BornRetarded's Replies

“We can’t allow the mentally ill to buy guns! But we must allow them in the millitary. Then it’s okay”. Fascist. What the heck is our “medical infrastructure”? Health care used to be cheap. People paid out of pocket. People didn’t used to be so sick. Everyone is loaded with chronic conditions now from childhood on. Not a thing will ever be done to prevent the causes of transgenderism. That would be bigoted, to Big Pharma’s bottom line. Find those WMDs in Iraq yet? “Can’t we just drone Assange?” You lost. Get over it. It’s whistleblowing. This is the same Hollywood California that wants to force all college students to physically sign written consent forms before each act of sexual intercourse. Next up: A list of wedding cake bakers who won’t work with lesbians. “Collusion” to spread accurate information, on a free and open internet. I guess that is a crime in the eyes of the Left’s corporate media. Remember when the New York Times colluded with America’s 17 intelligence communities to cause the Iraq war with a lie about WMDs? Guccifer whoever he is is a hero. With a name like “Brie”, rich Hollywood liberals can safely assume she is one of them. Maybe we should drug all our soldiers to make them fearless kamakazi warriors? Or maybe America’s real enemy is the anti-human cult of Leftism. Transgenders are REQUIRED to undergo psychiatric treatement, part of why it’s so expensive, and estrogen pills are a surefire way to make them depressed if they aren’t already. Keep in mind there are “reports” that illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than legal citizens, when being poor and Hispanic are both independently correlated with much higher crimes rates. No matter how much suicide transgenders have, it’s going to be ignored denied or blamed on transphobia. If it doesn’t matter, why does it require so much propaganda to make it acceptable? [url][/url] Divide and conquer, and it’s rich people using minorities to do it. Look at you blaming whites. Daniel Craig is a domesticated Bond. He feels attainable for the average slag hag. It’s cynical marketing to a female audience in the same way that black Bond would be cynical marketing to the millennials. “Hey look, black people can be enforcers for the established order too!” It whitewashes communists as victims of an anti-communist establishment that in reality was just the head eating the tail. Progressive Woodrow Wilson put Socialist Eugene Debs in jail on the charge of sedition, for speaking out against “The Great War”. Even after the war was over, Wilson refused to pardon him. Wilson’s successor, the “extreme right wing” Warren G Harding pardoned him immediately. Then Harding was ensnared by the fake teapot dome scandal. History repeats when Hillary Clinton says “Can’t we just drone Assange?” How come Hollywood doesn’t make a movie about that? Instead we get yet another love letter to warmongers with Spielberg’s Pentagon Papers fluff piece. The studios were not conservative. They were Trotskyite communists, pro war Zionists, and they created the HUAC and the blacklist in order to clamp down on competing factions, anyone who was anti-war. What Lenin called “war communism”, Trotsky called regular communism. This was the dominant faction among the monied class in America, New York Times, etc... Communism means “worker’s paradise”, and USSR wasn’t a worker’s paradise so it wasn’t communism... We’re supposed to ignore that it is the consequence of centralizing authority? Repeat after me: Men and women are biologically different. You’re simply wrong. Hollywood ALWAYS writes females as imitation males. The nerd writers you wouldn’t dare criticize are the real “sexists”. They don’t have “toxic masculinity”. Are you crazy? They LACK masculinity completely, have no familiarity with women and can’t write for them. So we get cyphers. YOU might be okay with garbage non-characters like Rey, but I’m not. I want real women in movies, and they’re extremely hard to find because social justice lemmings like you will white knight for whatever shiny new window dressing the millionaires in Hollywood dream up in their focus groups.