alycat32's Replies

The first Sleep Away Camp was amazing. However, I enjoy the other two films and Return to Sleep Away Camp just as much. Never seen the survivor. I kind of consider Return to sleep away camp a direct sequel to Sleep Away Camp and then Unhappy Campers and Teenage Wasteland separate entities. I mean, it's still Angela but it's a lot more campy and cheesy. Not to mention hilarious. That's normally the kind of 80's slasher I like. So I do love them all. I keep going back and forth. I really liked this last episode. I cracked up seeing them killing Limahl. I wonder if he got a kick out of it. I wonder if he knows. Sometimes the endings draw me in. There's two episodes left so we will see. It's not been my favorite, but so far i've finished all the seasons, even if I had to take a break and go back to them. I'm starting to agree. I'll reserve my final decision until the last episode, but so far for me it started out interesting and now i'm leaning more towards it being my least favorite. Some of the twists are interesting but there are so many that i'm like "eh..." BUT we will see. Yep and honestly, they are pretty spot on with the binge eating stuff in the second season. People that don’t have that problem might think it’s over the top or spoofy but honestly I felt like it was pretty accurate for many people. I'm hearing a lot of unsavory things about Dan that I hope aren't true. It's interesting, he and Brian Robbins were both young actors together. Both did roles in movies and guest spots on tv shows as teens and then were in Head Of The Class in their early 20s playing teenagers. After that they disappeared behind the camera and started writing and producing. Dan's been like a cash cow for Nick and I believe Brian is now the president of Nick. So some people go on to do behind the camera stuff. Danny Cooksy from Salute your Shorts mostly does voice over work. While not Nick, child actors like Will Friedel (Eric on Boy Meets World) and Jason Marsden (seemed to be everyone's best friend in the 90s..Eric's on Boy Meets World, Jt's on Step By Step but was virtually everywhere) do a ton of voice work. The saddest thing as a fan i've read, But makes total sense, is Danny Cooksy saying something along the lines of he barely remembers filming Salute your Shorts. That it was just a job that was filmed in a very quick amount of time and he barely remembers it. The actor that played Donkey Lips also said something along the lines of it not necessarily being fun for him, as it was just a job. He was the primary bread winner for his family at the time and the pressure was on for him. The actor that played Gary on Are You Afraid Of The Dark? Has mentioned a few times that he didn't realize the show was so big to fans and thought it was kind of hilarious because he said he and the other members of the midnight society were on the screen for maybe five minutes an episode and they filmed all of those openings at once. Similar to Danny Cooksy's "meh I don't remember much" type attitude. The guy that played Gary has come around a bit though and embraced the show now after really talking to fans and seeing how much it meant to them. All of that really puts into perspective how different it is acting in a show compared to being a fan of a show. I actually did think Chucky resembled a Team America member at certain points LOL I was hoping it was a joke too, making fun of the fact that everyone seems to think Millennial's are tweens. It's so hard to say though because again, everyone seems to not know what a Millennial is. Toss up between Rowlf (not sure i'm spelling that correctly) and Swedish Chef. I don't think he counts, but I also love Sprocket from Fraggle Rock. I've heard this for years and have wondered, if something finally comes out publicly, if Keenan Thompsan or Kel or anyone will make a statement. It always comes down to you wondering if they knew but just dealt with it and moved on and didn't say anything or if they didn't have the same experience some of the others did and had no idea. And who'd know what to believe. I'm sure when your a tween or even a teenager being threatened that your career and livelihood will be over if you say anything is pretty scary. From the blind items that keep popping up it seems like there are many actors and actresses that experienced or knew someone that did but they dared speak out on it. I'm surprised that celebs still openly trash other celebs and their friends in public..because it seems like in the last 7 years it's been a "Who will be accused of sexual misconduct or being a pedo this week?" It seems like the ones that are the most vocal sometimes trashing someone else, are the ones that next thing they know, skeletons pop out of their closet. I'm not saying Mark Ruffalo or anyone that made a tweet about this situation has anything to hide, but these days if your famous it seems you should be very careful what you say. WEIRD is it that your now like 27? Maybe 28. You probably won't even see this it was that long ago, but I was reading this post and thinking man time has flown! Omg this is why i'm here. I just recently discovered the blind item websites. I was reading about how the rumor is that Heather O'Rourke died of a bowel obstruction and sepsis BECAUSE she was raped and sodomized by a few man after the filming of an episode of a tv show called Rocky Road shortly before she died. Then I read about Henry Winkler saying she had committed suicide in a video, (he said this in the video, not that she committed suicide in a video) but he seemed out of it in the video and the details were actually about Judith Barsi, and not Heather. Then, to get to the point of this post, I fell down the rabbit hole and read one about Kids Inc and was totally totally blown away. I hope none of it's true but now i can't not think about it. Man..I can't believe how many years ago that episode was now. I was pregnant with my son and about to pop at the time. He's now a few months past having turned 15. I remember I was afraid I was going to miss the big controversial episode but I think I caught it just before I was induced. Actually, I just went back and looked and it didn't air until AFTER he was born by a few months. I'm not sure why I thought it was before I was born. Unless the episode/season was hyped up for a few months. Really strange.I remember for some reason being afraid I was going to miss an episode. Strange how we remember things sometimes. For me it's kind of a mix of sadness and a feeling of awe that in some cases these people have been dead for MANY years. I check imdb and find out if some were still alive today they'd be like 115 or something like that. What really gets me is that my dad is 68. Hes a big Encore Western's channel watcher. Before he was forced to retire a few years ago due to a stroke, he would get home from work and eat dinner, and watch westerns until he went to bed. Now he tries to keep busy during the day but still watches them consistently. I imagine they are nostalgic for him and that he probably watched them on tv with his own father, who passed away in the 70s before I was born. I was listening to one of the..I don't know what you'd call it. It was a kind of production logo type thing with music and rainbow colors that pops up before one of his westerns and the music is so somber to me. It made me think man..if I happen to run across this when i'm his age, and considering he'd be 97 i'm sure he'll have sadly passed, I will feel the same way watching it as my dad must feel watching it now. The music will make me feel even sadder. Ok i'm babbling now. I hope some of this made sense. This is another very old post, but I have to agree. I was only about 12 when Schools out was on and didn't actually see it until a year later. Other than the episode where Spike gets pregnant, which we watched in health class in 5th grade, I hadn't seen any other episodes of Degrassi until we got Showtime. During which time it was in a block of tv with two other early 90's Canadian tv shows. Ready or Not and Chris Cross. It's kind of weird to think that I technically became a fan after the series ended, it just wasn't that LONG after it had ended. When Next Gen came on I was 9 years younger than the original cast and 6 years older than the new cast. It's insane how even Next Gen and the short lived Next Class is over now. I know this post is crazy old, but yes! I've always thought that they'd at LEAST run into someone at the movies they knew. I agree with you and ADBruno1985. Wondering how they can stretch another 7 episodes out. It really does feel like they've got to leave the camp at some point, but maybe not. I also thought this one was the most interesting so far. That’s what I’m wondering. I mean they are using a lot of campy things from that time period, which makes me wonder if it’s on purpose, because if anyone watched General Hospital during that time period they know that they played and replayed that scene to DEATH. For years during their love story. It got in your head. Then when they finally got married it was like some phenomenon, even people that didn’t watch soap opera’s were aware of it. However if you were born in the mid to late 80s and never watched the show, you’d never know the difference. It just seemed like such a weird tacky and campy choice since everytime I hear that song I think of that scene LOL. And honestly I don’t hear it that often. It just seems like a very random and strange choice that seems far too random to be coincidental. However, it very well could be. I’ve not seen anyone else in the comment section for the show on Facebook mention it. The song might have just been popular at the time too for all I know. Ah well, doesn’t matter. If I hadn’t watched their storyline in the past few years I’d never have know No the one he raped her to This one. About four minutes into the clip. And here’s American horror with it I find it really interesting and always wonder how much is scripted and how much is reality. Despite how ridiculously scripted some of their guesses seem (Lady Gaga is NOT going to be on this least not as a contestant and guessing someone like Wynonna Judd when it's someone fairly petite), they DO seem genuinely shocked most of the time when someone's revealed. I'm just wondering if the person has got to be someone at least all the panel had heard of. How awkward if one of them had no idea who it was. I have no idea if that's happened yet. It's strange because a lot of the time their guesses are so insanely off base, (as if it's on purpose for scripted comedy) like they didn't even LISTEN to the singer or pay attention to the clues. I might just be cynical. I really enjoy the show but I am skeptical. Last year I knew Donnie Osmond after about ten seconds, and Ricky Lake right off the bat from her clues. This year so far i'm struggling, but when someone pointed out they think the dog is Chris Daughtry I was like holy crap, your right, the clues "It's Not Over" and his voice sound JUST like it. I knew it sounded familiar but couldn't place it. Some say the ladybug is Kelly Osbourne putting on a fake accent. The Ham clue would be her mom throwing a ham over the fence to the neighbors, she's been a judge on tv shows, Australia being one of the places she was a judge at so the Sydney bridge, family drama, etc. She somewhat sounds like what I remember too from Papa Don't Preach days. I'm hoping Wednesday I can guess who the next batch is. I'm trying not to read comments about guesses until i'm stumped haha.