ak47wong's Replies

Did anyone in the history of cinema ever watch this scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT2dKct533Y and complain that the movie didn't show how Lawrence travelled from Cairo to the Arabian desert? I think not! And yet Lucas seemed to think people would be confused about how Vader got from Cloud City to his Star Destroyer without showing him requesting his shuttle (politely), then walking to his shuttle, then flying in his shuttle, then landing in his shuttle, then disembarking from his shuttle. SMH… She doesn’t like to FLY?! What the f*** does that MEAN?? Sorry, just a quote from Midnight Run I always think of when that comes up. He can sit on top of the world just as long as he doesn’t sit in the Beverly Palm Hotel. WOULD HE HAVE TO SHOUT IT TOO? That's quite a comprehensive list. Sure that's just "a few you can remember off hand"? :) Anne Yates? "Double cheese and sausage". There was plenty of cheese but no sausage. Isn't it Apu at the Kwik-E-Mart? How could anyone stay mad at this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFEt7mABImY What they did to the Greedo/Maclunkey scenes is also unforgivable! 4K80 is coming one day. When it’s finished that will be the version to watch. She was good in Crazy Rich Asians too. Not sure about this movie though. I can see why those scenes were deleted. They weren't very good. You'd enjoy this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFEt7mABImY Er yes. Not sure what anyone can add to that. Wade is copying out the letter so Caparzo's parents don't get a letter stained with their son's blood. According to this post, she's the "most important actress of our times" lol: https://moviechat.org/nm3918035/Zendaya/5f69fa7355fcba4769863f7d/She-is-the-future-and-the-most-important-actress-of-our-times Thanks, good footage. The black centaur was named Sunflower. Sounds a bit like the "cowboy experience" cattle drive in City Slickers. I'm pretty sure you are alone on that one. Sure this movie doesn't have any plot holes? You said that 4 days ago. The gay characters in previous movies were villains or side characters though. I think Gay Q is the first gay major character on the MI6 side.