MovieChat Forums > cdb > Replies

cdb's Replies

If you think that's torture, imagine what the animators went through whom had to match the animals with the "Scuttlebutt" music. They'd have to listen to it over and over and over and over and over and tweak each second ad infinitum. Non sequitur. Don't you mean CBD? THC is > CBD. Ariel was DANISH. This is straight from the original book: "her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose-leaf, and her eyes as blue as the deepest sea" Is it opposite day? You're literally rewriting history conveyed as fact. ScarJo as Major and Johnny Depp as Tonto led to extreme backlash that tanked sales and even hurt the actors' careers. And nobody saw the movie Pan. Minorities have complained for decades whenever a white actor played a minority character. Funny how that works. Significant characteristics are immutable and should never change regardless of sex, race, hair color, height, weight, personality, ethnicity, nationality - including historical films. So by your definition, a black Little Mermaid is an extreme example. So let’s remake the Color Purple with an all white cast. Or are you just a racist? It made only $3.6 million in China which is the second largest film market in the world. The Little Mermaid would only become profitable above $560 million yet it's only reached $544 million. It's a flop. In theaters in 2024, Martin Luther King Jr. is an oppressed white man targeted by the racist black president, and also in 2024, Barack Obama is a far-right white woman. Black Panther is an elderly Asian woman. You're racist if you disagree with this, sweaty!1!1! NOPE, THE DANISH CONSIDER THE LITTLE MERMAID STATUE AS DENMARK'S STATUE OF LIBERTY. SCREAMING ONLY HURTS YOUR CREDIBILITY. The Little Mermaid is a deeply cherished story by the Danish people, so Ariel should be Danish. Anything else would be disrespectful to the Danish people. Alternative universes like Miles don't bother me as much but I always feel it's cheap writing and too contrived. Exactly! If they want more "representation", they can find characters that match the characteristics they want. I see what you're saying but it's like The Little Mermaid for me. It is an iconic Danish story cherished by the Danes so the mermaid should be Danish out of respect for the Danish people, just like Major the robot. Albeit robots have more leeway so ScarJo doesn't bother me as much. That's not steam. Your breath is literally freezing in the air so it's like microscopic snow. I don't care about that at all or most "alternate universe" characters. I'm referring to movies like The Little Mermaid or the Cleopatra show. Do you agree? Nah, they're immutable. Suspension of disbelief can only go so far until it's contrived and violates established rules in storytelling. There's this thing called reality. Not sure if you're aware of it. Alternate universes don't count at all. Unless the original character from an alternate universe like Spider Woman was changed, which is what they did in this film. Spider Woman is white, not black.