Sandman27's Replies

Exhibit A: No link to prove his statement at all. Exhibit B: Partisan slant. Info presented in a biased and skewed perspective. Exhibit C: Insults galore. Of course, his MO is nothing new, but since his recent sanctimonious stance of superiority, I just wanted to put it into perspective that dogdump is nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece degenerate. My exhibits proves that beyond a reasonable doubt. Then again, what else should people expect? Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪 Such an "honest discussion" you're having with dogdump, yes? You're such a phony. Find any typos, grammar nazi ultraviolent?🤪🤪🤪 Actions speak louder than... Do you provide links to your post to prove what you claim? Nope. Do you act professionally and present your info in a professional and unbiased way? Nope. Do you take in counterpoints and information presented to you by the other side with an open mind? Nope. So really, why would anybody believe a PROVEN AND SHAMELESS LIAR, at their word when even your actions proves you're a LIAR just as much as your mouth? You're just a walking joke. A propaganda puppet. Indoctrinated long ago. Ignorant to the core. You retained ZERO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT. Everybody knows what you stand for. Even your indoctrinated komrades. The only person you've convinced, is yourself. After all, Ignorance is Strength! Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪 This is how Pelosi got rich. You bitch and whine about repubs in office making deals, but you constantly turn a blind eye to dems. Simple fact is you should be upset either way, but you never are. Can you say, indoctrinated partisan hack, kkk? That's you in a nutshell. As the brits would say, "You're as useful as fuck all."🤪🤪🤪 You have no say, due to your own failure to exercise your right to count your voice. You’re nothing but a wishy washy fence sitter. You want to have it both ways, but as the brits say, you’re just a waster. Can’t you even vote? What are you bitching about if you don’t even vote? So you voted for Brexit, yes? But you voted against brexit, yes? I told you I wouldn’t get an answer. Ignorance is Strength! Indoctrinated much, kkk? Do you even know you’re indoctrinated? I think not by your responses? Pathetic. How can you buy seeds and plants when the garden sections are closed per her instructions, pray tell? Better yet, tell me how closing the gardening and painting sections saves lives, pray tell? So you’re a tori, yes? Nice one! Because dogdump has no wit, he’ll “borrow” your words now. Where there is smoke, there is fire? Like Hunter Biden, yes? Why aren't you up in arms about that and calling for an investigation, pray tell? Where there is smoke, there is fire? Like Senile Joe, yes? Why aren't you bitching and whining that media isn't covering the Tara Reade allegations? Why is NYT COVERING for him? Look at the coverage of Blasey Ford and Reade side by side? Can you say partisan journalism? Look in the mirror, snowflake. That's what an indoctrinated person looks like. Being that you don't even know you're indoctrinated, add naive dunce as well. Snowflake snepts never has anything other than his TDS addled chepooka that he spews every once in awhile. Ask him to drill down on any of the baseless claims he asserts. You'll get crickets. Do you support the labor party, yes or no? Okay then. Prove it. All you do is repeat the same conspiracy theories over and over again like a TDS sufferer. Why is it okay for Pelosi to have a 24k fridge and $14/pint ice cream, but not a republican pray tell? Let’s hear an answer, kkk? Don’t worry. I know I won’t get one. Then again, what else is new? Indoctrinated much? He was rich prior to becoming president. I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Now tell me was Maxine Waters rich before she joined Congress? Don’t think so. We’re the Clintons, Gore, Bidens and Obama? No. All after. You seem to bitch about deals and favors, but you don’t bitch when it’s a dem. Hypocrite much? Jealous manbabies? So apparently it’s okay for Pelosi to be rich, but not a republican, yes? Sheer hypocritical partisan hack.