themightyperm's Replies

I don't think people are born with a predilection so much as they acquire preferences over time. The brain is a plastic thing that keeps reprogramming itself. Some programming is more permanent than other programming. Sexuality is like learning a language. Before you speak any language you have to be open to try to speak it. Like I don't mind learning Spanish, but Navajo. Hold on now. I already know my tongue is not going to be able to do those things. This always stuck out for me. I have to say though, the ship looks cramped inside but gigantic on the outside. It's blood is capable of melting metal. The alien has metal teeth. Maybe it gets nourishment from spaceship grates. Or maybe it blows up like a balloon! Agreed! He's banging that Penguin guy in the movie Alexander. Easy for a nobody to say about a somebody. Where's your movie chat page? We've certainly gotten really meta "I have no idea what you think an "idealized Jew" looked like to the world of 1939, but in general the characterizations in Nazi propaganda were pretty much the popular conception of Jews at the time, even in America." Superman pissed the Nazis off so much that Nazi propaganda publicly denounced Superman. Idealized Jewish man is something like a Zohan. Tall, dark, and handsome. "Hardly. Not to pick on Asians in particular, but by way of example, your description fits Bolo Yeung. Bolo does not look like Superman." You misinterpreted what I said. What I mean is that among most iterations of Superman that is a commonality. He's usually Tall, muscular, and has black hair. The traits George Reeves, Christopher Reeve, John James Newton, Gerard Christopher, Dean Cain, Tom Welling, Brandon Routh, Henry Cavill, and Tyler Hoechlin all have in common is they were muscular and had black hair as Superman. Though the caveat is when they colorize George Reeves his hair is more brown. Also, Bolo Yeung as Superman. I would watch that. All classification systems are constructs, so yes race is a construct. Human beings have 3 billion base pairs of DNA. What is on the superficial outside is not very useful for classification. Let me give an example: Say I have 20 black jars and 20 white jars. If I were tasked to classify them by the outside color I would have failed, because as it turns out 10 jars have honey inside of them, 15 have vinegar, and 15 have salt. The only way to know what is on the inside of them is to look inside. You can't make an assumption about the contents based on the color. Some white dudes have sickle cell anemia. The difference between looking White and looking Asian is really thin. Asians, Europeans, Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans have similar skin tones. White, Red, and Yellow are just reductive ways to describe the skin tones. The only noticeable average difference is epicanthic folds in the eyelids. But eye shape isn't 100% in any group. Some Asians have western eyes and some Europeans have eastern eyes. Superman was created by two Jewish guys. Superman was always supposed to be an idealized Jew with a name like Kal-EL. Israel is in Western Asia. The only solid trait for Superman is he has black hair and is muscular. Also, the Huns invaded Europe a thousand years ago so there is some eastern genes spread throughout Europe. Not everyone from Europe is a Scandinavian looking viking. The Romans controlled North Africa and Coastal Southern Europe, and thought the Vikings were "Savages". They did manage to colonize the British Isles. Europe is right next to Asia. Europe is also right next to Africa. The only things that stopped the world from being totally homogenized were: The Sahara Desert, The Ural Mountains, The Himalayan mountains. Had these hindrances not existed people could have traveled more and mixed more. Race is a construct. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. My experience with McDonalds has been pretty off and on. The best McDonalds to go to are the ones that have recently opened. Any fast food place in general is like that. When they initially open a location they have decent quality control and then eventually the staff rotates and it's shit. Our local Circle K opened a new location 5 years ago. They had a pizzeria inside the store. The Pizza was great! Then about a year later it was shit and they raised the price. my brain hurts now. Keanu Reeves grandmother was Native Hawaiian-Chinese, he has a few ancestors that were Asian/Pacific Islander. So the white savior complaints fall apart really. Turns out there are a bunch of huge movies where the main actors are multi-racial. The Rock, Keanu Reeves, and Vin Diesel are all gigantic stars with international ancestry. Arizona here. We'll start calling our place Cactusland. The only thing I had ever seen Val Kilmer on at the time was Real Genius and Willow. I didn't think too much about it. Before Michael Keaton was Adam West. So, for me it really didn't matter that a new person was Batman. Actors move on and get replaced. I still think he was one of the best versions of Batman. He's in a weird movie, which I enjoy, but if Christopher Nolan was directing at the time he'd fit right in. He's almost 60. In 2 more years he'll be 60. Nicholas Cage is 57. Brad Pitt is 57. Tom Cruise is 59. George Clooney is 60. That whole generation is 60. They look great at 60. Ben Affleck is 49, Matt Damon is 50, Leonardo DiCaprio is 46. These are also actors and can look however they want. This picture of Nicholas Cage was taken before this one In the television version of Halloween they have some scenes cut, but they also have extra scenes with some exposition saying Michael Meyers and Laurie Strode are brother and sister. I remember when conservative Dan Savage rejoiced over the death of Tim Russert who ran the NBC show Meet the Press. I was sickened by how callous he was about the guys death just because they were on different parts of the political spectrum. But I get it now. On the republican side I was saddened by the death of John McCain because he was an actual asset to our country, but Rush Limbaugh was such a political tool. He was a grifter that engineered divide and spin in our country for profit. He was a hypocrite. He was a liar. He was a liability. Good Riddance. Go watch The Rocketeer The margins were so huge that if they found 5 or 6 or 1000 he would still be behind. They didn't cheat in plain site, that video you saw was snippeted without much context to trick you. That "table" you saw them getting all the votes out of was actually a cubby and they had been getting the votes out of that cubby the whole day. Watch this video that isn't an overhead video so you can get a greater context than your "the sun rotates around the earth" view When you see things from other angles you get a broader view. Trump didn't just lose Georgia, or Pennsylvania, or Michigan, Arizona... He lost them all at the same time. Completely different governments ran by other Republicans. Trump was saying the vote was rigged in 2016 before he won. This is his schtick. He's just as bad as the Myanmar military who are more successfully using Trump's same rhetoric to steal that country. This is not an isolated incident to America, this is a regular tactic authoritarians use to steal countries. You fell for the scam. If he had lost in 2016 he would have said the same thing, and done this same thing. You drank the kool-aid so bad you just repeat rhetoric like "dementia joe" Stop listening to Donald Trump and his lying propaganda ministry. They say things all the time that people who don't have Dory the Fish's memory remember are not true. and remember if you're going to believe Kayleigh McEnany we've always been at war with Eastasia.