Mavican's Replies There's also a king of France's brother philippe Duke de orleans who was known to cross dress. Yes. Yes, but i also feel it was a jumbled mess of what should have been split in to two movies at least. See this is the shit that get's. You want to identify as a man? Fair enough. I may or may not use your preffered pronouns, based on the fucked up re-inforcing of gender stereotypes and whether he passes as a man. looking at his wiki, it references he was born as ellen page, which is the basic form i would accept: Page publicly came out as a gay woman in February 2014 and subsequently as transgender in December 2020, announcing his new name as Elliot Page. Couldn't he/she just stick to gay? What, does she/he have to have surgery now to remove her boobs and mutilate herself? Is she going to affect male mannerisms now? She probably did before, so why chemically alter her perfectly functioning body? This thread seems 'shit-posty' but realistically, he/she might get a couple of 'let's put him on display' films, but i think this may just kill his career even if he get's a lot for people stan-ing for being trans. Feelings over facts. I feel bad for these people, i feel most of them are jumping on a band wagon. Though look, this person is probably not. I just feel bad that a lot of kids are going to grow up with trans-whatever thrown in there face as acceptable at a young age. Oh whose that girl in Juno? Elliot page. No the girl. Elliot page, he turned himself into a boy after he made a bunch of movies. Wtf? You can do that? Hard candy was good, don't want to watch it again though. Passively reinforcing stereotypes they claim to want no part of! Not really religious, but i worry that all this blurring of lines is leading us down a dark path as a society. That said i've know a couple people and yeah, you'd say if anyone was going to be trans it would be them. Based on both their physicality and personality. >Zelina Vega was playing AJ in the movie, but she still dressed in the gear she wears as Zelina Vega irl Maybe she wants to support her own brand? >Also was the actress playing Paige afraid to show her stomach or something? cause in every match in this movie shes wearing a shirt or something that covers her entire body, Paige irl wore a small top and shorts, and she always showed her stomach. It's a feel good girl power movie. Her character is played up as not being a bimbo showing up her body, she supposed to be the outsider to a bunch of bikini wearing models, it was just how the character was written. >In the movie they make it seem like Paige just trains for a few weeks, has one match and is suddenly told shes being called up to defeat AJ for the title on Raw, theres no way in hell it would work like that irl in WWE. I agree, but it is a feel good movie. Plus aren't all these wrestling things scripted? Like pre-decided? How could she be told she going in against whats her name for the title when it's scripted? But yeah irl she'd have to work her way up, even if it's mostly for the audience. Especially since, if she's going to have a heroes arc and get the tittle, people want the story telling of coming to know the newbie before she becomes the champion, not hey here's this newbie who's suddenly champion, she suddenly the best. " "The last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye..." Ha, this is kinda great. Your post is super old by now, but i just watched this movie and loved it, and i usual like morbid rom coms like Ps. I love you, and The Time Travelers Wife. You should watch Waitress (2007), it's an adorable movie! I love it so much. Very similar in tone to this movie, where things don't go as planned, but work out in the end, with good wholesome characters (though they aren't perfect!). " Not only does Pool gesture what he wants to do with Colossus, but he jokingly (?) attempts to go down on him. XD" Yeah that was pretty funny. Both movies have their charms. It occurred to me the other day that it seems like that Deapool/Wade makes several references too liking anal. Which might just be coincidental to him liking it after becoming Deadpool. But Maybe Wade just tried it with Vanessa a second time of screen in the first movie. " I particularly like how Ashes sounded in Take on Me’s place (do prefer the latter of course)" I've since watched this movie multiple times. The movie will likely age horribly die to the pop culture references, but it's a testament that i have watched it like 4 times already. I must say Ashes replacing Take On Me has grown on me a little bit after multiple viewing but i still prefer Take on Me. Yeah, but he was already in a bad state mentally. People in a normal state would just tell the manager to go get fucked. Well if you've got a family that speaks a certain way, and the younger more handsome brother, who speaks an awful lot like you, pops up and becomes famous, well you can't market two people with the same distinct voice? It could also be metaphorical to, since he stopped chasing gigs to play dad to Jackson. Not sure i would say copying, so much as that perhaps his family had that very particular way of speaking. DO you want an emotional bittersweet but feel good flick with great music? A star is Born Do you want a sexy quirky thriller-noir film about a murder and the lies surrounding it? A simple favour? The two are very different vehicles though. I loved A Simple Favour but people will be talking about A Star Is Born and i'm expecting it to win some things when awards season rolls around. Yup, she told her manager that she was worried about Jack and basically wanted to give him something to do (live for really) on tour so she could keep an eye on him, and that if they couldn't do that, she wouldn't do the tour. I guess she's told it can't/won't happen. SO she tells Jack that since the records had been selling so well the company had decided to cancel her tour (but really she canceled) so she could focus on producing a new album and yay she could be with him all summer. It's kinda the underpinning of the whole film that Jack just wasn't ok mentally. He 'had it all' but there was just an inability for him to be at peace and stable in the world he lived in. We first see him on film immediately drinking after his concert, he does drugs throughout the film. He has an upturn when he meets and marries Ally. But it's hinted at throughout the film that he had a lot of demons from his childhood, like the fact that his father was a raging alcoholic who he idolized because he was the only parent around and he was supposed to, most likely, isolated away on a farm. Jack mentions however it was bobby he idolized really, but Bobby in Jacks early years was always out at gigs trying to make something of himself (jack father had him in his 60's, Bobby probably in his early 20's), given Bobby was like at least 20-30 years older then Jack. Jack mentioned that when Bobby had left once when he was 13 that's when he tried to kill himself, and that the ceiling fan he'd tried to hang himself via had sat there broken for months (probably when Bobby came home). It must of been pretty fucked up for Bobby as well to feel like he was basically being surrogate parent to his younger sibling. As for why he had to commit suicide. The character, just couldn't handle life and his demons, likely knew that he was always going to be the way he was, some people will never change. Perhaps he knew he was on his way out career wise, Ally was on the up and up per how she was being marketed, and that the downward spiral of himself would only drag her down like a rock. I do hate that they made Ally transform into a pop persona, the plot could have worked easily without the pop star stuff, but it's more relevant today and an easier vehicle for the conflict i guess (Jack being staunchly country rock while Ally could do whatever marketed her best, similar to Lana Del Rey and Lady Gaga herself) Yeah, the fling with Jonathan Rhys - I'm suddenly devoted to you Lagertha because you seem like some sexy personification of a woman - Meyers seemed very out of left field, and he's a saxon anyway! I mean they're hot, but they didn't need to put her with him.