great as the other seasons. A part of me was disappointed that GOT won for best drama series. I'm still pissed about how lackluster season 8 was. Oh well, I can't say that I was surprised it happened. They have been the most respected show for the past 10 years. Yeah, I don't think they considered how the bad guy would have gotten those cells.