Birdmant7's Replies

Yep, we'll see what happens on the next election then you get the surprise the same way you got all it when Trump first got elected; that's the real answer to your BS witch hunt...Lol I am getting hammered with endless hate messages about Trump and I doubt if any of these people actually even have real FACTS?. I mean Nixon was impeached for Watergate; there was evidence to collaborate that, Clinton and his infidelity, then Bush did worse human crimes and got away it and even then I didn't see or hear the reaction about what he did that I keep hearing about Trump, who made peace with two countries that for years there was just tension. I just don't get what crime; what treason has he committed that this endless hate for this guy? He may seem bizzare because he is being who is, he is not scripted or plays to the media's bs either, and its become a crime in this country to even speak your mind and those millions of people who voted for him are all WRONG too? These people don't even realize they are the ones who creating apathy and conflict in our society by constantly devaluing someone who is just fed up with the direction this country has been going since Reagon got in. whatever man? You just don't quit with your endless hateful rant and this is your issue, I look at facts, so 20 years they all tried and here comes a guy who was never in office for any position and created summit that the shocked the world, but lets give credit to people who "tried"?, like all the other BS they tried that never happened. Yes lets just praise their attempt when a guy who everyone calls a "buffoon" actually made it happen. I go with FACTS not these written words by media that are full of LIES. I take someone's actions than someone's attempts. Really?... Lol So Bush lied and killed millions of people for a BS WMD was not BS? Obama played a game to just get people's hope and created the worse healthcare system that people lost their jobs due to corpt not paying for their healthecare and Obamacare also increased insurance rate, but that not BS?.. But what has Trump done by actually stopping us going to war with North Korea and Russia and has increased jobs, has done more in the past few years than BUSH and Obama combined but lets just throw stones at him because its just everyone else doing it without even really knowing why you dislike someone? You people have already made up your mind, its pointless to even point something out that you all think its OK to constantly put someone down when he just speaks his mind and speaks on what is on majority who voted for him, because they are all tired of the same BS year after year for promises that never come true; the change was needed and trust me its people like you who will get their answer on the next election. Can you please be specific about what has gotten "worse"? " Trump set himself up to fail on the world stage where the US got humiliated by getting nothing out of it." Yeah we really got nothing out of that summit, just the fact we are not in a war is enough for you>? But Trump again is at fault because he set up a reward to avoid a war, what a terrible man?..Lol there is Trying and there is actually DOING IT with Actions. Bush said the same thing and all they did was add to the conflict with making people more paranoid. The same thing with Obama, nothing changed with North Korea but how come this guy whom you think is a bad person"TRUMP" made that happen? where even it became televised nationwide, then people like you call it a show not a seeing that we are not in a war?. I don't give a fuck about WORDS but you obviously believe whatever you Read to be TRUE? I care for people's ACTIONS not words, Action is character Do you get that??????????? It's pointless to even have any constructive discussion with someone who has this kind of thinking as you do; even if Trump creates world peace tomorrow people like you will question it that its all some show and fake, this is why I posted this thread, because I am sick and tired of the hearing the same thing, ever since this man got in office its just none stop? he has not done anything to put this country in any danger or threat, but if its not one thing to attack him about then you people harp on something else?... I didn't even vote for this guy, but I just seat back and hear all these negative remarks based on assumptions to be subjective and wonder where all this is coming from other than media and parties who have hand in the media like Democrats; even Republicans who can not control Trump like the puppet they wanted to him, so they all joined in to get rid off him. This is what you and many like you are blinded to that Trump is a threat to them and a threat to the way things were going, even Bernie Sanders whom I did like said it that we need a political revolution in this country, Trump is the revolution and yes its not what you expected and what you like but its here and its not going away because its not politically correct to say this or that; this is what we need to make the changes to dissolve and get done with these two parties that have destroyed this country and lie to people to just keep the show going. I think Trump is a turning point to just elect people who are not politicians and this is where you miss the point and I don't judge his personality over his actions. You are really retarded or just stupid? I am asking you a question that did Trump nuke anyone? but you put words in my mouth and also THINK for me to tell my reasons for liking Trump too? Where do you get off ? No I don't base my opinions on that, I base it on Actions of a person, like a bastard like Bush who lied to the American people and invaded a country and killed millions of people. I don't see Trump has done anything even close to that then you send me articles based on more BS propaganda created by the media but this is where you get your facts ? Go and read all the crap that media wrote about Trump' and predications about his dealing with North Korea and Russia way before it even happened; not one of them came true and yet morons like you just don't stop with the hate, you keep going on and on digging more crap to convince the world Trump is a threat to this country. But what you are so blind to is that a huge of this country who have change their minds about Trump are even scared to speak up to defend him, then to get attacked for it by people like you,. So just wait till the next election and then you will get your answer and that should then shut you up to know that people are tired of the Bull SHIT and it was the lies and distrust the produced Trump, so wake the fuck up to reality, Trump is just a person who wants the same change that others who voted for him wants, its not about racism its about cleaning up the mess. "This isn't a fight about Trump's "personality"'s about his character." You want to discuss character? How about George Bush's character who Lied to the American people together with his administration about a bogus threat about Iraq and WMD's? Millions of people died, millions of American soldiers who have returned home and missing arms and legs. That was a criminal act but is anyone make a fuss about it as you are about Trump;s character ? People like Bush and Chaney should have been brought up on tribunal war crimes but no one speaks about that today; but these endless rants of Hate about Trump who even made peace with North Korea publicly, who did the same with Russia, where he even brought more troops back from Afghanistan and he is actually against this country going to War, but none of that even comes into any consideration but he is lacking "moral character" and that bastard Bush who took this country's deficit to the highest in the US history, who went on national TV and told even United Nations that they have no authority over his or US to tell him not to go to war on Iraq, whom destroyed Iraq and the people's lives based on a lie that they later blamed "bad intel"?.. When his father was giving WMD to Saddam and Iraq to Bomb Iran, but that was ok to do that. But none of that comes in to you judgement of character but just because Trumps barks his issues openly then he lacks moral character ?. He even said in one of his recent speeches that this country can not afford another war and he wants to avoid it; but at least he stays true to his words. There is something wrong with people like YOU in this country that I have never been able to understand ?..that you judge a person on what he may say than compare to what their actions are. I take Trump over Bush, OBoma and Hillary any day. I am sick and tired of both of republicans and Democrats parties, we need a new way of running this country where politics is not based on corporate bribes and influence. This is what is happening and you are missing all this witch hunt is a home grown bs by both parties that are worried about their cushy jobs, paychecks and doing nothing but lie to the people for years to come and here comes someone who does not sing the same tune as them and shakes up the system and people like you then get all into subject of character, there is a saying: ACTION IS CHARACTER FYI, I DON'T watch the news to listen to more bs about Trump. I don't even own a TV either. There are many options to read the news that is not filtered and unbiased, but I leave the TV to people like you. My topic is trash but you still could not help yourself to reply? And you know everything?...Lol You are a typical Moron Trump hater so why don't you bounce off to another board where you can voice your crap and people cheer you, this is all trash to you, so why waste your time ? Is it just a sickness for you people to just attack anyone who does not agree with your views? "it's echoed by many legal experts based on what was revealed in the Mueller report" Again that is what I call propaganda. "The only thing Trump has really proven by being an "outsider" to the American political system is how dangerous it was to elect someone who flagrantly and blatantly disregards, obstructs, and thumbs his nose at the rule of law in this country." Really?.. can you please support your statement with some exact examples of obstructions ? And why has't he been charged for them? ". And if you had your eyes open for the past three years--and possessed some form of morality yourself--you'd see his is lacking in that regard" Please don't get ahead of yourself and judge someone's morality whom you don't even know and assume that what your version of "morality" has to imposed on others, if you ever read someone like fredrick neichze then you would know that a lot of it is just words that we give meaning to. Hence, I don't share your views of what you call morality, I look at the problems in the State with illegal immigration, the problems with the Crimes that are happening, I have visited jails and prisons and almost 90% of the people in them are Hispanics or African Americans and I ask myself why this situation just keeps getting worse and no one does anything about it for over years and decades? But here comes someone who says enough is enough, lets clean up the toilet and get the trash out who are leaching this country but then he is associated with low moral character? racist? compare to even Hitler? , If this was Hitler who brain washed a whole country through repetition of speeches and lies that "Jews" were a problem? but when did Trump do that about the illegal immigrants? . People like you and media are just waiting for Trump to say anything and they read into as negative, so all I can tell you wait till the next election and see who is the next president, it will be Trump again, because people are just Fedup with the BS. If you stopped reading then why are you even posting a reply? At the end of the day its not about people's words, its about their ACTIONS Are we in war? Did Trump blow up any country with Nuke ? but people like you who just want to hate and follow the media and play into it will always remain closed, because you have already made up your mind, you Hate Trump, no matter what he does that could even be good. I was not a fan of Trump, I am not fan of him now either, but I just pay attention to people's actions and not what the media or haters say. "It's about the symbolism, not the logic. Theon ran towards the scariest of threats rather than running away as he had in the past." I think this part of your explanation is actually very logical; given Theon's past, so I agree and point well taken. I just think even if the two had met half way where Theon actually maybe fought the night king; then once he got stabbed Arya's intervention would have been more suited; compare to the long walk towards Bran with the long gaze scene between the him and Bran; which again didn't make sense to me? why would someone like the night King who would take his time killing Bran, was he contemplating his action?...was he feeling sorry to kill a cripple ?... I understand your reasoning in why Theon did what he did based on symbolism, but that scene was just disjointed in the grammar of the rest of the episode. You know its interesting we can all watch the same thing and either agree with it or question it, but every time I post something here about questioning either casting or a scene most people come to only prove I am wrong or they are brain washed into thinking a show of this size could not make a mistake by one scene or cast the wrong actor? we just have to follow like the heard of sheep and say that's why theon charged "s despite certain death". Again, I knew Theon will die in this scene, it was the way it was shot, that was my issue with it. There was two other characters who also died saving other people Beric Dondarrion" for Arya and Jorah Mormont for Dany, but those scene worked, especially the scene with Beric, and Theon was could have been in a fight with the Night King and got stabbed then Arya show up in the midst of it would have been more compelling, instead that long walk to Bran and Night King gazing at him, that long pause for what?. I even had a hard time watching Arya not get her neck snapped and still drop the dagger and have the breath to even move in that position and her size? You can either watch something without thinking and be a FANBOY or watch it and question it; but OMG it seems like hardly anyone here is even willing to consider it ? The issue to me was the way it was shot and it didn't work, but everyone wants to bring the reason why Theon did that way, you are missing my point is the direction was wrong along with millions who also complaint the whole episode was DARK to watch, but lets find a way to justify that error was also done for a reason...Lol So yes I "get it" but I don't agree with it. Yes I got that, that's why I said he did that out of shame/guilt maybe, it was an emotional move? but it didn't work in the story and setting of what his purpose was to protect Bran, he was going to die either way but why speed it up "on his own terms " when he was shooting off arrows, he didn't think about on his own terms then but when the worst of them (Night king) showed up that Bran needed more protection then Theon went kamikaze, leaving Bran even more open?. If you listened to the commentary of the producers, they changed some of the parts of the story, for example they chose Arya over Jon killing the Night King, which again that was surprising so this is why I think they have changed that scene too; regardless of Theon was always being weak and emotional but he rescued his sister and he fought bravely, he was the last to protect Bran too and to walk away regardless of his own terms was a dumb move. I agree it was kind of lame episode and too dark to watch, I could not see half the battle. Blah blah "to be killed"?... well, that's kind of too harsh, but certainly punished for just using her session notes with Taylor to be used as a way to manipulate, which anyone in her profession would lose their licence and have some kind of civil suit filed against them. What was interesting is how in four seasons this bitch justifies her own behaviors that are just wrong as to be ok with and she gets to also enable a office full of psychopaths who go to her for advice. The shock on her face when Mafee went off on her was the moment I had been waiting for, then she goes running to I guess forget and process the truth about what Mafee called her GARBAGE, but the running only fueled the truth when she started to cry, as if she is someone we should feel sorry for. People like Wendy have crossed the line of being human they are beyond redemption; yet in our very own society today we have people like Wendy in Govt offices, in Corpt world, in almost many high profile sectors where they are praised and cheered for to be as "powerful" role models when they are really Garbage. That's what is even more scary.