Babyfat101's Replies

Dat? What books are you reading on Trump? I guessed nearly every plot point. So, it’s rather dull to me and pondering if epi 2 will be more original. You can also go to Nope. Jack Jack needs to be over powered in order to get laughs. Yes, I’ve seen his other ones and really like him and was looking forward to this one. But besides the Mariah bit, thought it was lame. Yep, don’t “appreciate” watching an angry, reckless person (who looks like he hasn’t showered in a month) during their downward spiral. Add in drool and puke, and can’t wait for more. Nothing worse than a whiney kid. I didn’t want to see it, but a friend dragged me to it (I’m 58 and female). It was better than I thought it would be, and I was expecting the equivalent of a zero rating, and would give it a 1...out of 10. We laughed at that too. How’s this: lots of grunting and lots of nipple viewing. Lis - I think that’s exactly why it’s gotten accolades...because the intention of the docu changed and morphed into a scandal. Pom - Time to use the IGNORE button. No. Estes was before the, really 3. Per the plot on wiki, the body that was found was NOT the son. The story doesn’t ever explain what happened. Just saw or why in the world does a kid have a battery operated noisy plane? Doesn’t make any sense. Which one is Jenna? Too many young, skinny, blond women. (NO need to respond...just pointing out how we are this far along, and don’t know most of their names.) How about the many slo mo leaps/jumps? Ugh.