ak47wong's Replies

I hardly think so. https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/gettyimages-1537135554-64afb2d0b6656.jpg You mean Brad in Superman I & III. He was the one who stopped Clark from going up to Mary Ellen's to play some records. But Rocky was definitely worse. $300 = $700 today after inflation Oh wise guy huh? They were all stars before Star Wars. So, worth watching then? Has any actor apart from Harrison Ford ever made it big after Star Wars? I disagree that this movie is unjustly maligned; I think it deserves all the criticism it gets. But I do agree it’s a great scene. One thing I noticed: when everyone’s fleeing the parade after Vincent’s gang opens fire you can hear a few notes from a trumpet. It’s hilarious to think the trumpet player took the time to blow into his instrument while running for his life. Check back in 20 years… For the next re-release that Lucas tinkers with, instead of "We would be honoured if you would join us", Vader should say "It's just a prank, bro". Hollywood has a thing for models who can't act. Gal Gadot and Cara Delevingne to name but two examples. Here you go: https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/piLAeQkQd0W4Kq8HW5dG9odAJkU=/fit-in/5184x3456/top/filters:format_auto():extract_cover():upscale()/2023/01/30/781/n/46712211/e3db389c5e8f33ea_GettyImages-173531643.jpg It's not that she cared much about Threepio specifically, but she was hesitant about going to Cloud City in the first place, didn't feel comfortable from the moment they landed and didn't trust Lando, so the fact that their 6-foot-tall protocol droid went "missing" without a trace just fuelled her suspicions that there was something fishy going on. Why even bother replying? McQueen is on the left and Newman on the right, but that would mean McQueen is “first”, so Newman’s name is higher and McQueen’s name is lower: https://i.redd.it/blkw5yg07o111.png 156 MINUTES EXCISED WOULD HAVE BEEN PERFECT. Why the first half? Where would you see it ending? There’s not much point to the movie if you cut out everything that happens at Cloud City. I GUESS CHLOE ZHAO’S ACADEMY AWARD WAS ALSO A FAIRLY STRONG QUALIFICATION FOR HER DIRECTING ETERNALS AND LOOK WHAT A CATASTROPHE THAT WAS. <blockquote>could guys that junior afford such a timepiece???</blockquote>Rolexes were nowhere near as expensive back then as they are now. A GMT Master in 1970 cost about $250, which is about $2000 in today’s money, something an average person could save up for or receive as a special gift (e.g. for OCS graduation). Current models start at $10,000. Played by Tessa Thompson