MovieChat Forums > RAJH > Replies

RAJH's Replies

This show is like the 2nd coming of Christ to you, you freaking idiot lol. Your obsession with it is hilarious. You live on this board. You defend it at every cost....You lack the self awareness to be able to see how you look and continue to embarrass yourself over and over again lol. It is fantastic hahahaha LMFAO you are STILL not over the little bit of trolling I did over a week ago! Good to know I had such an effect on someone. Okay, fine I'll read this one since it's not as long as the others... "so no hard feelings, I dont blame you for Ignoreing all facts and simply responding with name calling...It truly is the Only thing you could do...." HAHA you are having a conversation with yourself, moron. I don't even know what facts you are talking about because.....I haven't even been listening to you lmao! "Or if you really want to prove you dont care what I say or dont read what I post....You could just block me, that way you really never have to see my Long Posts again...." lol I would block you but then I would miss out on all the unintentional comedy from you. "someones trying a little too hard..." Jesus Christ! Is that actually supposed to be a joke? There is no way someone could be that unware...Wow. You've typed page after page, over and over again even though I made it clear that I am not even reading it and you think I am the one who is "trying too hard"? Are you fucking serious? lmao "If I had to try to come up with an excuse for why over 90% of the people that watch this show likes it and has excellent rating on Every site.....I'm not sure how I would explain why Its really terrible either...." You're still triggered about what I said about the fake reviews LMAO FFS man! Get the fuck over it, you ridiculous creature! I am afraid you are going to have to come to terms with the fact that not everyone likes this show... Oh and I call you "kid" because that is how you come across.....And you are too thick to even see it. You keep rambling on if it's good therapy for you, sport. How can it be a show you either love or hate when you just said you only found it "ok"? lol Anyway, I am on episode 7 and it is starting to lose me to be honest.. LOL You must hate Boyz N The Hood then? That is a ridiculous POV lol. So because it is fiction that means it doesn't need to make sense? So, if Myers had decapicated someone with a quick swipe of a butter knife, you would have been fine with that too? Ah, I assume someone else would have lol. I just hadn't heard it mentioned before. I find it annoying when diversity is forced in a film or TV show but not so much that I can't get passed it. I will think things like "Ah, I see they have chucked a gay relationship into the show for no reason at all..." It feels like the left are constantly going out of their way to show how tolerant and accepting they are. We get it....You're not homophobic or racist. That's great.. Anyway, as long as there is something else I like about the show, I can normally get passed things like that. LMFAO You have GOT to be kidding me!! How many times do I have to tell you (you pathetic, little man) that I am not even reading your long ass replies? 3 times, I told you and still you continue to pour your heart and I am not even speaking to you. You are so fucking insecure with the fact someone out there hated the show and you can't even see how freaking obvious it is! I'll say it again....Kid lol.....Seriously, stop embarrassing yourself. I am starting to feel embarrassed for you now lol. You could fill a fucking book with the amount you have typed at me lol. You have no shame at all, do you? Funny, I first watched this when I was about 8 and didn't even find it scary then lol. It's a good film but I have no idea how anyone today could find it scary. They are like Muslims, they have their own seperate laws from everyone else lol. That is the dumbest comment I've ever heard, you must be trolling lol. You may be the only person in existance who believes this... It was a struggle for me to get through the first 4 episodes and according to most people, the first half of the show is better than the 2nd half....So, I can't even imagine how bad the second half is. The show is full of stereotypes but they only have a problem with the Apu character because he has brown skin. It's fucking pathetic. Liberals are ruining the world. Yeah, there is no horror in the show. It is a soap opera with a few lame scares thrown in every now n then. N this is coming from someone who likes The Conjuring and Insidious films... LMAO! How can I be a liberal when I am not American? -Nicko's Nose I will do. It's quite enjoyable so far in my opinion. Although, you may not like for other reasons than the poltical aspect. I was put off by those reviews but I am not seeing it so far. Someone mentioned that there is a transgender who gets bullied....But actually it is just a girl who looks slightly boyish because of her haircut. The kids mention things about white privilege in the first episode but it doesn't seem to be being pushed in the plotline of the show. Unfortunately, that is just something a lot of young teens believe now. So, having them speak that way is realistic. Ladylove888 in another post you said you were up to episode 3 and you were loving it. So, is it now going down hill for you? I have no issues with the budget.