Sandman27's Replies

So why are liquor stores essential if as you say they can all be got at the supermarket, pray tell? However, pray tell me how closing the paint and garden sections saves lives, chilidogdump? Find any typos, grammar nazi chilidogdump?🤪🤪🤪 Humping another leftist’s leg, dogdump? I understand since your mental capacity was tapped out a long time ago, yes?😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 You do know that entitlements take up about half of the federal budget, yes? And you leftists want to increase it. Hypocrite much, or just stupid? It is because you have no response outside of a lame insult and it’s true. What else is new? Still nada. Btw, you’re welcome for “borrowing” my wit. Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪 Rekt much? What else is new? Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump? Yeah. Tell your indoctrinated pals of the grammar gestapo, dogdump, ultraviolent, robotpussy, and snowflake snepts, the same thing. Are you for illegals working in the US, yes or no? You noticed how you went and blathered on about nothing while deliberately avoiding answering the question? I’ll give one last chance to earn some respect for yourself. Just answer the question. As I said, that’s irrelevant until you answer my question. You don’t strike me as a very open-minded person, so I doubt you’ll answer the question. Also, what the hell does that thread have anything to do with this one? Deflect much? Why? How does being a taxpayer make any difference, pray tell? Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪 Then why do you even reply? Insecure much? 🤪🤪🤪 Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump? When did I say that? What is a small minded policy exactly? First of all, you failed to address the question I asked. I’ll give you another go. The senate votes. What does that have anything to do with imagination, pray tell? Since you want to bring this up, If Schiff said he proved his case without doubt in the house, then why did he want and insisted on calling witnesses in the senate, pray tell? Yes. Something that you lack. What does the senate have anything to do with this, pray tell? How is it relevant? What do you care? Did you get yours already, yes or no? Why don’t you focus on being a productive person yourself rather than bitching and whining about others all the time? You don’t care either way anyway? Your sanctimonious chepooka has always rang hollow. Find any typos, grammar nazi dog dump?🤪🤪🤪 Once again, no rebuttal, denial, or refutation of what I said. I’ll take it as another concession on your part. Rekt much, dogdump? Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪 Maher is the one that called for a recession. Are you speaking for him now saying he regrets what he said now? Reopening doesn’t end social distancing nor is it saying you can’t wear a mask if you still want to. You don’t have to go to restaurants, or any other social gathering spots if you don’t want to. Yet you want to keep the lockdown in place for two whole years. That is totally infeasible. Then again, when have you ever shown any type of logical reasoning? Find any typos, grammar nazi ultraviolent?🤪🤪🤪 Although true, he wanted to know when the govt lock down rule will be lifted.