PhatButtttBear42's Replies

This is an old thread, however, I just rewatched the movie & caught something <b>MAJOR</b> <b>Mia did NOT overdose on Cocaine.</b> She OD’d on heroin that Vince bought earlier that day from Lance. <b>She was wearing Vince’s jacket when they came back to her house from dinner.</b> Mia found a bag of (VERY STRONG) Heroin in Vince’s pocket as she was taking it off, thinking it was cocaine she sniffed a rail & immediately fell out due to her not having a tolerance. **Also the reason Mia wanted to keep it a secret. She knew how it would look to her husband & what he is capable of** <i>All the while Vince was in the bathroom, talking to himself in the mirror.</i> Considering how much cocaine she <i>did do</i> that night, is a real world reason she stayed alive as long as she did. Otherwise she would have died in seconds. (think: *Uppers vs. downers) *Upper= Cocaine Downer= Heroin <i>For those not well versed with illegal drugs</i> <b>Keep in mind, This was WAYYYY before Narcan, and the “good Samaritan law”.</b> IMO, Vince could not take her to the hospital bc he is a hitman for one, but also before the “good Samaritan law“ they would both be charged & investigated. And Vince would have been charged with contributing to her death if she were to have died. Also IMO, Vince definitely would have been killed, just on the strength of Marcellus trusting him enough to “take care of his wife for the evening” only to find out that she overdosed, and died on a drug that she doesn’t do. It would look like Vince got her to try it bc no way would Marcellus believe it was an accident, and even if he did- u don’t kill a man’s wife, or allow her to OD/die on your watch & keep your life *especially* when you are a hitman working for a gangster! <b>“Good Samaritan laws offer legal protection to individuals who in good faith attempt to obtain medical help after an overdose by providing these people with immunity from prosecution for drug use”</b> The ended left me thinking that they are setting up for a sequel. Since this is a movie was based on patriarchy elements, traditional gender roles, it’s only <i>fair<\i> that at the end right before she escapes we see “Frank” (I think that’s his name- its the guy who runs Victory”) his wife stabs him and says something along the lines of <b>”STUPID MAN! It’s my turn now“<\b>- because of course he has to turn into a feminist narrative where women are so oppressed lol. It is unacceptable to kidnap and chain up your unconscious significant other just so he can keep her to himself a simulation. Especially because her real world body is just decaying in bed for the foreseeable future. <b> to be perfectly honest,<\b> as a 30 yr old woman I would LOVE to live the perfect life that was portrayed in this movie. There’s no way I would get into the simulation unless it was my only option or I was extremely desperate. *if you browse youuTube, every other channel/video is going to tell you that we are already living in a simulation lol. This should explain. The plot twist is crazy & comes at the end. Its relevant as we have ppl like Elon Musk, and accredited scientists that say 1 in 3 chance we we live in a sim. LOL. • 1hr 35mins it shows Jack & his wife back in “Victory” after her “episode” where The DR. performed electric shock therapy to control & have her back into the Simulation. When they r back in the Sim, Jack is singing the song that she has been humming the song she can’t remember how she knows, the movie now comes to 2gether. The next couple of scenes jump around to show how & why the young couple <i>actually</i> got to “Victory”, and how they are staying there. • back in the real world Jack looks like a bum, borderline homeless, we see him walking with his hood up in extremely impoverished where Jack is going through the “application” process, again he looks like he is REALLY DOWN ON HIS LUCK and the “Victory Project” was his way of making the perfect life, keeping his woman, & keeping her happy to be in the traditional wife role. she has NO idea that they are in a sim while her body is chained to a bed in the real world. She didnt consent to terms & conditions, he decided what was best for their lives/relationship. Jack walks into what i believe to be the same home they lived in while she was still a Dr. THEY ARE Deff not a warehouse- maybe an apt but i think its the same house. Their <i>real world living situation</i> shows him a very poor man, eating tunafish out of a can, while she chained to a bed with compression socks on her legs, since she is kept bedridden. The things on each of her eyes are obviously for the sim, where she never leaves. All of the men go to work that’s when they leave the SIM and reenter the “real world“ where he tells her that he has the bust his ass to keep them “happy” in the simulation. so you obviously has some type of job to keep them in there. Hope that explains it. This show is a damn mess. Not to mention I have HBO & can access every other series/movie on HBO MAX, but AJLT I only get S1E1 included? Meaning I have to pay $4.99/episode? No way! Curious to know if s2 is going to play the same money game… The University scenes were BRUTAL. Cringe. Second hand embarrassment. Like you said, 20+ years as a Corporate Lawyer in NYC, yet she appears to have been living under a rock. So far episode 1 & 2 are kinky AF. I thought it was going to be more “pop” but I am getting 100 shades of grey vibes. I mean some deff real kink shit is implied heavily so far. She’s hot tho. <blockquote> I imagine her to be quite the little nympho.</blockquote> <b>Facts;</b> <i>I’ve had the “Ozark-Ruth” conversation with a couple of guys & they all have the same vibe from her.. even a couple of chicks I know dig her aggression as a sexual energy</i> <blockquote>I love tiny titties too.</blockquote> <i>LOLOLOL! I have tiny titties & I swore that when guys would say they like little tits they were just sayin it.. I know a lil better now- that if a man says he likes something, he likes it (esp. when I read on diff forums i.e. Reddit or on here ect.) • random story, a few years ago I was 100% to get implants & my girlfriends; including the ones with implants would say, “men like little boobs, but do whatever makes you happy..” or it it was guy friend they would tell me “don’t do it! Unless its for YOU! You’re perfect the way you are.” For years I thought they were just trying to make me feel better or something..</i> <b>I didn’t end up going through with it bc I had a horrible time with Oxy’s after my wisdom teeth were removed. I was scared to death of going through withdrawal</b> <i>AGAIN</i> <b>so I decided to wait it out, even tho I still want to go bigger, BUTTTT it always makes me smile when I hear the love for the “itty bitty tittie committee”</b> They are “infected” Some people are so WOKE, they forgot what it feels to be awake <blockquote>Not sure. The Chef clearly separated him out from the others. May not have wanted him in the "dessert."</blockquote> <i>HAHA! The only idiot that wanted to die, corresponded back and forth to confirm his fate, didn’t even get to be “dessert.”</i> <b>Tyler may have been the REAL psychopath out of the group. Even crazier than the Chef, IMO. He basically hired an escort to be his “date” as if her life was worth nothing because of her “job title”, then he belittled her for smoking cigarettes; ruining her palate, called her a child, and ultimately used her as a sacrifice when she could give two shits less about being a “foodie”. Even when he was taking pictures, he was being rude AF. He knew the rules. And allegedly was the only “customer” that knew what he was getting himself into along with bringing himself a dinner “date”. Soooo no he didn’t deserve a goodie bag, and damn sure didn’t deserve becoming “dessert” aka being a human S’more</b> <blockquote>lol this whole website is such a fucking cesspool full of the lowest energy trolls from the old imdb board I love it.</blockquote> <b>LOL forreal! I haven’t posted in approx. 3-4 months, and in that time the large majority of iMdB Trolls have infiltrated the moviechat community. Literally turning some of these threads into the sad remnants that reminds me of the deepest darkest shti storm that iMdB movie boards WAS before it got shut down…</b> <i>I’m wondering if they waited a decade to come out and Troll around, or if this is a whole new generation of humans that take pleasure in smelling their own farts…</i> They are WOKE, we are AWAKE. - more people are waking up Agreed. Although I do wonder if the audience was supposed to believe that maybe, just maybe, the customers were a part of some “crazy theatre performance”. And almost a *sign of relief* that they were being let go. Decided to add a “simple” explanation In the theatre now, with my mom & 5 other family members and although funny, the movie doesnt vibe well. Its only been abput 30 minutes or so. Hope it gets better! Wow, I feel bad for you. You suck! You must take after your mother! Shes a pro! I live to bully the bullies. I was 10 years old and it was the first holiday season I spent with my parents seperated. Which led to many years of snorting coke, LOL, jk, I smoke coke. I have brought this up to a few of my close friends that have darker skin and they think it’s weird that I even mention it. I remember not long ago, as a whole, POC were not happy with “white washing” Hollywood. I notice more POC In commercials, movie roles etc. and the diversity of couples and it always pulls a heart string (online) when I bring up the influx of interracial couples in movies. I live in NYC, have traveled most metropolitan cities and realistically not every couple is interracial so why is Hollywood so fascinated with iT? AND… Not that it should matter but I’m African American that has always been looked at as a white person (at first glance) because my skin is light due to my Eastern Euro mix. Yes. If you have ran out of choices, its a “kill time” type of movie. If he said “you were the product of rape, your biological father is locked up in an underground bunker, i dealt with him for 30 years- NOW ITS YOUR PROBLEM.” or something like that we wouldnt have a movie to watch! Lol That was a season finale? Im calling the cops, ive been robbed!!! Seriously tho, I really enjoyed each episode, i cannot accept THAT as a finale. WTF!