Birdmant7's Replies

Maybe the finale should have been two hours? I wish it was too, but HBO and these producers' all have to do think of their bottom line I guess and I personally hoped the ending would at least be an hour and half?. I think whatever ending or however long and what ever scenes people would still be posting about how bad it was, how short it was, how incoherent it was?...etc. Because they all expected the ending to be something they had wished for, this is where most people are missing the point. GOT was never written that way, I think if you give yourself a week or few weeks and watch the ending again you may think different and see that the ending was actually ok and not bad as bad you thought. I am probably in the minority because I liked it, i knew Dany was not going to be queen and nor will Jon be King; the story was never written that way, not every person like Jon or Ned Stark, who always does the right thing and makes sacrifices to free people or fight for the people and give his life to a cause would end up getting what he really deserves; this was what to me GOT was always about, its not that life is fair its just life and its harsh realities that we come to accept. Ok, but I honestly thought it was coherent and fit the theme of the story and RR Martin wrote the ending, so maybe you can be specific what you wanted the ending to be? This show was never written to be what we expected or wanted to be. why was it a dissapointment? what did you expect the ending to be? then I am sorry to say you really have never understood the GOT, this story was never written to end what you expected, it was not a sad ending either. If you really understood Jon's role in the entire story and novels of GOT then you can see that Jon was never meant to be a king, Jon went to join the Night's watch at the beginning of the story for a reason and that reason was to be a freeman and he never wanted to be a leader, he didn't Kill Danny to be a King, but he did it to save people ; hence, Jon's sentencing and going back to the Night's watch, next to the freefolk was actually very fitting and even Tormand told him you belong to the north because your heart is the north. Because one prisoner's crime (Jon) was killing the queen and the other was freeing his brother, if you compare the crimes, Killing the queen is more higher and as Tyrion explained that the sentencing was based on political reasons to avoid war, Jon's death or complete freedom would have caused a war, that does make logical sense. The terrible mistakes of Tyrion was only mentioned to use as a excuse for Tyrion to be forced but a way out for him not to be killed because Bran knows that Tyrion's mind and heart is to serve the people and he is the most intelligent for the job. Yes I did and I kind of knew he will because he was a very important character from the beginning of the show that survived many situations. I actually thought either him or one of the Starks would become the King at the end but Bran was a great choice and Tyrion as hand was perfect. I agree but I think a lot of people miss all the clues about Jon from the start to the end, he never wanted to be a leader; he joined the night's watch for a way to find himself in a way and not to be always called a bastard, but his core beliefs and ethics came from Ned Stark to always do the right thing. He killed Danerys for the threat that she was to the people and his punishment was actual fitting to theme of the story and if you recall what Tormund said to Jon last week's episode that your heart is in the north, that was a clue to me that Jon will return to the North but it happened unexpected sentence of punishment. You just can't even accept what the writers have written and you never really even understood who Danerys was and you don't seem to get that Danny didn't not have mental illness, Danerys was written as a character in this great novels as a cautionary warning. But you even think that the story lacked depth and a rush to finish?..because it didn't fit the way you wanted or expected the story to end?..Lol Here is a suggestion? Maybe take a English Literature class some time in your spare time when you are not playing XBOX or Watching TV, maybe then you can read the actual novels and then found out that stories like GOT are written to convey more than just simple concepts of good and evil, it requires more depth to comprehend that you certainly lack...Lol "Everyone in the show harps on their blood rights and uses methods considered illegal and immoral today to claim them" "if you don't understand the way that society works and what their concept of "rights" is, after years of watching the show, You know you make all these bold statements without even any examples of who is this "everyone" that you are referring to? And to what society or universe are we referring to or do you live in that your concepts of Rights" is based on blood rights?. I don't recall anyone else harping about their blood rights other than Danerys,? But you found out how wrong you were after your illogical rants that it is YOU that after years of watching the show that are WRONG. It's you who does not even understand reading novels; what is a narrative line, themes, characters that are written to project a deeper symbol that ties to the theme of the entire story. Go back and watch Season one when Cersi explains to Ned Stark what she said about how the "Games of thrones" work. As I stated when I wrote this thread Danerys's character was written as a cautionary tale, as a warning, that yes just because she may have all the blood right and ingredients to be a leader, but she is not fit to be a queen; she was never going to be in the story, but people like you who just want to argue a point; due to some egotistical conviction because they think they are always right, you just found out how wrong you were with the final episode and how your birth blood right queen Danerys's got even more consumed by power as if she was getting off on it; that she became even more irrational to justify why she killed all those people and blamed Cersi, she wanted to decide who is good, so She got exactly what she deserved by Jon. You really never got to understand GOT was about, because you refused to see the clues Danerys. I knew Jon will never be king but my guess was either Tyran or one of the Starks; Bran was what made it fit theme of GOT. "I really do sense a common thread in all the statements from people who think Danyerys was nuts all along" I never said she was "nuts" in any of my posts here. Although your points are some what valid, but your comparison of what Stark's lost as a family, how they Rob and his wife and mother were killed, how Bolton betrayed them to take their castle and become the authority of the North. How Sansa was used to marry Ramsay to secure their name in the North. We all witnessed all of this on this show and yes the Starks had every right to take what was really stolen from them and I don't agree with what Sansa did with Jon, but she also changed through years of abuse from the time her father was killed to the marriage to Ramsey. I am sorry I can't compare the loss of what Danerys claims to what the Starks did. She also knows very little of her father's history or who her father really was, The Mad King, that burned people and was going the burn the entire city down, then her brother who had an affair with Ned's sister and married in secret, then a war based on a lie by Robert created it; yes that caused the Danerys's loss due to that war; not how the Lanisters bribed the Frays and Bolton's to turn on the Starks and how their family was killed and what the aftermath of their death did to the Stark's kids to break apart , the damage of how they lost both parents and brothers and then you think Sansa and Arya to get back what was stolen was just about inherit the lordships and castle?...Seriously? if you really think that then I guess there is nothing to discuss further on this topic with you. I never said Danerys is mad or nuts; but to me her misplaced expectations and harping on her blood right is what I always had a problem with, from the start of this show and so far last week's episode just proved what I expected. I really think you should go back and watch some of the episodes from season 3, 4, 5 and others.? her entire attitude from the start was that she is has the right to throne due to her blood being a Targaryen, that's arrogance that was very clear. so why do you think people like Sansa, Arya, Varys and Sam all recognized that arrogance and what happened last week and how she reacted did NOT surprised me at all, as it may have to other viewers because she killed the Tarlys for no reason, where she could have locked them as prisoners and try to win them as allies but her ego didn't let her to prove she is in charge and that was a mistake. That self-entitlement attitude is the issue you are missing the point. If Jon never came to ask for her help she would not even bother to find out what was going on and look how much Tyran had to talk to her to get her to be diplomatic, she has no clue about diplomacy because she was never exposed to that way in her life, all she knows and her brother greedy wanted was that they had the right to the throne and she proved at the end with her actions that she is not concerned what being a leader means. But you believe what you want; you don't seem to get RR Martin based GOT on historical events such as War of the Roses and the quest for power, how power shifted from one person to another and what it took to attain it, this is not about Good versus evil, Dany's story is meant for us to see that yes she may have all the right and yes she may accomplished to get there but she is missing the core element of being a leader. I agree, I posted something about hat scene when Theon died and I thought that whole scene was just stupid. He was suppose to protect Bran, then he marches towards the night king outnumbered ; I get he knew he was going to die, but an actual fight between the two and then Arya could have then be added to the scene once Theon was down, she could have intervened and then use her sword fighting skills and then switch to the dagger. But Theon dies so quick; then night king did this long walk in slow motion, WTF was that about?.. then he stood gazing at Bran, that part didn't make sense either, why he would pause? but then suddenly Arya flies out in the screen from where? she was in the castle last, then how did she make it down to where Bran was?.. and yeah that jump was also odd not just for Arya, but the entire show' GOT they have never had those an action scene where someone leaped like Arya; that you see in maybe a Star Wars, it didn't match any of the fighting scenes of entire show, it just looked weird and out of context as if Arya had superpowers. Yes its entertaining just from the performance stand point. Yes its fiction but what is this show's intention in general about the theme of of the story they are telling? I am not trying to be rude to you, but cable companies love to have customer or people, like yourself; who watch shows purely for its entertainment"; they don't care that this show's characters and their behavior of plans of vengeance and other action that people like AXE do are WRONG? We are in the fourth season now, but there is no arc in this tale?. it just now Chuck and Axe , two scums bags with power and money joined forces to do more wrong and just let it go. I think about the writers of this show who create these characters whose behavior is based on ego and vengeance, along with Axe's staff that that just follow like dump Sheep to work for a psychopath like AXE and whom has no connection to real Life. So most people can seat back like yourself and call this shit " entertaining", and without even thought that a show that its now in its 4th season and has really no much change in terms of story; the cast and production value is the that expensive wrapping paper that keeps the show on the air, but it really is a failure as show and has empty in content and value, I just feel I could have done a better job in than the writers who could have worked on other characters and their daily struggle and how that would have made this show so much fuller and with layers that each episode would get more and more impact on its audience to use a seedy group of people and how their actions effect other people. I think I have the answer that you wanted from me last week, but again I didn't place the question there for it to have answer but to invoke thought; to question the intention or theme of the show. However, the only answer I can give you and what keeps me watching it is is ONLY because of the cast and their performances; even though I feel disgusted by almost all the characters on this show. One actor that even got my interest into this show was when I saw Paul Giamatii; whom I first discovered in a film called "Sideways" and in 2004; but his performance in "John Adams" that really was among his to date; he reminds me of the actors of the 70's where actors were judged on talent, not for who they know or how they look. Also Damien Lewis and Glenn Fleshler whom I first saw in "True Detective". But Why I didn't think of the answer when you asked me is because the cast and performances was the very reason that we all got pulled to watch the show; in almost majority of good written shows like "Game of thrones" or Breaking Bad"or even NYPD, its story and character's that we follow through their personal change or growth that takes over just their actor's performance.; the theme and what the show is trying to say should be the reason to keep my watching. But with Billions, the story is like a cat and mouse chase, plotting, scheming, backstabbing, Chuck is even worse than Axe, his father worse than Chuck.,now they are allied with Wendy the Witch who is the inhouse Psychiatrist, suppose to be the voice of logic and reason; to discourage revenge, then she joins the revenge, Connery has his revenge along with his boss Jock, etc, its like a circle of revenge ? There is no real arc here ; the show to me is become inchorent and in its intention to as to why they are telling us this story about the subculture universe of Hedge Fund worms; who would infect a chicken house to change the price of stock. There is no real story, as for one character to even step in and question these actions these people get engaged in to win. And to come here and read on these boards people defending a scum bag like Axe and Chuck ?. as if this show is encouraging these immoral unethical actions that these people do in their strange universe of Hedge fund is correct and right and even defend it?. that's even more disturbing as where are value system. Last week I had another guy defending Wendy's actions, that she had to do it?. not to question what she was wrong,illegal and unethical. I just watched the episode and I was so surprised that Wendy's action were not ignored this time and acceptable; her license is now in question, but she was acting like the victim, Wendy's world is taking a turn, that's the arc I was waiting for, a damage where the character has to face the truth about themselves and it took Billions 4 seasons to get there? but in four years this character Wendy seemed to never be questioned but many women even thought of her as a role model and that's the way she has to be in that world, but I think now they see Wendy for who she is. So that's why I ask myself why do I watch this show?. a show that really has nothing to say, and the only answer I can give you is the actors; its the saving grace. I am sorry I didn't understand your question the way I should have. I posted and started the topic on this thread on this board you RETARD; that is why I come back to it, but you are the one who came here venting your shit about Trump, no one is forcing to come here, do you get that???????? We're stuck with him, hopefully until after the next election" No one is forcing you to be Stock here, you stick your nose into this board because its bothers you that someone does not share your views about Trump, but go ahead and wait after the next election when you really shit your Removed? Good luck with that..Lol just wait till the next election and we'll see who is back in the White House. No it wont, and no one is forcing you to come to this board to read something that bothers you, but if anyone is ignorant and blind is the person who looks back at you in the mirror, you people have your head so far up your rear end that you know what's what? But just love to create conflict and apathy, its a pathology you all share. I know you just can't help yourself when you are filled with hate for someone because you got nothing else to do; so bounce some where where you can vent your hate about Trump; where your blood pressure doesn't rise, because there is board is not one of them. And what does the next election have to do with this? Well, that's when you get another surprise when Trumps wins again and all your socalled theories will prove bogus...Lol yes you are right on, I have got hammered with negative messages and just more personal dislike along with more media bogus links to Trump's socalled crimes?. I mean, I don't get these people, they forgot what Bush did with killing millions of people and took the economy to its worse ever, but I don't know what has Trump done that is so bad compare to that that hate they have for him is just all based on personal dislike of this man, its just so immature to me?. I was never a fan of Trump, I didn't care for his personality and some times he does act like a buffoon but I am not going to ignore what his actions that has with Korea and Russia, his attempt to build a wall to stop the illegals who come and abuse the system. Just take a look at the border states like California that is just getting worse. These people associate illegal immigration to racism, how many more Chinese do we have to let into this country?. They are already buying homes without living in this country, they buy and jack up the rent in almost every area of Los Angeles and San Francisco, I can show you ads on Craigslist that are in Chinese and they rent only to Chinese. Canada had so much problems with this issue they had to put a stop to. Even the Iranians in Iran are in favor for Trump as a president;regardless of his feelings about the Iran deal; because he has even reached out to them to create a face to face meeting instead of starting a war or more frictions with them or the middle east. He could have just joined Israel like any Republican president would have and keep the hate going against Iran; but Trump even said in his last speech this country can not afford to be in another War. These are the actions of Trump that I value. But people bash Trump for anything he does good and attack his children too. I am just sick of this crap and that's why I posted this and yes I can't wait for the next election and see how these people can eat their words. They don't get it that people of this country are finally waking up to the lies and how the media is a part of it, they are tired of the same parties running the same political theater for 30 years and nothing changes; Trump is the result of that, he is the political revolution and I hope even after him we elect an independent party that is not associated with either the two SHITS: Dem/Rep they are the dictators not Trump.