Babyfat101's Replies

I suggest to read Bad Blood. She knew it didn’t work, yet did everything she could to hide that fact. The book is 10/10 and I thought the docu was 1/10. Emphatic NO. I thought it was Mrs. Chan. Only male teenagers think that pulling out is a good way to prevent pregnancy. I agree with the OP. Very annoying. I would have enjoyed that if I knew all he was saying. With his accent, I could only understand tobogganing and snatch. And speaking of accents...the convo around how to pronounce their daughters name. Moui-ra? I suspect his character will evolve over the seasons and he’ll end up married with kids. Because a tv show needs drama? Ha...agreed. I agree with the OP. We are just starting S3, and are enjoying it, but would NOT say it’s funny. A few funny parts here or there, but nothing nearly as funny as others seem to think. I recently read a book by a British author who got lots of “it’s very funny” reviews from Brits. One mentioned that if you are an American and don’t think it’s funny, it’s because you don’t understand British humor. So, maybe that’s the case here, for me. Agreed. Re LBJ, all Burns needs to do is put a camera in front of Robert Caro...who is LBJ’s definitive biographer AND can really tell a story...and just say “Go!”. And we’d all be enthralled. I just read Rocket Men by Craig Nelson (there’s several books with this title), about Apollo 11. I was about to search online to watch the footage, and just realized this docu is out. I highly suggest the book. It’s probably mentioned in the film, but when Armstrong was looking for a place to land and he kept finding huge craters or boulders, and the tech in Houston is counting down how many more seconds of fuel he has, the doctor in Houston monitoring him said his heart rate got up to 160-165. Yeow!! Obviously a touchy subject for you. Of all the body shaming, and (mostly) non needed surgeries, I’d rather have men re-assess their thinking and comments, about women with naturally small breasts vs buying huge implants. However, huge, rock hard bolt ons may be going out of style. Now in favor seems to be huge asses and big lips. I saw some photos online where there is supposed to be next to nothing on the shelter, and the isle almost “disappears” during high tide. It was the first epi, and just ok. The Big Change is when someone gets voted off, way away from others, they have a choice to permanently leave the game, or go to an island to possibly come back into the game. First person voted out decided to go to that island. Unsure how they will be able to come back. NO need to respond’re on BLOCK. that you? What’s worse, you guys don’t know what it means, or that you need your hands held and spoon fed information? How hard is it to look something up yourself? How do you make it thru life...or your minimum wage jobs? Google is your friend. Easily findable. Didn’t watch that. This show just happened to be on after survivor and saw the magician before turning it off. Don’t care for the show with the over emoting of shock & surprised wonderment of everything.