Moderator5's Replies

Dude, I'm 50 and that would still mess me up. No problem . Enjoy it, and sorry about your squirrel misadventures. (Though they do seem like a group of important lessons for "the kid") Quite the opposite, really. I would be on the wrong side of a legal action right quick. Congratulations. Here's to the next 3000! I believe maintaining Kowalski containment is a condition of our operating license 😂 I wouldn't be so sure that you are the oldest person on this board. Does that help? 😀 I couldn't resist. Probably started and stopped a few times since, but the jokes are still great! Congratulations, GlenEllyn! And thanks for all of those joke threads. Since "laughter is God's hand on a troubled world", I'm pretty sure that makes you an angel, at least. Here's to the next 21 🥂  🙂 Vampire's Kiss is a favorite of mine. Enjoy! <blockquote>The site attracts a lot of people with various mental and pathological problems. It's kind of sad.</blockquote> I also look for sites matching this profile and spend a year making thousands of posts there. I can send you the list if you are looking for a new spot to make friends. This spot clearly isn't for you, sir. Be well. No worries. Just wanted to let you know why the link you posted was edited out. I've advised Jim about this site and others several times over the years. Thanks for sounding the alarm, Mr. Hypemaster General. Please do me a favor and don't post links to sites like this should you come across them again. A PM to one of the mods would be appreciated, but there is no reason to be feeding traffic to whatever kind of fuckery is at work with these "mirror sites". Really? Please share a little bit of that "technical" legal analysis, Counselor. It's a little dark, I agree. Congrats, sslssg! Sure I would. I get love letters like this all the time: <blockquote>Someone should honestly track you down and put a bullet in your skull. How has that not happened yet?</blockquote> Nope. MovieChat moderators cannot access the PM's of other accounts.