Effie21's Replies

It is on right now on AMC. Like it? You clearly have taste for shit. The Shining, and for me, it is not even close. Sounds like your little ass is sore because he dared to say something about your Orange Fuhrer you didn't like. Well, as you Trumptard's like to say, fuck your feelings, and suck it up snowflake. I totally agree. This movie may have scared me as a child, but not as an adult. Regan's dialog is patently ridiculous, not to mention hilarious. What is it with the obsession with sex and a certain male body part in this movie? The demonizing of sex just stinks of religious indoctrination. I do like the atmosphere, though, especially when Kris is walking home from filming, but I believe that's where it ends for me. Lin Shaye is becoming horror movie royalty. Even so, she is still great in everything she does. Way to be judgmental. Not everyone is you, and you have no right to force your bullshit beliefs on them. Mind your own fucking business, period. Why do you care? interracial couples exist, so maybe you should put away your confederate flag, stop reading Breitbart, and get the with the fucking times, you bigot. Don't like it, well that's just tough shit for you. Not true. All it takes is a break in the skin to contract rabies. People have gotten rabies from a single scratch from an infected animal, so I don't know where you got that it has to be all the way into the muscle to get infected from. I know this post is old, but I just have to say that you are blatantly wrong. It was far from a scratch. It was a bite that was obviously festering with infection. If you ignore something like that, you have no business whatsoever having animals. Truer words have never been spoken. "Silent majority", my ass. These loser's have the biggest, whiniest, bitch and moan yaps I have ever seen. No group of people whines and cries as much as they do. Triggered snowflake says what? Yeah, right. You Trumper's have supported everything Donny Dotard has done in regards to making it nearly impossible to immigrate here. Stop lying, because most people stopped buying your bullshit a long time ago. Oh, and speaking of ignorant and hateful, you Trump cultists have corned the market in that regard. Her weight is fine. I just wish she would fix her front teeth. I find myself staring at them every time she opens her mouth to speak. She looks fine to me, otherwise. I agree with pretty much everything you said about Rob Zombie. What he did to Michael Myers character in his shitty remake of Halloween was simply horror movie sacrilege. He turned the Myers family into white trash, foul mouthed hillbillies, and ruined Michael's mythos by giving him a "background" as to why he turned out like he did. One of the most frightening things about Myers is that there is no reason why he's a serial killer; He just is. And don't get me started on Halloween 2 from this guy. It is hands down, the worst horror movie I have ever seen, and that is saying something. It also didn't help that he made Michael a 7 foot tall giant with his ridiculous casting choice as well. Oh, and I am damn tired of seeing his squeaky voiced, annoying wife in every damn movie he makes. Can't this dude find other actors to play in his shitty movies? Probably not. No, at least not in the book. I suggest you read it to understand the whole story. Maybe because he died 21 years ago. He was a talented director, but not talented enough to direct from beyond the grave. Lol. What dumb post from an equally dumb person. No empathy, no compassion, no heart. You have no idea if the cat caused them to be found out or not. You're just pulling that bs out of your ass, so shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down. Blackpilled? Lol!!!! Go fuck yourself with that alt-right Nazi bullshit. Bunch of fucking incel racists on here can't even handle an interracial relationship in 2019. You are absolutely pathetic..