MovieChat Forums > RAJH > Replies

RAJH's Replies

Really?? She is not that bad at all. Pretty decent in fact.. I hate SJW shit but these things are not being pushed in the show. They are simply mentioned by kids in the first episode. The fact is a lot of kids nowadays believe in that kind of thing... You don't need to let it ruin the show for you. . How is he an idiot exactly? Because he doesn't like a show that you do? I think you're the idiot here, kid lol. FFS I was looking forward to this! Who are your favourite band? How can I be a liberal when I am not American? -Nicko's Nose How can I be a liberal when I am not American? -Nicko's Nose How can I be a liberal when I am not American? -Nicko's Nose Kid, stop reporting all of my comments, you safe space little girl lol. To repeat: How can I be a liberal when I am not American? -Nicko's Nose You aint gonna get away from it, son lol. You have to acknowledge how moronic you were for saying that. Of course. Each to their own, I respect your opinion. Unless you say things like this: "Lmao your standards must be pathetically low." Of course. I also noticed that nobody answered my question. I am honestly fine with being in the minority, I am just genuinely wondering what people got out of this.....Still wondering. Come again? I am actually cringing at the amount you keep typing lmao. Once again, I am not even going to bother reading your reply. You think I am insecure n yet you are the one who keep pouring your heart out in every comment, all because a stranger online has insulted a show you like lol. It is pathetic, mate. I stopped trolling ages ago and yet you are still here, bashing the hell outta your keyboard lol. Don't you have any pride? Get over it, kid you are embarrassing yourself, I promise you. Nah, 2, 4 and H2O were decent films. I find it quite laughable how someone could insult someones taste for liking these films when trying to act like this new one was some kind of masterpiece lol. It wasn't. "How can I be a liberal when I am not American?" -Nicko's Nose. LMAO what? That doesn't prove anything, you strange, obsessive, little man lol. Your logic has failed you. Plus, you even admitted yourself that apparently every film or tv show has fake reviews....You can't go back from that now. There ARE some obviously fake reviews, kid get over it lol. Seriously, you are so obsessed with this show, you feel the need to defend it from every freaking comment. You cannot seem to handle people speaking negatively about the show. You're obsessed with being in the majority.... A lot of people thought it was a shitty show, mate. This is a fact you are going to have to deal with..... I watched season 1 back when it first came out but then stopped for a few years. So, this is the 2nd season for me. LOL wow what a cunt.