mitzibishi's Replies

Why do you propose that I care what you think? Are people not allowed to "discuss" movies on a discussion board for movies? You've contradicted yourself multiple times. You clearly haven't watched this movie or paid attention between flicking through tic tok stories. >It's simply about chasing tornadoes. Shawshank Redemption is simply about a wrongly accused man in prison. Jaws is just about a shark. Not much else. Brody's wife is unneeded to the overall plot of chasing the shark. We don't need to see Brodys kids, or family life, or the islanders, or island politics. It's simply a shark hunt movie. The rest they should cut out. Dune is simply about a boy who goes to a desert planet and rides a sand snake. Lord of the Rings is simply about a midget walking a ring to a volcano and chucking it in. Simply a Buffoon. No more Zions. Whenever they switch to Zion I switch off. It's boring. Hemp sweaters are lame. Make it so they never reach Zion, because it doesn't exist. It's a folk tale to give themselves hope that escapees are living free. At the end of the final movie when they free themselves, they reach Zion because they are free, and they make Zion then. Keep it in the Matrix, do karate, gunplay with leathers, black clothes, and sun glasses. Everybodies to blame really. But the writing is terrible. Hackneyed. Pedestrian. Worthless. They couldn't write an exciting script if they tried. And they have tried multiple times. How many chances do they get? >she demeaned and humiliated herself Succinct. In a bid to make Tony jealous, and he didn't care. "Shut up" ha haaa Twister was just exciting action and special effects and characters, character arcs. The chasing tornadoes is secondary to the Bill Paxton character arc and relationship with Helen Hunt. Ya know, the two LEADS of the movie. Most of their dialogue centres around this, in between "there's the Twister chase it", and even then those scenes all contribute to his arc, and their relationship. Ya know, character depth. You really think that beating Karl Ewes and putting the balls into the eye of the storm are the most interesting parts of the movie? They're just side plots man. Question: What do you think the audience is most invested in? Getting the balls to go into the eye of the storm? Or the Bill Paxton relationship with Helen Hunt and him getting back into the life? Gotcha. Obviously we watched a different movie if you didn't feel that Twister was character driven. Maybe you were staring at Tik Tok between scenes until the action came on screen? That's one way to lose a debate. So you want less character depth, character development and plot. I think Tic Toc would be a better option for you than movies. Or get a strobe light and stare at it for 2 hours. You will be highly entertained. So you're saying remove character depth from the lead player, and a whole plot element. Hey let's just have the main characters as cardboard cut outs? Let's remove all the side characters as they serve less purpose than Jamie Gertz. Let's remove the Twister and have a black screen. It's uneeded. So the whole Bill Paxton character arc is pointless? Certified good movie. It's old as hell and still holds up The change I've noticed is political figures constantly on the front page and less talk about movies. It's been taken over by people obsessed with USA politics, get horny for old men in suits, then sling mud over which old man in a suit is their favourite. Of course. It's 2024 after all and woke is HOT right now! It's what the movie goers want and are paying to see! Beetlejuice is the epitome of all white men and the root of all evil. Can't wait for subtle metaphors in big lights to be shoved down my throat. Of course she did. It's not even the love triangle. Bill Paxton came into the movie a changed man. He was domesticated and wanting out of the life, then he slowly fell back into the life. It was more like a love square as he was more in love with the chase and slowly realised it. A large chunk of the movie is devoted to that and his character arc and Jamie Gertz is a key character in this sub plot. You're saying the Bill Paxton character arc is unneeded as well? White males are the ultimate evil so it will stay the same Why didn't he let go? Maybe his wife was planning something for bedtime and he wanted out of his misery and held on tight. It's the opening to Jaws, Jurassic Park. The monster is not revealed, but shows you how dangerous it is. Bonus points for a family member being dragged away, which gives the character the motivation for revenge later in the film. Except this time it isn't a monster. It's a strong wind. Lamer than scientists explaining to each other things they should already know? Only unstable 3rd world countries like the US. Regret is not rape. She didn't really want to have sex with the guy. But that's not rape because she fully consented and like the guy above said, she consented and went through with it to make Tony jealous. Tony didn't care. So she regretted it. The outcome to make Tony jealous didn't pay off for her. If it did make him jealous she would have been giddy with joy. Neither are rape. But you would most likely have an innocent man thrown in jail for the rest of his life because an idiot failed to make somebody jealous. Tony Manero was blasting chicks left right and centre. How can it be gay? You do what you gotta do, and Tony got it done.