Babyfat101's Replies

Too bad she doesn’t name names. Seriously. It’s such an odd statement that it makes me wonder if Anne is the OP. Ha. Seriously. People want to be spoon fed. Seriously. I can’t believe Murph took the time & energy to answer. Ever? I suspect you are very young. I saw this when it first came out, and she/her look was viewed as hot. Times change. I remember watching Broadcast News a few years ago with my niece, telling her how hot William Hurt was, and gfriends and myself were just gaga over him. She laughed and laughed (at me) all thru the film, especially when he’s referred to as a pretty boy. Kevin is NOT attractive becuz he’s a puppy dog. I’m surprised it lasted more than 1 season. It was awful. I think it was supposed to be a comedy, but we didn’t find any humor. Just started watching and in first part of S1. I noticed that too, and was hoping the make up artist would fix this, but apparently not. Agreed. Great post, Jupiter. really have a Jones for the boy, James. She’s more socially awkward than robot James? Her don’t see James’ big under bite? Good thing there’s an IGNORE button. But then, you threaten you now won’t be watching anymore, so maybe you’ll go away. I don’t think she’s ever been anywhere near 50+# over weight. She has gained some weight, as most women do as they approach and are in menopause. That’s just life. West coaster here. I’m now watching and couldn’t wait to find out who won. I’m sick of him. I don’t think he can talk fast & articulate enough. Plus, NO opportunities for “jokes”. I read a lot and had NO idea re that answer. Ha. Great comment. Too bad there isn’t such a thing as acting drunk. Agreed. But I’m NOT a teenager, so unsure if there’s an audience.