Bosdog6777's Replies

None...The first one i had interest in seeing was Halloween 6 Curse of Michael Myers but i was only in 5th grade so had to wait for it to come to Pay Per View H20 i was in 8th grade and i was already smarter than the modern horror audiences of then and today and resented a movie coming along telling me i'm a moron for liking the Halloween 4, 5 and 6 that reeked of nothing more than a 20 year anniversary gay 90's Meta Remake of the original the same way Wes Craven called us morons for liking the Freddy sequels in New Nightmare 4 years before H20 while being nothing but a Meta Remake of the Original. I eventually watched H20 and have never felt the need to go back. Halloween resurrection i was in 11th grade and way past any hope for the franchise and quite frankly the idea was insulting but unlike H20 i did end up watching it a 2nd time just to laugh at what a joke it is and see Busta Rhymes I had and have absolutely no interest in watching the Rob Zombie films and will never watch them Now here i am about to turn 34 in 10 days and H40 is in theater's telling us we are morons for liking the Halloween sequels while ripping off everything from those sequels they can squeeze into their supposed "Meta Remake of the original" which anybody with a brain knows is truly a Meta Remake of H20 Freddy's Dead has the best opening from the Goo Goo Dolls song, the degradation of Nietzsche, the Terrific Score, the pan over the United States explaining how Freddy killed the whole town's minor population and the awesome opening Nightmare scene that starts on a plane then takes us through the sky and down into the best most interesting version of Springwood of any film no doubt based on the Storyline and Setting of the awesome Nightmare on Elm Street 1989 Nintendo Game It's like people dont watch the endings of Elm Street movies or just completey block them out. Freddy was still alive after Dream Warriors as you see with the house lighting up. He was just waiting for the opportune time to use Kristin's power to get to non Elm Street Kids Yeah well i want a sequel to Freddy's Dead Nobody cares bud The general rule of Nightmare fans is if they only like 1,3, and 7 they are pretentious film cucks who arent real fans and should go watch Independent Films about gay cowboys eating pudding anc accept the fact that Horror evolved in the 80's from hiding their killers in the shadows to hide how horrible they look That's because you are the target demographic for this film...Morons So go watch Adam Sandler movies you smuck Jay and Silent Bob are at their best here because they represent Generation X. Every single appearance after this they try too hard to be cute and funny and make Tshirt Slogans for morons like you who apparently love every Jay and Silent Bob appearance except the only good one that made them into stars to begin with Dogma Sucks! All the cool kids know Clerks is the only good movie Kevin Smith put out This is the last good Batman Film afterwards we move into all this 21st Century Batman Drivel i had it on VHS as a kid but it was never a go to Vhs tape like so many others. It maintained popularity because of pretentious emo adults watch it and think they are better than everybody else but the truth is it sucks Whoever they got would be awful I for one love that we got the real Illuminati Message behind the Mario games Like a WWE fan boy ignoring the obvious dip in quality in the product that came with the new century and desperately trying to figure out why Roman Reigns isn't as Universally loved as Stone Cold and the Rock Whether you like it out not 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 are the real Halloween movies and everything after are just Fan Fictions It's Rough Stuff I'm still in Chapter 1 Because It's hilarious and you are just a butt hurt Liberal like Junior's real parents More like common things actors make us have to deal with. There would be no problem if actors didnt tell us how to live while glorifing the exact opposite on the Big Screen