TwistedAcrobat's Replies

Dude... we eat SuperHero movies for lunch. "So far no evidence that some of the negative aspects of BP for you can be shown affecting the Box office as of yet. But I'm still curious given the extreme positivity for BP reflected across many places in Africa if BP will perform badly." So... when did I say the movie would fail exactly? All I said was the message of the movie [we blacks dawg, kill the white devils] is not taken seriously outside of the USA. And it isn't. Is it making money? Of course. It's an MCU movie about a cool character introduced in Civil War that stole the movie for many people. Not because he is black... because he is a pretty good rendition of Black Panther. What's your next excuse to pander on such SJW BLM bubble? exactly the point. As virtuous as Cap may look, he has flaws. On the other hand, as self-centered as Tony is, he is willing to be called out for his own actions. yeahI also had that problem with the reveal. Needed a sequence to it. you seem to have an issue with ass/mouth tell us all about it. :) LMFAO It was ok. Not as good as Civil War. dude... why are you being such a dick? Respect his oppinion. Civil War is still my favorite MCU movie, for many different reasons. I would put Black Panther like this: 1 - Civil War 2 - GotG 3 - Winter Soldier 4 - Dr. Strange 5 - Black Panther 6 - all the others this movie got a lot of social-political hype making, unlike AOU I have no hopes for a good SW movie. Some. Queen is here. Solo will do a lot of money. It belongs to Star Wars. No matter how shitty those SW are, they make a ton of money. I imagine most DCEU fans are getting their diapers changed awww... the little one doesn't know how to use google.... wait while I shed a tear for you :'( Here ya go little person: [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] there there, little person. It's all better now. Mommy will change your diaper soon :* Pink Lives Matter Where's QueenUSA? Yep. It's even more cringeworthy when you realize more interesting movies about the American black community [and series.... The Wire, as an example] didn't get the same "Identity motivator" as this one is getting. But, because it's a movie from a multibillion dollar franchise... you know milennials... crying, bitching, moaning... in their "safe space"... "Avatar takes the well worn route of the Western male as the savior for a society and people totally foreign to his own." You mean a HUMAN that so happens to be male. But nah... let us say A MALE!!!!! It's the PATRIARCHY!!!!!!! By the way, the villain in the story is also A MALE!!!!! and a HUMAN!!!!!! Therefore, Alien Life Matters PS - the reason why the hero is a male, is to have a romance with the alien female.... ... because as it seems, Aliens are not gay. Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $75,808,000 61.7% + Foreign: $47,000,000 38.3% = Worldwide: $122,808,000 In Release: [b]1 days / 0.1 weeks[/b]