strangluv's Replies

Hard to imagine using the same sofa for 30 years. My mother has been using hers for 12 and even though it still looks almost new, I know she's been itching for an 'upgrade' (though she only lives in an apartment). Myself I've been using the same dresser for 16 years and have begun to feel like "damn, I should replace that thing". Consider their weights, their histories though. They treated themselves poorly for years and as blue collars, wouldn't exactly have had access to the highest quality healthcare. The Connors are pretty lucky to be alive, especially Dan (whom I thought that death from a heart attack, even back in his 40s would have been a pretty realistic outcome). *I should add my own mother is in her late-50s and constantly talking about how she's bound to croak one of these days (no terminal illness, just general pain, diabetes and obesity). I think around this age range you can go either way - still doing relatively well or suffering greatly if past lifestyle factors (or even genetic ones) are catching up with you. Yes you're right, but since Darlene became pregnant in season 8 and they kept the 'Harris' name, I guess I figured her baby's birth was one of very few season 9 things carried into the new show. It is hard to say though. I suppose the fact the 2-parter where Darlene had her baby revolved around the possibility of the baby dying, means she could have very well lost that baby (then had another one who was given the same name). Would seem weird though that they wouldn't mention this or the grief Darlene would no doubt have experienced over it. (Then there's also of course the little issue of Dan's own supposed death. Man, things have become almost [i]more[/i] confusing now that these unanswered questions are supposed to be answered, lol.) I noticed that too. That 5-6 year difference changes the aspect of Darlene's young age pregnancy, which then would have changed the course of her career-pursuing path. But it seems like she still didn't go much of anywhere. Hmm. Didn't think about it at first but it makes a lot of sense. Good call. Harris the daughter certainly has to be David's kid, and the baby that Darlene gave birth to in season 9. Only thing I noticed is that she's still in high school, whereas with her 1997 birth, she would have been 20-21 now. Idk, I guess it doesn't bother me [i]that[/i] much though, of all the things that could. We're talking about a young boy from a blue collar household here, not a musician. You'll find that even those glam rockers started up in that direction while pursuing their careers (as ADULTS), and that they were dressing in a sort of a costume that they were selling their music with as a gimmick. They were not necessarily living out their day-to-day lives that way. Granted, you do have the odd example of a say, Boy George type musician who is very outwardly gay and thus maybe more sincere in his 'flamboyant' dress style, but that's still a different story. I'd be hardpressed to imagine any 10 year-old boys getting away with crossdressing at school back in 70s/earlier. Not even the most free-spirited hippie parents I could imagine allowing it! I was actually thinking the same, it's largely the same in America. Not to deny the above poster's unfortunate experience if there was one, but white/asian romances (esp. with white male + asian female) have otherwise become pretty ordinary and I don't see it phasing many people anymore, outside of maybe white nationalist types. Yes, glamorize away dangerous, ugly lifestyles that you don't have to live yourself. Because money is all that matters in the end, right? People on the internet will seemingly claim anything. What are the odds of not only knowing tons of unnaturally high-tolerance severe alcoholics, but also being able to track in detail their regular drinking behaviors AND being able to say how these behaviors are effecting their health? Even if they are telling some semblance of truth about these 'people they know', I'm guessing it won't be too much longer of them, or anyone else knowing these insane boozers. You know A LOT huh? Don't know if I want to ask how you make a living then... Trump is not on the show, and it's not about 'his' politics. Much better than the last three seasons of the original show so far, I'd say. Some disagreement there - our current obesity rates are slightly higher than in the 90s, so though we do have more access to immediate information (and changing nutritional knowledge), I'm not sure that lifestyle improvements have quite taken so much hold. Also, in addition to being wealthy enough, like you mention, to have access to the early web, Roseanne had money for the best nutritionists and trainers of the time. So Idk, maybe it just took her ages but finally she's taken advantage of that. And/or, I think, has addressed some psychological issues in connection to life-long binge eating. Either way you're right that she's healthier. Surprised by how thin Sara Gilbert is, which I wonder if it contributes also to the aged appearance in her face. I wouldn't say Lecy looks as young as early-30s, but she does look very similar to her original Roseanne days. Roseanne was still distinct from most of these shows, at least for most of its run, in that the Connors were a [i]blue collar[/i] family (working class or 'white trash' as they put it) who dealt with with continual financial struggles. I can only think of Married with Children and Mama's Family which compare there. The Cosbys were the virtual opposite. Wow what a dumb question. But by that logic hardly any real friendships existed outside of Cory and Shawn (and Eric and Jack I guess). When did Topanga and Angela talk about anything not involving the boys, how often did Shawn chat alone with Eric or Cory with Jack? Forget about Rachel. But we were supposed to believe at some point that they were all a close 'clique'. I do believe at end of the day though, that Shawn and Topanga had a consistent soft spot for each other. They knew each other as long as they knew Cory, they knew a lot of each other's secrets and they were supportive of each other. Certainly Shawn liked her enough to devote himself regularly to keep Cory with her. On the other hand they often competed to be #1 in Cory's life, moments that may have looked like perhaps less than a friendship. Problems aside, I do think they were friends.