TwistedAcrobat's Replies

"I already listed the examples." in other words you have nothing to back up your claims. Cool thanks for playing. "I don't know where you expect this conversation to go. I'm telling you I have, but if you don't believe me then why do I need to prove you wrong?" You don't. That's up to you. You are just trying to argue out of your ass because... reasons. "But no friend of mine, which I don't have anyway, would be in a stressful situation like saving the world from a giant monsters. It's not something that we would be joking about even if we managed to survive it." In your mind a stressful event is just "saving the world from giant monsters"? Autism proof number 4 "Right...and?! That doesn't make sense to you? Are you suggesting that The Dark Knight is a comedy all because there's a character in it named joker? Is Silence of the Lambs a comedy too because there's a character in it named Buffalo Bill? He even danced infront of the camera with his dick tucked inbetween his legs MEGA MEGA LULZ COMEDY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Irony is not really your thing, is it? "I... like... didn't? " I know, you are still complaining. "Actually childish is the nature of the comedy in said superhero movies. That's been the entire topic of discussion." Actually only a childish imbecile has a problem with comedy in superhero movies. Friendly advice: grow up. There's much more in life than what your autistic brain perceives. "Only autistic people point out autism. Normal people wouldn't see it as an insult." Autistic people don't care they are called autistic. Butt-hurt childish autistics such as your self do, though. "NO... I... DON'T... THE... FACT... THAT... THEY... HAVE... DIFFERENT... MOTIFS... IS... PROOF... OF... MY... POINT... THAT... IT... WAS... STUPID... TO... COMPARE... THEM..." YOU.. ARE.... TOO.... STUPID.... TO.... HAVE.... A.... CONVO.... WITH... How much money does the USA owes China again? "Also broken white boy. Can you be more triggered and more white centric? The world isn't based solely on the white people these days." You are using the buzz word "triggered" wrong. You see, I'm not triggered. I'm stating the obvious: the movie is racist against whites. Shuri could say "Bucky", "Ross", "visitor", "friend" or "person". But nah... "white boy". Because, obvious reasons of racism are obvious. on the other hand, when Shuri calls Ross "Colonzer" she herself is stating that Blacks never colonized anything [the irony being that if all civilizations descend from Africa...]. London - white majority New York - white majority Hong Kong/China - Asian majority with Economic ties to the overall White majority nations [such as England and USA] Ie - Killmonger is an advocate for Black Supremacy in a movie where whites are depicted as "Colonizer" and "broken white boy" [by Shuri] So much for your train of thought. "I already listed the examples" Nope. you said "everything in between". Examples needed. "When it's all nonstop levity, it's a comedy." Then you also haven't seen the movies and are talking out of your ass [which I know you are, but I'm having my good measure of fun] "Why? Because I should have to watch a bunch of superheroes act as I do with my friends?" Because you'd recognize that friends joke a lot. Even when facing stressful events. You would know... but you have no friends. "Wait, you're saying that SUICIDE SQUAD had no comedy?" No. I am not. I said you complain about MCU comedy but are quite alright with a guy dressed as a bat running around an idiot called "JOKER". Gawd... you really are autistic. You can't even get the irony. :( "Actually it's... like... not a problem at all?" Then... like... stop complaining..? "Who said otherwise? I never made the argument that people can't like these movies, or that they're even dumb for doing so. I only ever said they were childish comedies." Childish is complaining about comedy in SuperHero movies because.... reasons only you understand, I guess..? "What does them not being horror movies have to do with anything?" Autistic proof part 3 "THEN... WHY... DID... YOU... USE... IT... AS... AN... ARGUMENT... IN... SUPPORT... OF... COMEDY... IN... SUPERHERO... MOVIES?!" BECAUSE... THEY... HAVE... DIFERENT... MOTIFS... GET... IT...? No. I'm arguing you don't know the difference between comedic relief in a movie and a straight Comedy movie. lol, exactly. Yay... "a White colonizer"... not a "person" or "Bucky" he was talking about Governments and overthrowing them, while talking blacks should get guns to do a revolution. The "whites" are under texted. There's a lot of stuff about black slavery that Hollywood s' SJW mentality doesn't want to address [Arabs enslaving blacks, blacks enslaving blacks, whites also being slaves, etc]. It's not PC to address those. I don't think he hated him or felt anything for him personally. It was more of a case of T'challa being in his way. He wanted the Throne after all and T'Challa was the King. lol. Who do you think Killmonher is talking about when he says "our people don't have the weapons to do a revolution against them" [or something like that] "Also Ross is referred to as a colonizer. " BECAUSE HE IS WHITE. Not because he is CIA. The same reason Shuri addressed Bucky as a "broken WHITE BOY" See the racism there? It's not the weapon, it's the sense of danger, which is innate [unless you have some medical condition that makes it impossible for you to experience the basic form of self-preservation] We have 2 kinds of knowledge: Innate [genetic information] and a posteriori [gained by experience]. Although we don't carry the genetic information to fear fire since inception, the mechanism that enables us to learn from the pain it causes to the body is innate. Now just switch "fire" for "people with different looks" and you have the same innate mechanism in action. It's Natural. It's part of our evolution. billbrown only has that account since IMDB and he is doing nothing else than stating facts well, it wouldn't make much sense to bring T'Chaka back again [unless under those visions] SO now you are complaining different types of comedy... dude... are you for real or just autistic? "But it's not used to relieve a stressful event, it's used for everything inbetween. that's why I said it was used DURING and AFTER an action sequence. Because it's all just one big comedy." Everything? Examples needed. "I know. It is. That's why it's a comedy." Levity is different from comedy. You don't even know the difference. :/ "Right?! I mean what the hell? At least save it for Shwarma. Oddly enough that's the only time they stop joking." take you have no fiends or a social life then. "Are you referring to the Dark Knight trilogy? Because those films took themselves more seriously than even the source material and ended up being some of the best comic book adaptations of all time. Way to shoot yourself in the foot." No, i was talking about Suicide Squad a. But hey, now that you mention it, TDK trilogy also has comedy in it. I don't hear you complaining about it. :) Way to shoot yourself in the ass [plus TDK is not DCEU... so... you shot yourself twice]. "I did. Wasn't a fan. The whole "self aware" gimmick is old. It worked with Scream but it's not interesting anymore. Being self aware and breaking the fourth wall doesn't make a movie good." That's... like... your problem? "Indeed. Transformers and twilight were mega hits." Indeed they were. It's not YOUR thing, but it's OTHER people's thing. Get over yourself. "So...then why did you bring it up?" Because you are complaining about comedy in superhero movies, I told you they aren't horror movies you replied with "bu-bu-bu-but horror worth of its salt doesn't have humor". So.. " you want to throw horror under the bus after using it to further your argument? " At all. In case you are too slow to understand what I'm saying I'll break it down so your tiny brain can catch "ITS... NOT... A... SUPERHERO... MOVIE" Dude... FEAR IS INSTINCTUAL. If I hold a gun against your head and told you I would kill your family next I bet you would shit yourself scared. "Man is neither born into fear nor lives in fear for survival. " FALSE. As soon as you are born your instinct is to cry out for air [fear of death. Survival]. You also cry to bond with you progenitor [fear of abandonment - which could lead to famine and death. Survival]. Babies who are born under water instinctly swim to the surface [fear of death. Survival] Babies who are hungry cry to be fed [fear of death. Survival] Babies cry when in pain [fear of death. Survival] Stop breathing and tell me you won't be afraid to die. Your SJW happy bubble is so full of holes, I can't figure how you haven't drown yet., And please "Racism is a construct". No. It isn't. It's a primordial and needful instinctual basis for survival - as fleischwolf explained pretty damn well. Without our natural concern/disdain/fear for what is different we would never have survived. There's a reason why children usually are mean to each other, and it has nothing to do with how they were raised. It's Natural. It's their defense mechanism kicking in while trying to secure themselves as the alfa of the pack. Why do you think boys usually play more violent games? Because it's Natural. It's their instinct fo hunt and fighting/survival kicking in. Same reason why girls prefer dolls. It's their maternal instinct kicking in. I also thought it was somewhat boring. Fun to watch Stark making the first armor and tinkering with his other versions, but the movie itself is boring. They are primitive at their core indeed. Not only that, they are isolationists and segregate the tribes under their own Kingdom [M'Baku states T'Challa is the first King in centuries to go meet them]. Progress vs Tradition is all over the movie. "Guns... so primitive... let me throw a spear"