ak47wong's Replies

There aren’t enough made up holidays. Please sign this petition so we can get another one: https://www.change.org/p/united-states-congress-national-george-floyd-day Sorry, I assumed (given your posting history) that we were just talking nonsense. But you are correct. Rey of course "Creepy" and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFEt7mABImY I think this is referring to https://moviechat.org/tt0069704/American-Graffiti/58c72e3d5ec57f0478f47f96/One-of-AFIs-top-100-American-films It's best to just ignore anyone using the words "overrated" or "underrated" The song is called <i>C'è la luna mezzo mare</i> and the parts that were sung in the movie are translated here: https://www.italyheritage.com/italian-songs/regional/sicilia/la-luna-nmenzu-mari-godfather.htm Now that DOES make sense. <blockquote>Since TLJ came out all I've heard is that TLJ "subverted" what the fans expected and wanted in episode VIII.</blockquote> I agree completely with this. I expected and wanted a good movie and TLJ definitely subverted that. Was it this guy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jEBh1VtdT0 It was just a way to manufacture more drama in the screenplay, like how they concocted the tension between Swigert and Haise in the Lunar Module or the unhelpful attitude of the Grumman engineers. Similar to how Sully portrayed the NTSB as hostile to give a movie an antagonist, which wasn't the case in reality. If only there was a way to look these things up and find out. It was all explained outside the hospital: PRUITT: I got the car at Dawson's garage. DARYL: Is the car okay? PRUITT: Yeah, I paid for the window, that's my fault. But Dawson's going to make you pay for the tire. BRAD: How much? PRUITT: Fifty bucks. So yeah, he was originally going to pay for a tire, but the money he was going to spend on the tire ended up paying for the windshield that he put a bullet through instead. It was Skylar who called Clark a "Michael Bolton clone". It wasn't made up by posters. "Oh and by the way, that guy over there, Michael Bolton clone? He wasn't sitting with us, so to speak." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gArnm_Uicsw&t=41s I'm more upset they couldn't get an actual plumber in the role. Just type it 🖕 Have you ever tried? Might be a nice hobby for you instead of trolling these boards all day. What makes you so sure there’s no such thing as comic book movie fatigue? Movie fads come and go all the time. In the 60s audiences had western movies fatigue, in the 70s disaster movies fatigue, in the 80s romcom fatigue. I’d say superhero fatigue among general audiences (as opposed to comic book nerds who’ll always lap this stuff up) is a real thing, and it’s happening now. Did anyone in the history of cinema ever watch this scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT2dKct533Y and complain that the movie didn't show how Lawrence travelled from Cairo to the Arabian desert? I think not! And yet Lucas seemed to think people would be confused about how Vader got from Cloud City to his Star Destroyer without showing him requesting his shuttle (politely), then walking to his shuttle, then flying in his shuttle, then landing in his shuttle, then disembarking from his shuttle. SMH…