MovieChat Forums > RAJH > Replies

RAJH's Replies

"Your just very bad at trolling!" It is YOU'RE. YOU'RE = YOU ARE. YOUR = YOUR Learn from your mistakes, kid. "Brutally made fun of" LMAO Awww, you really are living in your own little world aren't you. No, the only thing that came from that post was a shit load of triggered children like yourself. Over a week later and it is still keeping you up at night lmao. I love it. Awwww, look at you trying lol. HAHAHAHA You are so obsessed with that Hill House show, it is still on your mind after all this time! Guess what? I finished the show. Just as I suspected it was even worse than the first half lol. It's a show for people with small brains. Deal with it, princess. Atta boy That is a lot of time you are investing in me lol I am honoured. Is this supposed to be revange? Guess what....Didn't even read it ;-) I know the kinda people you're talking about n they are complete retards lol. It is way below average. "The others are meh.. and the Nun was the worst piece of crap film ever unfortunately" Very true lol. The Conjuring 7/10 The Conjuring 2 7/10 Annabelle 1/10 Annabelle Creation 1/10 The Nun 0/10 Billbrown7071 0/10 "The Conjuring 1 is an all time Great Horror/ghost film" Your opinion is incorrect lol. "See, nobody can be happy, anymore! This is what I'm talking about." Maybe they would be happy if it were actually a good film? lol Fucking easily pleased retards! ;-) Only morons like this show. Yeah, that was a part of the ridiculousness I was referring to. "As opposed to getting stabbed in the neck with a knitting needle, a clothes hanger to the eye, stabbed in the stomach with a large knife, shot 6 times at point blank range, falling off a balcony, and then just getting up and walking away? Considering that, pinning the dude to the wall doesn't seem that ridiculous at all. " What the hell are you talking about? LOL Those things are all pretty normal compared to being pinned to the wall with a knife....Slightly unrealistic but nowhere near as ridiculous. It does not compare at all. HAHAHAHAHAHAA I literally knew you would type your heart out in your reply again. You simply cannot help yourself lol. Guess what? I didn't read it.....Again LOL. lmao. No, young man you need to understand WHY what you said was so stupid. Do you yet? Great story. Hey.....Remember when you were like: "I am not a liberal, not everyone is American" lol That was funny wasn't it? Remember? No, they don't look anything like each other. Your brain is broken, kid. But we knew that... "It was literally one of the best single Episodes I've ever seen in any TV series Period!" This is one of the funniest thing I have ever read. This confirms it....You're a bullshitter LMAO. You don't love the show at all, you have clearly been paid to praise it and defend it at every cost. Literally nothing even slightly mindblowing or even interesting happens in episode 3...This freak is either lying or completely deluded lol. I'll cracking up over this all day..