caesarves's Replies

It's far from a perfect movie. This is weakness of plotting and characterizing where the script says the Aussies just happily give a slave a loaded gun to shoot them all with. Rupert Sanders needs to get more work This movie was robbed at the Oscars for both Original Score and Cinematography. Will Smith slapped the wrong people. Daaam Nigga, Y U gots ta B dissin'?? Dat aint kooool. LOL Clearly you don't have a Twitter account, the rad fems been calling for Diddy's head non-stop for days, what do you want them to do, set up an encampment in front of Marilago? Cassie got paid by Diddy within 24 hours of filing, why would she say no to that deal? Like you would turn down $30 Million #LOL The person who leaked the Cassiette tape to CNN seems to believe they didn't get paid enough, Puffy only stumped up $50,000 to the hotel to erase the tape, and obviously Diddy must have said yes cap, so they released the kraken on La Didoi. It's a settled case. Cassie collected $30,000,000 from Diddy, so it's not an ongoing matter. She left him many times. Diddy found out she was dating up Kid Cudi and then blew up his car. After that, Cassie went back to Diddy because he threatened to hurt anyone else she was close to, as well as what was left of her music career, if she refused. Why don't you at least check out the legal depositions before accusing Cassieandra of beng a dole gigger? What's wrong with that anyway? It's a time-honored tradition in just about every society where a rich dude with money trades it with a girl for her hotness. It's a relationship of convenience for both parties. But after this, some girls will probably think twice. A kick to the back of the head can kill you instantly. Yo maaan, Da Fedz aint inna dat tho. Diddiy paid the Ho'Tel $50,000 in benjamins to erase da vidiyo. Obviously the Agent decided to just keep it wrapped up for ongoing blackmail instead. Diddy has upkeep accounts on a number of matters, both legit and not. After Diddy's creeeb got raided a couple of months ago, the blackmailer with the Cassiette tape wanted to make bank, but Diddy knowing what other incriminating materials the feds had taken, knew he had nothing left to lose anymore, and stopped making the payments. Clearly the blackmailer kept threatening to expose the Puff-in-a-Huff video on CNN throughout the two months since. But Didoi understands how his proto-negraic fanbase will view the tape and what the blackmailer eventually realised: as well They will insist the hotel video is just about Cassie trying to get her bag, and happily overlook how Puffy gets his kicks -as long as he doesn't turn out to be a Black maler. Diddy? No one died. Diddy has upkeep accounts on a number of matters, both legit and not. After Diddy's "creeeb" got raided a couple of months ago, the blackmailer with the Cassiette tape wanted to make bank, but Diddy knowing what other incriminating materials the feds had taken, knew he had nothing left to lose anymore, and stopped making payments. Clearly the blackmailer kept threatening to expose the Puff-in-a-Huff video on CNN during the two months since. But Didoi understands how his proto-negraic fanbase will view the tape and what the blackmailer eventually realised: They will insist the hotel video was just Cassie trying to get her bag, and happily overlook how Puffy gets his kicks -as long as he doesn't turn out to be a Black maler. It's just how Diddy gets his kicks Yeeeah, we waz Vikangs #Ungh I cassie why he thinks it's funny. Yes, ultimately it is. The context of this movie is anti-American, in trying to affix blame for his crimes on America's involvement in Vietnam, a typical "global south" delusional narrative, but there is no proof that the killer served in the Vietnam War, he wasn't even a US national. Your animal references are quite disturbing, I suggest you be the one who seeks psychiatric help, it might have been several years since you posted, but never too late! LOL It is claimed to be, it doesn't really work as satire. Verhoeven as well his apologists have always made such claims, always after the fact, when his movies don't make their money back (even Showgirls is claimed to be a "serious satire"). It does have those comical fourth-wall 'media' breaks and laughably dehumanizing mentor characters, similar to Robocop style, but again the tone doesn't carry over into the rest of the film, which is still entertaining enough as a particularly graphic science ficton action adventure. You will still find Verhoeven on his DVD commentaries, such as Total Recall insisting that at the end of the movie, theatre audiences were fervently debating the intellectual question of whether or not Quaid was having a dream or not. LOL You mean the Battle of USA in 1776? LOL Nothing the UK did contributed to winning the WW2, even the Battle of Britain was only won by Hitler invading Russia. The damn burster mission was a costly venture with net effect zero except for all the innocent civilians and POWs they killed . It was only by America that the war was won in every theater. UK lost the war badly, and were a drag on the US war effort. Even Germany and Japan came out better as winners after the war than Britain did. This dumb boring movie with laughably British 'special effects' is all they have. When George Lucas remakes it, it will be an all-woke cast with every character played by a negro actor doing exagerrated ghetto accents, and it will win Oscars and become known as the definitive and historically accurate account of Battle of Britain, that's what will be shown in history class in every UK school and there's nothing you #BritTwits will be able to do about it LOL The sun set a long time ago, and now the USA is the greatest and most powerful country in the history of the world, sucks on that limey #LOL LOL We could have sold UK to Germany or Russia anytime we wanted, same goes for rest of Europe. You only exist thanks to American power. LOL Yes America gave Germany weapons and resources before the war to make it a fair fight, and still managed to beat Germany, inspite of being hampered by the incompetent British. America has the best education system, that's why we put a man on the moon twelve times while you still struggle to put a man on Princess Beatrice. Your education system has you hialriously believing you had something to do with winning WW1 an WW2, Britain was more like the female damsel that needed saving by the heroic male USA, only for USA to find that you were not so much rated snog or marry, as you were avoid #LOL LOL Nothing the UK did contributed to winning the war, even the Battle of Britain was only won by Hitler invading Russia. The damn burster mission was a costly venture with net effect zero except for all the innocent civilians and POWs they killed . It was only by America that the war was won in every theater. UK lost the war badly, and were a drag on the US war effort. Even Germany and Japan came out better as winners after the war than Britain did. This this dumb boring movie with laughably British 'special effects' and the word "ni***r" all over the place is all they have. When PJ remakes it, it will be an all-woke cast with every character played by a negro actor, and the dog is white and named "Limey"! LOL The sun set a long time ago, and now the USA is the greatest and most powerful country in the history of the world, sucks to be British#LOL