Bosdog6777's Replies

Part 2 Freddy was really cool but Part 3 Freddy was where Freddy needed to be for a modern audience moving foward But it's just called Halloween so do call the next one Halloween 2 or do you call it Halloween 3 Clearly the intent of the first movie was Nancy was Killed just as the clear intent of the 2nd movie was that Jesse was killed. It was kinda like bad endings in "Are you Afraid of the Dark" an example the Pinball episode. The kid think's he won and is free but it's a trick and we see he is still stuck in the pinball machine and he sees the giant Pinball about to come off the escalator to start a game and they don't explicitly say it but we know that he was stuck in the pinball machine until he died. But they needed to draw money for Part 3 so Nancy lives to give an even less convincing performance than the Original Well it's like the same with the Elm Street series. Wes Craven selfishly wanted to end the movie after Elm Street Part 1 and just let New Line sink into bankruptcy when they were the only one's who gave his movie a chance. So he sits out Part 2 and wanted to ruin Part 3 by making it the same premise as New Nightmare which thankfully the studio shut down and we got the best installment in the series (after Freddy's Dead of course) but it came at a cost. Wes Craven still ruined the series in Dream Warriors by making it the last of the Elm Street kids which made Dream Master and Dream Child totally convoluted and confusing which killed the series and forced "Freddy's Dead" which was awesome because it's what the Freddy movies should have done in the first place instead of trying to work by Wes's Rules who's only desired outcome was death to the Franchise. We could have had Freddy in a whole new town killing all new 90's Punk Kids but unfortunately this was the last of the real movies and what followed up was a Cheesy 10th Anniversary Reunion Special Attraction movie that just retreads the original with the original Actress and Director and it shit all over everything but people like it because people are stupid and now here we are in 2018 with Halloween doing the exact same thing with their 40th Anniversary and doing it for the 2nd time after H20. Because people think it's hip to praise originals and disregard sequels and Halloween was thd Original of the Big three before Jason and Freddy. Not sure Heather Langenkamp has the acting chops to play Sarah Connor I vaguely remember a dream about being in a laundry room and Freddy was there and started hopping around all crazy like Wolverine coming after me You really just can't pretend sequels dont exist especially you know EVERY SINGLE ONE. This isnt the damn Godzilla Franchise I think it's gonna be like a UFC type thing how Vince Mcmahon says UFC is gonna have to learn the hard way that you have to rig matches to have long term big money stars As much as the idea sounds admiral to have Michael just be a regular joe in a mask once you start actually start making a movie/s you have to give hij some sort of Supernatural edge to make it work. That's why the Original Halloween is famously a movie that has no idea what it wants to be. You have an independent film snobbery realism mentality mixed in while making an Unstoppable Monster Hollywood Movie and the result you get is a very convoluted mess of a franchise that finishes 3rd place behind Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th that can't draw a dime unless it has Jamie Lee Curtis in a retread of the original