ChalupaBatman99's Replies

No Breakfast Club? Or any other John Hughes movie for that matter? I agree. I watch sitcoms to laugh. Another good one is how Seinfeld handled death. Susan dies..."Let's get some coffee." I don't know why so many sitcoms feel the need to cover the subject of death. Are they forgetting that the com part of sitcom is comedy? There wasn't much comedy in that episode. That being said, they handle it better than many sitcoms do. It wasn't a terrible episode. They should leave it at that, though. But they won't as they said the characters will experience ripple effects of it in future episodes. Also, them calling her a significant character is quite a reach. Her screen time through 10 seasons has to be less than an hour. I have the same problem of telling them apart too. It sounds silly but the characters are so forgettable and interchangeable. Yeah, the overacting and the melodrama of it all is kinda lame. The characters are kinda forgettable. I keep forgetting the character's names. Terminator should be held up as an example of why not every movie needs to be, nor should be, a franchise. Sometimes, a good movie needs to be nothing more than a good movie. It doesn't need to be some 8 part franchise. The Terminator was a good movie. T2 was better for the most part (Except where they completely changed the character of Sarah Conner. They might as well have gotten a new actress because the character was completely different). But after T2 the franchise fell off a steep cliff into a garbage dump. Yeah, I'm calling BS on the calculated business decision. Drake and Josh and Zoey 101 were wrapping up around the same time just like his they say his shows now are. But Nick didn't say, "We're good. We don't wanna do business with you anymore Dan." No, they went to him and said, "What's next?" and he gave the iCarly which was another huge hit for them. Then when iCarly and Victorious wrapped up, instead of shutting it down they got him to produce several more shows. It just seems odd that after 20 years of him bringing great ratings to the network that they would choose to cut him loose now. His next show could've been another iCarly level success. And I think they would be willing to roll the dice on that if there weren't something behind the scenes going on. [quote]Nickelodeon's issued statement is way too upbeat and positive to indicate any shady business.[/quote] What are they supposed to say? "We've been employing a known pedophile for the last 20 years because he brings such outstanding ratings but now that we've been caught we're cutting ties." We're learning now that pedophilia is pretty much an open secret in Hollywood. Nick had to have known this. But Dan's shows are a ratings cash cow. Why cut him loose all of a sudden if there weren't some shady reason to let him go? His ratings are too good to just let him go for business reasons. There has to be something else to it. Creepy? Yeah. Creepiest in Hollywood? That's a HUGE stretch. Everyone laughed at Cory Feldman but it's looking more and more like he was right in saying that pedophilia has run rampant in Hollywood for decades. And remember what Dave Chappelle said in The Bird Revelation? He said, What if the rapings weren't even the worst of it, or something close to that. Dave knows stuff but can't say it. I think that has to be at least part of the reason he left and went to Africa. I don't think he's just trying to be funny in his comedy anymore. I think he's trying to tell us something. I think he feels obligated to shine a light, but he can't come right out and say it. He's been threatened, I'm sure. If you've got something to say, just say it instead of posting some veiled comments with links to sites that don't say anything. If you're insinuating that Tim Allen and Jay Leno don't like each other, then you're more than likely mistaken. Them having animosity toward one another is an act. Jay had Tim on the Tonight Show multiple times and has also had Tim on Jay Leno's Garage several times in addition to Tim giving Jay a recurring role on Last Man Standing. They're both big car guys and are friends. This is a show about a plane that disappeared for 5 years yet the passengers haven't aged, people are hearing voices and seeing visions that lead them to extraordinary insights that save lives and you're having a hard time believing the seat spacing? At a drive thru? Like at McDonald's or something? Yeah, it's more of oat and aboat rather than oot and aboot. On Heartland you hear Jack saying oat. It was gonna be Penisy but it didn't rhyme. [url][/url] Along these same lines, I never understood why Anthony Michael Hall's character was called Farmer Ted. What did farmer have to do with anything? I haven't researched it but I assume that it's many of the same writers as before. Two actresses can give very different interpretations of the same exact role. She's in the new ABC drama A Million Little Things. She plays a much different role. Not sure if the show is gonna last, though. Thanks