Sandman27's Replies

Answer me this. What was the point in shutting down the garden and painting sections in the first place? We’re they really that crowded? Why are those sections shut down but not liquor stores? How are liquor stores essential? Why just the paint and garden sections and not the whole store? Seems kind of arbitrary to me? Why is buying gardening supplies for landscaping and paint for home DIY projects so risky? They can? How if the stores were ordered to shut down their gardening and painting sections? The articles that covered the story said stores are not allowed to sell seeds and garden plants to customers. Why would a store that sells plants and seeds not allow customers to buy them? The order came from Whitmer. I see. Jeremy Corbyn supporter. You only want to hear what you want to hear and ignore the facts. I'll be wondering now. Either way, she was on point. First of all, thank you for Ricky Gervais. It will be state by state dependent on the governors. Some may open early and if the results are promising, other states will follow. Cal dems are horrid. Pelosi, gassy Swalwell, Feinstein, lying and banging her way to the top, Kamala Harris, Bug-eyed Schiff, Lying Ted Lieu, Miss Throuple lasted only a few months, but Waters is a staple. She's useless and corrupt. Took bank bailout money specifically so her husband's small bank would get paid. What a joke. You're supposed to live in the district you represent, yet she lives right on the outskirts of her district where the neighborhood is 1000 times better. She's a blazing hypocrite. Always has been and always will be. And dumb as a plank. "Democratic party, left me." Thank you. She said, "pray tell". I think I made a fan. 😁😁😁 I did. Everything about dogdump is fueled by TDS. Even Dr. Dre of Dr. Nick or Dr. Pepper could diagnosis that in him. Look at the dems. Bernie, Biden, Lizzy, Pelosi, Bloomberg, Steyer, etc. All in the 1%. Is there any outrage about their wealth? None. Absolutely zero. That's all you need to show people like dogdump and dunces that they are nothing but partisan hacks indoctrinated to the cause and blinded from the truth. As INGSOC states, Ignorance is Strength. They cannot accept truth and facts so they must deny it and Ignore it. What's so stupid is that these people haven't even realized they've been indoctrinated. Astoundingly naive. Incredibly stupid. Blazing idiots. Mindless lemmings. He already said it's up to the governors when to re-open. And when did Trump said you can't by garden plants and seeds, pray tell? There is no doubt that she's politicized the pandemic first by restricting the prescription of hydroxychloroquine and now she's not allowing people to buy plants and seeds??? However, they can still buy booze and get abortions. Why? No he doesn't. He's a one note pony and it's Orange Man Bad propaganda. I encountered his phony sanctimony early on and his words do not match his actions. I do believe he doesn't care about the collateral damage as long as his narrative can be advanced. That is nothing less than pathetic. To wallow in venomous vitriol does nobody any good. And yet in the other thread, snowflake snepts said his serving a purpose! Seriously? Spreading vitriolic propaganda is a purpose? That's like saying having syphilis serves a purpose. How stupid is that? It's unfortunate that these people are so far gone and are just wasters. I don't have the corrupt connections like the Bidens. I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ First of all, let's assume you're correct for argument purposes? Why does it bother you so much? Actions speak louder than. Now tell me what actions he's done while president you find so damaging? You talk about narcissist and thoughtless, what about Pelosi? Did you see her $24K fridge? You thinking tearing up the state of the union address was tactful and professional, pray tell? How come she get's a pass, snowflake? Who cares if thinks he's a "stable genius" or not. Why can't you base your assessment on the actions he does rather than your preconceived notions? How can you be so blatantly Ignorant, when you yourself have FAILED to exercise any critical thinking on your own? What an absolute joke that is. You're indoctrinated. The pathetic thing is that you don't even know you're indoctrinated. Truly pathetic, snowflake. Once again, I'm right. No refutation at all. Now just nod your head and say, d'oh! Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump? πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ Not as good as Hunter's with his $1 billion dollar loan he got from China while using taxpayer dollars riding on AF2. Hypocrite much, dogdump? What else is new? Still nada! Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump? πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ Rekt much, dogdump? That didn't take much. Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ Just to be clear. With millions unable to work and filing for what unemployment can offer them, you think it's prudent during this time to show off a $24K fridge filled with $14/pint ice cream? And this person is the head of the democratic party fighting for the less fortunate ones in the country? You don't find a disconnect with her supposed constituents? First of all, you have no empathy. Everything you've shown or said is complete phoniness. I know it. You know it. Everybody knows it. Your constant politicize the pandemic. You tee-hee like a fairy at people dying, savings and jobs lost. Why? Simply because it fits your narrative. Truly despicable. So what have you done? Have you opened your home and assets to the poor and desperate illegals, yes or no? They've been in cages since THE OBAMA ERA, so you've had plenty of time to have opened your "caring heart". Did you? How many illegal families have you sponsored? How many are you currently sponsoring? That's right. ZERO. You haven't done a damn thing other than bitch and whine about. Then again, you couldn't even sponsor a family even if you wanted to because you would need your parent's permission, yes? As Jordan Petersen said, "Clean up your room." Take responsibility for yourself before trying to claim responsibility for others. So spare everybody you're sanctimonious chepooka. It's all fake and it always was. All you care about is the Orange Man Bad scorecard. That has been obvious since day one. Grow up! Go get some life lessons rather than dwell on your vile and pointless vitriol. Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ What's so wrong with buying garden plants and seeds? How does preventing this sale save lives? How does keeping abortion clinics open save lives?