xenario13's Replies

i just read that it's one and done. i still haven't finished season one so i don't know if it ends with the viewer wanting more. but what i have seen so far is really unfortunate. i don't know why they put the "penny dreadful" stamp on this show. That's interesting. Personally, I don't associate the term "soap opera" with bad writing. But I think that originally bond998 used the term to refer to romantic relationships and sex. I enjoyed the first season, but the second season was rubbish. I watched the show on TV from 1999 to 2001 after Xena because I just love genera shows like this. The lead character is male, but more female warriors and sorceresses are on the the show as it progresses. In particular, a female warrior named Arina (played by Marjean Holden) is in 22 episodes of the show and she is a very interesting character. I wish she could have spun off into her own series, but by the time Beastmaster ended the market for action/fantasy syndicated shows just disappeared. I guess the networks just weren't making that much money. I never much cared for Gabrielle: Warrior Princess, but I had to just accept it because in the finale she practically became Xena. Baywatch. The series, not the movie. Well, the show was decent. It's a coincidence how shortly after this show premiered racial issues erupted in American again. This show will probably get nominated for an Emmy or something, if only because it's subject matter is very timely. so they brought huntress back to kill her off? I always thought it was some kind of wood. I was 2 years old. At that time I was not taken to see movies. I found out anout it because at school there was a audio book on tape in the listening center I loved listening to so much. I got coloring books and story books that i read fir year until I saw the animated series on TV in the early 90s. When I was 6 years old I watched it at my aunts house. I need to rewatch this series because right now I just can't answer this question I don't watch the show much these days, so here goes. 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 awful she was a child actor. Sometimes they can't continue their acting careers or don't want to. The last time I saw her she was very overweight. Maybe you could expand your definition of "west" to include places that aren't just the Wild West. I haven't watched this season, but I did see some of season 1 and I got bored. Maybe they want to mix it up this season to draw in more viewers? I don't know the Survivor filming schedule. If they haven't already filmed the next season then they will just have to postpone it. They did a "Cops" style episode where the investigation was filmed. I don't remember how that one turned out. Might re-watch it if I can remember the season and episode number. It's b/c most people are into social media like twitter now. When IMDB was around this forum saw more action, but this Moviechat clone may not get the same of hits. Well, compared to Edge of Extinction the Ponderosa is great room and board. LOL With the Ponderosa the eliminated players got a room and a cook to prepare them food. They also got clean clothes, hot showers, and probably other amenities that were never aired. Now it seems like they don't get any of that. I would like to see less puzzles and balance challenges that favor more thin and toned players.