themightyperm's Replies

And even funnier, they said yeah. lol. At this point you should stop because clearly this person is a little slow. You just don't understand how genes work. Genes exist and then people put labels on types of looks. There are identical people who are unrelated. There have been people that met their doppelganger, did a DNA test, and found they weren't even closely related. Their genes just made people who are on outward appearance very similar looking. The Huns came over to Europe and banged a bunch of people there, so there is a a continuum of people that might look a little Asian. Sometimes it skips a generation. So, that's always going to be thing. The classification of Asian people vs Whites was non-existent before Carol Lineas invented the system in 1758. The reason is people had been mixing for centuries. Asians like whites live on the same latitudes and super continent and very on the equator by melanin in the same way. Middle Eastern People are just dark white people, just like Vietnamese people are dark Koreans. They live on different latitudes and have different adaptations for vitamin d management. Carol Lineas decided to classify people by White, Yellow, Brown, Red, and Black. Melanin comes in two main types Eumelanin which is a dark brown color, and Pheomelanin which is a reddish orange color. Skin color will be dependent on how high or low those two pigments are. If looking Asian and looking Caucasian is so distinct? WTF is Keanu Reeves, Jennifer Lawrence, Bjork? Why does every Latino and Jewish person just look like a white person when they bleach their hair? The fact is these are constructs, you haven't really thought about it. I got news for you not all the guys with white beard wearing a red jacket are no all Santa Clause. Do you even know what an epicanthic fold is? Race is a construct. If some aliens came down from space we'd all look the same to them. Weird bald chimps. nah, see they'll be fighting wearing hazmat suits and then be dead from nukes. Like whatever man. George Lucas called American Grafitti a musical. None of the characters sang. But the whole movie was set to songs of the movie's era. And even if they did sing in Joker 2. It's actually people that can sing well. I always thought she was attractive. She used to be my local news anchor. She's fairly hot, but now she's also a crazy sellout politician type person. Gone from anchor to grifter. It's too bad what happened here. He probably prepared for this. Probably one of his friends. Nolan had split from Warner by the time Flash had came out. He's not in the production Credits. The last DCEU movie he produced was Justice League, which got stolen from Snyder. He also told Snyder "Don't watch that cut, it will break your heart" I think Man of Steel, which Nolan produced was great, but The DCEU really started to falter whenever Snyder left for personal reasons. Suicide Squad was really messed with by the studio. David Ayer filmed a cut, and then the studio did reshoots when they were supposed to be doing the special effects. If you notice the first trailer vs the second series of trailers there is a complete tone shift. The Suicide Squad movie that did come out did not feel like a David Ayer movie. Israel is in Asia. And the Huns invaded eastern Europe in the 4th century. Now maybe you think that is a stretch, but he does have type III epicanthic folds. I remember being a teenager at the theater and thinking, this is really really bad and cheesy. Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze sounded great. If he just played the part like terminator it would have been great, but the writing was so bad. Batman Forever is still fun though. It's only been 4 days. And it's actually the number one box office movie. It's so weird that a movie can be the number one movie in a weekend and still be considered a flop. It still has another weekend before Indiana Jones comes out. I personally didn't watch it until Monday because I was worried about opening weekend crowds. I had wanted to watch it when it came out, but my friend said wait till Monday. So we did. I bet a lot of people did that. Barry will never be in the right universe. He probably wasn't in the right universe when he went back and talked to Afleck Bruce the first time. Yeah, Russia is the size of Pluto. Why do they need Crimea? Donbas? South Osettia? and Transnistria? The fact is they are invading other countries. They're already big and they want more. I think invading Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova was meddling in the affairs of their respective countries. If you're on the side of the invaders in the 21st century then you're on the wrong side. How about Russia just keeps the 1992 Borders? And its stupid to think there isn't Russian imperialism. Russia is a top 3 most imperialist countries. "Who is trying to do that? You can't read or respond to the facts, so you just made that up." You by trying to support the NATO encroachment theory. NATO encroachment was a Soviet Union problem. Not a Russian problem. For all NATO cared Russia could have joined. BECAUSE THERE IS NO SOVIET UNION. Russia's excuse for invading another country can't be "The US armed them", if the US armed them. Then stay they hell out. It's none of Russia's business. Maybe they shouldn't play the bad guy when they get goaded? If they had minded their own business they wouldn't have sanctions upon sanctions. And maybe Putin should just retire. He's been in power for longer than the soldiers he's been sending to their deaths have been alive. Russia started this over a gas pipeline. I'm not 10 years old. I remember when this was happening. I was in my mid 20s at the time. It isn't a just a historic Wikipedia article to look at or some propaganda points for me. This was going on before NATO was ever involved. The Cold War ended in 1992. And no matter how much propaganda people spew about NATO vs Russia this is all a smoke screen to distract that Putin ended his countries constitution, and ceased authoritarian control. Going to war is what dictators do to stay in power. Because any dissent becomes betrayal. Russia is not the Soviet Union. Russia was a non-threat that nobody cared about until they started invading other countries. All the sanctions imposed is punishment for their own actions and has nothing to do with agreements with the soviet union. There never needed to be this false equivalency to the adversarial relationship that the NATO and the USSR. Russia could have been a regular friendly country, but it is ran by a megalomaniac and his oligarch henchmen. If they had not done these things they would have regular diplomatic relations, there would be no sanctions. Rex Tillerson would have had a giant Exxon plant over in Russia. Between 1992 and 2008 there was no USSR vs NATO conflict, because the USSR had DISSOLVED. Trying to characterize NATO vs Russia as the same thing as NATO vs the USSR is entirely recent Russian propaganda. Gorbachev said this was bullshit. Think about it logically, when there wasn't an expansionist power like the USSR around, what is there for NATO countries to do as an alliance organization? Thinking NATO would attack Russia directly, who has Teller-Ullum TSAR H bombs is silly. This is Russia's BS excuse to steal resource land from other states and distract from the Russian peoples disenfranchisement. NATO has no reason to try to land grab Russia. But blaming NATO is their go-to justification. Russia is in Ukraine and Georgia right now. They started invading their neighbors in 2008. Having economic relations with countries isn't the same as invading them. Until 2008 the cold war had ended in 1992. There was no reason for Russia to start it back up. Russia could have been like any other country. But the leadership became dipshits. We don't worry about italy? Why because they don't invade other countries. What benefit is it for the world if a state like Russia is allowed to take over any of its neighbors? If Russia took over Ukraine it would grow by 43 million people. If it took over Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia it would grow by another 5.9. This would make the population go up from 143 million to 192 million. If it then invaded poland its population would go up to 229 million. If it took over Georgia that gets it to 239 million. If it took over Belarus it's up to 248 million. How about combined Slovenia, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic it's up to the 267 million people. + Kazahkstan. And then Russia doubles its population to nearly 300 million through war and conquest. The combined population of former soviet countries is 284 million. The United States does not want to compete with that. The United States does billions and billions of dollars worth of investment with these countries. Messing up any money we would make from them. Keep in Mind Russia is about the size of Pluto already. And then Putin dies in 10-20 years from old age and then all of those places are in horrible wars because nobody defended them to begin with. And it's a 21st century hell that could have been avoided. A bunch of Northern English hippie guys who write songs about love and LSD. But they totally won't admit their definitely LSD song is about LSD. They went as far as to imprint false memories to cover their tracks. Looks like a member of the Royal Tudor/Grey family. So, much so she played one, an it was excellent casting. She played Lady Jane Grey and wow. Look it up. I'm a 38 year old man, and I barely have any armpit hair. I have a hairy chest, some hair on my back, but my armpit hair is super thin and colorless/transparent. The fact that she doesn't have armpit hair isn't even rare on Earth. Hair comes in varieties.