Moderator5's Replies

You don't know how to use the wayback site. It brings up snapshots of what MovieChat looked like over the years and shows the changes I mentioned. Glad you are enjoying filmboards. Farewell. All are very worthy nominees. But why all dudes? I nominate a wonderful lady: GlenEllyn. He self-deleted before I knew what was happening. At first I thought the site had been hacked in some way. I removed those pin emojis because the first one I tried to open gave me an error message. Invalid characters usually being the cause of that error, I tried the first thing that came to mind. Now that the smoke has cleared and I recovered from the minor heart attack, I know there is no issue with using a pin emoji in the title. Anyone who had one in their thread title can edit and add it back if they would like to do so. It's supposed to be a mic drop. People just get tired of each other sometimes. He had the right idea in taking a break last week. Why did Hownos leave and basically vandalize the place on the way out? He forgot the number one rule of MovieChat: <spoiler>It's just a message board. Try to have some fun. There are only so many grains in the hourglass.</spoiler> Farewell, Dean. The post you replied to was intended to be a PM to someone else. Apologies. What was your original account name? All great suggestions, thanks. I maintain a running list for the owner in case he gets back into active development. Many times, Sparky, and quite a lot. You can view the history of MovieChat on the WayBackMachine: It guess it must seem like nothing when you aren't the one doing the work. Or paying for it. It has changed and I'm sure it will again at some point. He was banned and will not be returning. Empty threat. They have already cast Taylor Swift in that role. If that ever happens, please report the post. I have reliable information indicating that this particular donkey consented to the activity. Let's offensive jokes at all vs. occasional and reasonable restriction based on the actual content of an actual post. I'm going with the second showcase, Bob. Happy Birthday 🍻 I appreciate your humor personally but my personal view can't affect moderation duties. This was a little too much. The user interface is too busy but every site screws up UI. Otherwise it looks great. Congrats on 20K!