SaltandLimes's Replies

I thought he was amazing in this. SG is Hayden's finest work, to date. Check out the real Stephen Glass (there's a 60 minutes special on him). Hayden was excellent in capturing Glass's mannerism. Billie Kent or Lucy Danziger? True. However, you'd think there would be at least one sensible guy in this movie. [quote]The movie wasn't that heavy handed & honestly I think a lot of the "incel" style kneejerk criticism has been overstated.[/quote] What guy in this movie, aside from her father, wasn't at least an enabler? Exactly! IRL, Marla and her "friend" would have had a bullet in their heads. I thought it was very powerful and informative. It makes me sick that those who were sworn to protect are some of the biggest criminals. I'm thinking most of it comes from George Lucas's poor directing and writing. I like the idea of Hayden Christiansen in a cop show, set in Las Vegas! That really made me smile, aavfreak. sorry but you have no good evidence for you beliefs. you have feeling sand faith. which is useless. Faith can bring you equally to a true or false conclusion. it has no actual explanatory power or ability to get you to truth. my case, I do have my reasons for believing in Jesus and God. I have experienced supernatural events. I've witnessed a miracle, done in his name. Though, I don't think you'd believe me if I told you what they were. As for proof outside my anecdotal experience, I suggest you look into biblical prophesies. They're quite interesting. Yeah Christian movies are pretty bad. I was hoping with him in the religious movies there would be some improvement. However, KS was never really Mel Gibson. He's also never been in a "Breaking Bad" or a "Sopranos" quality TV show. I guess I shouldn't expect too much. As for there being issues on relaying on an "unproven imaginary friend," I would disagree. I have seen a lot of people turn their life around by following Christianity, myself included. And what's wrong with him turning to God? I never wished he was dead. I was just wondering how does someone fight off covid-19 in less than 2 weeks. He was phenomenal in "Waco." I guess charisma is all a matter of opinion. How much of his work have you seen? Kanye West Population control measures? Yeah, that's the only reason I voted blue for the presidency. I have read the 1st 2 gospels and some of the new testament. Jesus Christ and his disciples taught non-violence. Christians (who actually follow Jesus's teachings) are suppose to not war against flesh and blood, but against Satan. Jesus taught not to seek out revenge nor to kill, and to love your enemies. The apostles also taught to walk in love and be compassionate. In all fairness, I haven't read the Quran. I also haven't read the Hadiths. From what I've heard about the Quran and about Mohammed's life (the Hadiths), they teach to kill any who insults Allah and/or "The Prophet." Maybe that's why that one Jihadist beheaded that middle school teacher in Paris. Yes! It's on YouTube and Vimeo On Demand! It's called "Little Things." The last 2 "Superman" films that Henry Cavill was in were not actual sequels to MOS. What Henry Cavill and Superman fans want is MOS II, not cameos or movies where we have other superheroes.