TwistedAcrobat's Replies

yeah the Rhinos weren't that good either. 1 - don't remember the X thing 2 - It was a joke. My personal nitpicks: - Some low tier CGI at least in 2 major scenes: the people on the side of the mountain and the 2 Panthers' fighting sequence was all kinds of cartoonish. - No time spent with the Heart-Shaped herb nor the Panther Gods - stabs at whites as "boys" and "colonizers" - Pacing problems. - Killmonger is a mash of Loki and Zemo. BP takes 1 to 2 weaks after CW if I'm not mistaken. Their King was killed, so its normal they are on high alert. There's a bunch of stuff in BP I would rather have seen. T'Chaka's relatioship with his 2 kids, his past... more of that mystical place [specially the Panther God], more about the Heart-Shaped Herb... maybe a scene of T´Challas mother talking about his dad... In all honesty BP is just another "see once" movie. Loved the character in CW [great intro. Stole the movie for me] but the entire PC shenanigans in BP made me roll my eyes a couple of times. ahah yeah. That sounds just like her. :D "it's not comedy relief when it during and after every action sequence." That's the definition of comedy relief. The use of comedy to relieve a stressful event. "Any time Fury has a conversation with one of the avengers, there's always a joke." It's called levity. Ever used it? It's fun. " Every time the avengers are battling against a skyscraper, there's a joke. Every time the avengers just banter with eachother, there's plenty of jokes." People joking as friends... imagine that... the audacity!!! " Every Marvel movie in the MCU is just one big joke. Marvel movies don't take themselves seriously." They are movies about a bunch of unreal people dressed in costumes in broad daylight. What's not to joke about it? Look how "serious" DCEU took itself. And how spactacularly it failed. And look how they had to use comedy as well... and failed even more. What is there to take seriously about a guy dressed as a bat running around after a guy called "JOKER" [see what I did there]? "Also, when comedy relief is present in horror movies, it's usually in a horror comedy such as The Nightmare on Elm Street or The Evil Dead. " Cabin in the Woods [check it out. It nails every single horror genre trope... with humor] "but no one takes them seriously. Just like Marvel movies." They are not to be taken seriously. They are there to entertain. And they are a true case of success. Box Office speaks volumes. "Any real horror film worth its salt will keep you on edge throughout the entire film." MCU is not horror so... "These are works from such pioneers as Hitchcock, Polanski and Argento. The Witch is one of my favorites recently and there wasn't a hint of comedy throughout, " The Witch is not a SuperHero movie. Neither of those directors made SuperHero movies. So... The Witch is one of the few modern movies I actually enjoyed a lot. But what it sets itself to do is very different from pure popcorn munchin' entertainment. So... BP's dad died in Civil War in the UN council. Zemo's plan was flawless in that regard [for a movie, of course]. What I actually liked in CW was how Zemo addressed BP saying he was sorry for his father, that he was a good man with a beautiful son. I believe he meant it. The explanation makes sense. Where's Queen? because he got an explosion blast from his back plus the debris. Why did Zod die of a broken neck? Incredible Hulk is more like the ugly girl you are ashamed you put your dick in :D You are comparing Black Panther to Thor. Thor movies are like the stepson the family is ashamed of [the last one broke that mold, though], and so it has a iffy past. Black Panther - on the other hand - was a great reveal in Civil War and easily took people's simpathy over him due to his story in the movie [vendetta motif]. exactly Movies with comedy relief are plentiful. Even in the horror genre. The only 2 real comedy heavy movies in the MCU are GoTG and Thor 3. true. It's pretty well made. at least he is harmless. Others are around that are so attention craving that all they do is whine to no end when you say TDK is overrated. It is indeed a comedy. Taiki Waititi is a comedy movie guy. Killmonger is Loki + Zemo. A personal vendetta against the main character [Zemo} and self-serving out of personal daddy issues [Loki]. Still prefer Zemo's simplicity of approach [albeit cunning abilities] to Killmonger's motives. T'Challa's girlfriend is also a Spy [Black Widow... only black] Ross is indeed an Agent [as he is in the comics] Yep, a lot of Star Wars nose rubbing and some sub-par CGI/Green Screen Robocop is a whole other beast. Leave it out of it. Agreed. A "see once" affair. Good movie but terribly overated. As overated as TDK [let's see the usual whiners cry because I said TDK is overrated] Tradition vs Progress is all over the movie. Winter Soldier was a comedy? Civil War? Iron Man? Dr. Strange? Cap America? Hulk? Killmonger did a lot of damage.