Moderator5's Replies

Congrats. Send us a PM from now on please. What specific message did you receive and where was it displayed? Please assume for the purpose of this exercise that the implementation doesn't suck and it can be secured from such manipulation. (It can.) Do you have a view of that kind of feedback mechanism in the context of this site? What do you think of the reddit system? - Allow votes/likes for each post - Posts below a given vote threshold are hidden from view by default Or Pinspiration. Didn't know 2 at all. 1 & 3 were very nice people with different ideas about how to moderate this site. AFAIK they all left of their own accord. We also had a Mod6 once, who was great but she decided to return to civilian life. Mr. King also provided key inspiration. No, let's. That would be like sanctioning Itchy for trying to mutilate Scratchy on the reg. Congrats. Here's to the next 50,000 face-palms 🍻 You just know the patented sj pun is lying in ambush, but you walk into it every time anyway. Or at least I do. Thanks! Happy Easter to you as well. Knock it off, please. That is beautiful, Miss Ali. GlenEllyn has it right–we do not read everything. Not even close. Equanimity is critical in this role, but that doesn't mean endlessly letting guests piss on the carpet. What does MMC2 bring to the party other than his bile? About as much as R Kane. Are you sure about that? Please consider your answer carefully, if you are capable. It's an interesting legal question. If a single contract provision has no actual, practical effect in the real world, does a party's failure to perform it amount to a material breach of that contract? Logically, I would say "no", but the law isn't always logical. Sorry, no. Your replies are often what my first draft reply looked like. Not that I am suggesting a certain ungrateful bitch should fuck off once and for all or anything like that. I don't think I can handle another round of tribute posts, songs, etc. People are acting like hownos died in a fire while trying to rescue a family of orphans. He ragequit a message board because he was annoyed by an inch of screen space being dedicated to exactly the kind of movie-related content that we want here and a great community-building event.