Mikester's Replies

Very interesting, Thanks! Episode 2: Black couple: he spends like 400-600usd on mobile phone games. They have a few thousands on bank accounts, 100k in debt and want to buy a house. These people on these shows are like comically bad with money. I guess that's how you get a bit more views, but i doubt this show is successful. lol at the dramatic slowmotion-shots of the guru all the time I put my very soft spoiler in spoiler so you can read it. For me it was worth Appreciate you for writing that, hope you have good days When i watched the movie i did not think the mother was racist. And i thought the daughter was portrayed as a little racist. I did not feel the director tried to sell anything, i think he did a great job painting realistic people (Not perfect. On the whole rational. And not making superstupid decisions like so often in movies) My guess is a movie like eg 'before sunset' you say also that nothing happened at all, just because they were 'just talking'. I think it's same with this one here. While in this one i think also a lot happened. There are just no clear conclusions. Actually the <spoiler>houseowner black guy gave us the explanation at the end</spoiler> and i like that they did, but the movie is i think about empathizing with this feeling of being out of control and not knowing what's happening, thats the goal. Not 'but who did it!'. There are other movies that are about 'ok, what happened, how can the heroes stop it' and they can also be great, and this one was different and i liked it. And i can believe it's not the cup of tea of other people. Not sure, perhaps they know someone and want to help them. But the scenario of the movie - attack of foreign country: just cutting off communication by hacking and doing some minimal terrorist attacks and misinformation, so the country starts their own civil war and do their own coup de tat - supposedly the cheapest way to fuck up a country. Is a kinda political scenario The countermessage is 'our vulnerability is our divisiveness, don't start a civil war' Besides that i really like the movie, i think it's an artistic movie that's about the characters, and about this situation they are in of mostly not knowing. And realistic characters, realistic choices, and i don't see it as a political movie at all :) I thought the house owner was quite humble I really enjoyed the tension of not knowing - i knew the same thing as the characters - basically hardly anything - and so i felt with them in the confusion and tension of 'omg, this is weird, now i really wanna know what's going on'. We never see inside the city, but we see a lot of helicopters over the city when the bombs go off. Also the black guy right at the end explained very clear what is happening, what's the scenario of the movie - that there are no rogue forces, just cutting off communication by hacking and doing some minimal terrorist attacks and misinformation, so the country starts their own civil war and do their own coup de tat - supposedly the cheapest way to fuck up a country. Rose is super-stressed and that's why she clings on to her new favorite series, she seeks comfort in that. I found all characters to be realistic and human, and not making superstupid decisions (like in many other movies). Also no interracial woke messages i see at all. Teslas are just crashed because of their great ability to self drive. The black daughter is a little paranoid and racist, the movie does not portray this as anything good, she is just portrayed as the others as not perfect humans. I really found this movie to be much more exciting and interesting than eg the latest marvel movie (don't feel much great tension, interest or empathy with the characters there) Now that's a dark way to end it :) I have to agree i also thoroughly enjoyed it, i loved the tension throughout and agree the ending was a bit underwhelming to me. On the other hand i imagine someone making this in a series, and then it would have a strong start and then get old soon - while the movie it keeps being interesting, then there is like a 30sec ending and done. The Dears thing was a bit to mystical to me. I was sometimes a little bit confused in the start/middle of the season, and i found the last episode to be very emotionally satisfying and i slowly felt that i finally kinda get the story) Wondering about the same Don't think they did My best explanation: Loki God of mischief magician has some kind of natural talent for time travel or smth - that's why 'the one who remains' chose him to be his successor, cause he didn't want the job anymore. And led him on his path to finally meet him and offer him the job. Totally, i was wondering about that One time he prunes himself and replaces himself I am probably missing something Wtf, you are talking about a woman that is nearly 60 years old. Episode 5: Elba lies that the hijacker little brother will die in the next hour – so hijacker boss agrees to land in Rumania. Then Elba hears the little brother saying ‚don’t land for me‘ – now instead of just ignoring it and letting them land - like he wanted to - he does something different: he tells hijacker-bigger-brother that they should not land because little brother said so. I am not sure about Elba’s thinking and motives, why does he do what he does. Episode 6: 2 bad criminals are released from prison. ‚Don’t follow us or people will die‘. They have a tracker on the car, but still follow them super-obviously with 3 black cars in viewing distance? The bad guys great plan is to threaten the family of Elba guy on the plane? Because he ‚made trouble‘. But they already have total control on him on the plane and they know he will die with the plane in a few hours? Where is the sense in that? That’s like robbing a bank, taking a few hostages on the way out for your own safety - and then call up some friends and tell them to kill the families of your hostages for no reason? Elba sends around the milk package with ‚lets get ready to fight‘ to all passengers. Many get ready. Bad guy is about to shoot a passenger, it’s clear for everybody. Elba jumps on big bad bossguy. They fight for the gun… and nobody helps him, wtf. Somewhere in there a mother was sitting in middle column seat at one end, on the other end sat the father. In the 2 middle seats there were their 2 children. ‚Suddenly‘ this little girl ‚got lost‘. In like ‚omg, my little daughter is suddenly not sitting right next to me anymore. And doesn’t get ‚found‘ for like a minute or something. That just doesn’t seem physically possible. In total, i enjoyed it. And sometimes i was pissed off because things didn’t seem logical to me. First 3 episodes: Elba guy in first episode just had to send ‚plane hijacked, help‘ with his phone. Instead he texts a shitty obscure ‚There is an incident on the plane‘ text. WTF why? First he sends this utterly shitty message which totally makes noone on the ground believe plane is hijacekd. Then he works all kinds of tricks (captain getting the flight off course for 3 degrees) to let the ground know the plan is hijacked. Also his ‚trick‘ with charming the hijacker boss: He tells the boss to earn his trust some insider info: that the pilot is a problem, ‚he could go anywhere with the plane‘. That it’s autopilot anyway, that hijacker boss should remove pilot from cockpit. Result: Ground calls plane, they don’t answer, it’s suspicious. For some strange reason hijacker boss is afraid of letting the pilot himself answer (why?) and lets co-pilot answer instead (who actively resisted before, while the pilot was always super-cooperative with the hijackers) – why? Is it true that the plot is this: First season Seldon tells Empire that Empire will fall and lead to 100k years or something of dark ages, while if Seldon is allowed to build a bunker where all knowledge is stored, these dark ages can be shortened to just eg 1000 years. Then empire lets them do that at the edge of Empire-Space. In Season 2 it comes out the foundation doesn't really build an encyclopedia, but really it seems they are preparing for war against empire to take it over. I like the Empire-Storyline best. A science fiction series that tells the story of a galaxy/dynasty over thousands of years - i mean that is something new i haven't seen on TV yet. I heard in a youtube video that the books were these big societal storylines, that show that societal forces are determining the future (*not* small number of individuals) = the entire point of psychohistory, and that history can be foreseen by that. And this tv-show seems to throw this main idea mostly just overboard and making a few characters with magical powers (one chick can foresee the future, one chick can see the past or something) basically determining the future. I was wondering about eg: - a few hundred people = 'the foundation' somehow in 200 years overtake whole empire technology-wise and inventing a new great way of space travelling. One that gets by without specially made creatures that empire needs for it. And they also invent another thing (a substance that makes the creatures independent) somehow. Totally, they even show how she did it with the other guy that she just shot in the foot and voilla everybody saw it was a skrull..