pazuzu9's Replies

Also in The Deep and Hard Times. I always liked him. It's just meant to set the mood for the movie and give people time to get to their seats. It comes from how live theater and opera were done. At least that's what I've read. There could be other reasons. The black screen at the beginning is the overture. Originally, when 2001 was seen in the theater, music would be played during the overture and the curtain would be drawn with the lights dimmed. You would not see a black screen as movie screens were white and the curtains would have been closed until it was time to start the movie. It's based on the M134. A gun usually mounted in a helicopter. It was modified to be hand held for the movie. Why would you think it was neutered? It caused the death of several people in this movie and got some revenge on Father Karras 1. Maybe because Moss is a hunter...¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2. Drug deal gone wrong. packages of Mexican brown dope (Heroin). 3. The man had drug money and a gun shot wound. Wouldn't be good to be spotted by cops or someone from the drug side of the DDGR. If you're gonna bleed out it might as well be under a nice shady tree. ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) 4. Managerial. They worked for the money side of the deal. 5. Carson Wells was tracking Chigurh to kill him. Man in the sky scraper is in charge of money side of DDGR. 6. Not sure what you mean by this. 7. Mother died of cancer. Carla Jean mentions it. 8. Moss is shown dead in the motel room as seen by sheriff Bell. Killed by the "Mexicans". The mst3k episode is one of my favorites. It's a movie I remember seeing as a kid and was kinda freaked by it because of the washed out look and the narration with so little dialog. The fact that nobody could get away from this slow moving monster was just bizarre to me as a kid. BTW, the dance hall scene has some of the best riffing. "(upbeat rock/jazz music playing) "While Martin and Brett were engaged by the search , the monster was moving towards the community dance hall." Where a close knit community mourns its dead." The inexplicable fight scene: "Keanu Reeves has it out with Ed Begley Jr.!" Have you ever seen the movie that's about the making of Creeping Terror? You seen the mst3k version? [quote]a Father who just wants his Son to live to see another day.[/quote] That's what the story is really about. The love between father and son. The rest is just the backdrop, but is not hard to figure out if the viewer is paying attention. Kind of a movie that requires more than one viewing. Why don't we see Kubrick nude? I'm glad you're back. I always enjoyed your posts. BTW, Some time ago I rehashed a thread over at Exorcist III about the Joker statue scene. The comments you added and the way TheSolarSailor broke the scene down I thought was really interesting and added a new layer to the film. I never noticed all the stuff that goes on in that scene. Good to see you. That's always been one of my favorite sketches. steveb1, did you used to go by the IMDB name bastasch8647? You sound very similar. Good post, BTW. Been a while since I've watched this but I'm pretty sure it just knocks them out. They are spraying a sleep aerosol. I'd like to see graceful serious claws in the remake. I wouldn't mind seeing a Clarke version. That would be interesting. "I do think that the book & the film are two entirely different entities. And as much as I've always loved Arthur C. Clarke's work, in this case I think that the film is the true work of art". You're right, Owlwise. The movie is not based on the book and the book is not a novelization. They are very different. I think you're right. The joker is just meant to scare the audience. What seems odd to me though is that Kinderman seems to hear the statue being dragged down the hall. I mean, why go to the trouble of having the statue move and make noise that gets Kinderman's attention and then just show us the end result. Seems like a strange idea. Thanks for the reply. I wish there was more talk about this movie. That's right. The 3 guys in Moss's room had a receiver too, but it was too crude to pinpoint the location of the transponder. Anton did more than just rely on the receiver. He used his smarts. Wasn't it the Mexicans that followed Carla Jean and her mother that found out from the mother? Or the mail Anton was looking at when he went into Moss's place? Been a while since I've watched it.