atomicx's Replies

Her performance was too over the top and cringey to be deserving of an oscar. Girl: 4 letters I don't know if she's crazy or not, but it's pretty clear she needs a therapist. His wife said he was in the hospital because he took a "nasty spill". She never mentioned or elaborated on any kind of sickness. Perhaps she wished to keep that private. Pennywise had an effect on adults that made them "allow" things to happen. Just look at how many times adults did actually see something, but then just turned away. "Representative Democracy" and "Democracy" are two different things. Perhaps you are the one who should be kicked out of the country. It wasn't anything they knew was coming. It was an accident of some sort. Sid was supposed to have a much larger role in the movie. Oh, ok, thanks for the correction. I haven't seen the miniseries in quite a while, but I thought the eggs were in there. There were also no eggs found in It's lair during the final battle like there was in the book and in the tv miniseries. Was there a scene in the movie saying they were never arrested? I just assumed they were arrested, but it just wasn't shown in the movie. An actual scene in the movie for this isn't necessary in my opinion. Yes, four people die in this film, but how many died before them? Well in hind site that makes sense now because as you said, the two scenes come across very disconnected. They should have went back and re-shot the first scene so that there was proper continuity. It's not surprising though that the actors came up with what they thought was a "great idea". We live in a time where LGBTQ in entertainment is perceived as the hip and edgy thing right now. Unfortunately, the humiliation of Steve is also another product of our time, where it is all about empowering the females and diminishing the males. I agree though, it was really unnecessary. Oh, so Michael must have trucked that stuff out himself during the previous 2 investigations since nothing was ever found. I guess it was a good thing Janet was there to help him out this time since he obviously couldn't do it himself. Well, considering there was a toilet installed, I doubt Jason built it. I always eat extra helpings of meat whether I am hungry or not just to try to thwart PETA's efforts. I would hardly call a canoe ride down a river "pitting himself against nature". It wasn't "nature" that got the better of them. Yeah I agree with you, but in reality it was all just way to lead us, "the audience" on so that she could hit us with the "twist" later. No, I was referring to all the Republicans exploding. Not sure which season it was from. Perhaps not every season of the show "features" this in its opening credits. It's probably Hopper, but it could also be Eleven's "Papa". Wasn't it alluded to in Season 2 that he was still alive? I thought perhaps the Russians found out from him about the gateway in Hawkins. Otherwise, how did the Russians find out about it? Was that explained in the show and I missed it?