ak47wong's Replies

Gold 😄 I was going to make some snarky comment about Sinise being so old it would only work if he were playing the old man at the end of '2001', but if you look at photos of him now, apart from the white hair he's aged amazingly well. Not a lot of de-aging would be needed. I believe Patton was referring to the Battle of Carthage in 149 BC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Carthage_(Third_Punic_War)). However, the scene was actually filmed at Volubilis in Morocco (https://maps.app.goo.gl/HxxqqmTN5YJ7ErwD9). And how true this is (at 5:29): "When it comes to casting roles like this, you usually have to choose between fighters who can't act or actors who can't fight, but unfortunately Alaqua Cox can't seem to do either." Here's one lol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZdRXLGbKTQ The hymn is called From Whence These Dire Portents Around. The link you posted is broken now, but here's the last snapshot saved by the Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20221207140606/http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~muffin/ambrose_chapel.html Add Alien, Superman, Toy Story and The Godfather I think you're projecting. It was his dream to be standing there as host of the Golden Globes. He said he used to stay up late watching it as a child. Okay I get that. But your audience is a room full of Hollywood stars and seasoned industry professionals. They are WAY past the point of considering it a "dream" to be sitting in an awards ceremony. He was totally out of his depth. I've never seen any host manage to lose their audience in 20 seconds flat. Literally the first thing he said after introducing himself was "I'm so excited to be here. This is a dream come true, not just for me but for *everybody* in here. We all dreamed of this moment." What?? That makes no sense at all. It was all downhill right there. Did you know there are no houses to rent in Tuscany? Not even one. Get them to sign on the line which is dotted She died a brave death, and managed to get in a parting shot for Gorman. Not a bad way to go for a soldier. "Thank you for your service" as Americans like to say De Niro only has a relatively small role in this movie. Costner and Connery are the main characters and even Andy Garcia and Charles Martin Smith (Wallace) get more screen time, so it's not a significant part of De Niro's filmography. Costner and Connery were superstars in the 80s. De Niro was a hugely respected actor but not really a Hollywood star like Jack Nicholson, Harrison Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc. And giving him a hard time for not being Jewish Uh, as another commenter pointed out, "kid" in this context is someone younger than himself. They don't put actual children in prison with mobsters. That’s the whole point of being a decoy… I wasn't aware that it had become a Christmas song. It certainly wasn't set at Christmastime in the story. The children are "roaming about Salzburg dressed up in nothing but some old drapes" shortly after, suggesting it was spring or summer. <blockquote>I happen to be a cinema expert, am very bright and English just so happens to be my native tongue.</blockquote>To quote the great poet Meat Loaf, "Don't be sad 'cause two out of three ain't bad".