alycat32's Replies

I know it's Campy and Cheesy as all get out but Earth Girls Are Easy was my favorite. He was SO cute in that. So it was for Shallow reasons. I loved seeing him and Geena Davis together on screen. My next one would be Vibes! Then Jurassic Park. Agreed. Normally I have to give the seasons at least a few episodes in before I really know how I’m going to feel about it. Hotel I couldn’t get past the first three episodes. Then I went back six months later and pushed through to the next few and now it’s one of my favorites. Roanoke not so much. I could ALMOST handle the first few episodes but the second half made it my least favorite season. Cult wasn’t my favorite either. I’ve seen a few people mention that they think it’s going to have a weird Roanoke twist to it. I’d not be shocked. So much had been thrown in just two episodes already. 🤣 embarrassed to admit but about three years ago I was watching old clips from that era on YouTube I mean, I’ve heard it in the grocery store before too and done a double take, so I know it could just be that it was a popular song back then in the late 70s early 80s, but I’m so curious. I thought she looked 16 in this movie 🤣 I don’t think she looked her age at all 🤷‍♀️ Yep. I was thinking the same thing. Are we supposed to believe he was able to drive himself around? Not hopped up on some good pain pills? We heard that thing snap ugh. I thought the deporting of Tony's family happened awfully strange too. They set it up like they disappeared into thin air like the McStay family. Stove still on or whatever, food out. Etc. Granted I know nothing about how that works so I can't say how realistic it was. I just figured if they left in a hurry because they got a tip off it was going to happen they probably would have turned off the stove. Unless they were in a complete panic which wouldn't be unreasonable. Also, how the hell do any of these kids sleep at night? If I was going through any of this crap I’d be like yep nope mom I’m never going to school again, set me up with online school. The fact that the parents trust these kids and let them leave the house at this point (the ones not yet 18) is crazy to me I have to remind myself it’s just a show. That scene probably hit me in the gut the most for the whole series so far, Tyler finally explaining what Montgomery did to him. I agree about Ani, it felt very a not needed extra character that was thrown into an already big cast. She had a very “look at me, I’m the new girl, I’m wise beyond my years and witty, I’m going to get in all your business” way about her. When Jess said “hey, new girl” I cringed. One thing that I do like, is that the show does a good job of showing that not everything is black and white. That people that do really bad things, aren’t 100% unredeemable. Also the fact that rapists have family and friends and how they themselves deal with the fact. Seriously a controversial thing right now with the metoo movement and everyone popping up as sexual predators. Bryce was a rapist, but was trying to get help for it. He was on the way to trying to be a better person (whether that was possible or not, we weren’t given enough time to really tell) when his hurt and anger controlled him over what Chloe told him and he went nuts on Zach. He has major anger and control issues that make it seem like he’s capable of smacking a female around as well if he doesn’t get help. IF you started to feel pity for Bryce, or felt like maybe he can fix himself, it was shaken up when he messed up Zach’s knee on purpose and then went wild about how he wanted to kill Zach while Alex was trying to help him off the dock. Long story not so short, while some things seem unrealistic or insanely dramatic, for me it does a good job of showing not everyone is 100% good and bad. Monty was awful and disgusting and troubled for what he did to Tyler. He was also beaten on the regular at home and hiding sexual feelings. He deserved to be in prison, but it made me sick to my stomach that he was killed. He needed help. No excuse for what he did, and I don’t know that he could ever amend what he did to Tyler but I don’t know, it just makes you think. Then Alex..there’s no way the truth isn’t going to eat him alive and screw him up even more. Yet so would going to prison. I know it seems like they were trying to humanize rapists. The truth is they are human and severely fucked up. There’s usually a chain of events that leads up to that fucked upness. Monty immediately seemed to go to prison and Bryce got away with what he did. Justice system is so strange. I didn't see the Audrina one, I might not since it was my favorite of hers. However I saw all the Flowers, and I just finished the Heaven series and boy did they butcher that. I keep watching because it's interesting seeing the characters come to life, but for us book readers we will never be satisfied. They took so much out of not even including the beloved teacher that adored Heaven. Keith and "our Jane" were basically an after thought in the films. Though the actress that played Fanny..I know people hated her but she played her how I pictured her acting lol Yep! They showed Fanny and Heaven in highschool and on Logan’s first day Heaven corrected her English teacher’s Shakespeare quote. It pissed the teacher off and she was sent to the principle. That was the extent of any teacher. Also I just finished Fallen Hearts and they are doing gates of paradise next Saturday. The only time “Our Jane” and Keith are mentioned after they are taken is briefly in Dark Angel when Tom tells Heaven they went to a good family. They haven’t been mentioned or seen since so clearly they aren’t going to do the scene where Heaven visits them. Also, they did not show grandpa at all the first two installments. All of a sudden he showed up in Fallen Hearts like he was always there, no explanation where he had been. It’s very odd! I also hated that they totally took the teacher out of the series. The one that was so kind to Heaven and her siblings and rooted for her. Not even existing in this adaptation. I just watched the second installment and hated how they changed the mean girl to giving her the liquid stuff that makes you throw up at the formal instead of the laxitives. I was looking forward to the mean girl being humbled by falling ontop of Heaven’s nasty clothes but it was totally different Maybe not as much back then, I’ll admit. However had that happened today odds are with the internet and gossip, schools wouldn’t hire them just because they’d be afraid of parental reaction. Doesn’t matter if they did it or not. Unfortunately that’s where we are today. Teachers are fired all the time for being accused of something, or they are pressured to resign, even though they’ve been convicted of nothing. Parents and the general public have a lot of influence. I've been watching Facts Of Life again on the MeTv channel, and a week or so ago they played the series finale episode, and then started over with season one on Thursday or Friday I believe. Now, just Thursday of the following week were almost done with season 1 because they play two episodes a day, five days a week. So Friday or Monday I believe they start over with the Jo years. It really shows you how short season 1 really was. I actually really liked it as well. In fact I really enjoyed the cheesy George Clooney and Mackenzie Astin episodes that came with the Over Our Head years. I just wish they'd kept George around a little but longer. I loved how each of the girls looked the final season too. I feel like they looked their best that final season. One thing that killed me though was Mrs Garrett not being there for Jo's wedding. I suppose it was because it happened so quickly, but it was a little sad. I wish she'd been there the last episode. I don't know if she just didn't want to be ,or if Charlotte was off filming The Worst Witch with Tim Curry at the time or what. I’ve been recording it daily early in the morning and watching it in the afternoons. They are at the tail end of the series now, close to when Blair buys the school so it should be starting over with season 1 again soon. Are you sure it was a girl? I remember Mouth from the goonies had a necklace or something pulled out of his month by Mama Fratellie (not sure how to spell it) in the goonies Scene below If not I’m curious what it is too It kills me everytime. It’s funny, Kim was great at playing Tootie, who was annoying. So I think Kim is an ok actress and was great on living single as well. However, Tootie couldn’t barely hold a tune, if at all, and she couldn’t really act either. (Which again, is weird to say since Kim isn’t terrible). Natalie was so much better than Tootie during the South Pacific auditions. I wanted to kill Tootie FOR Natalie when she swooped in and got the role. Lisa Welchel was actually a decent singer. Much better than Tootie during the Christmas at the big house show. Then when she was going to Audition for the Broadway show with “Two of hearts” and barely put personality in it. The episode later that season where Cinnamon comes back (and basically ushered out George Clooney who we’d barely seen. He must have popped over to Roseanne shortly after) and Tootie is so pissed at her because she got a big break and is acting like she doesn’t want it, where as Tootie has worked blood sweat and tears to make it and it just wasn’t working out for her. She made it seem like Cinnamon was handed something she didn’t earn. The reality was Cinnamon could sing and Tootie couldn’t. Later that episode she performed a monologue or poem on the radio and was flat as all get out, no emotion in it at all. Then of course there was The Wiz audition. Anyone off the street could have sang it the way she did, but she had it in her head that she was the best. I liked the season, but it was also extremely predictable and it feels like every season is the same like a Soap Opera..just when he gets close to the Detective he has some reason he has to leave, or go get married or disappear. I guess the fear is once they are fully together it gets boring unless you end it, but it's getting kind of old. That big picture melted awful quick didn’t it