kwestmo's Replies

Were The Stones famous before the Beatles? The Beach Boys, I think were. Paul was major famous while these three were working actors yet to become stars. No! Valid points. Thank you for the second real answer I received. I was giving him enough rope to prove me wrong, which he did. I tell people all the time Mammy is the movie's moral center (and possibly main protagonist). She is always right and knows when and how people screw up. IMO, Rhett is the second most decent main character (Mammy first) and he spends the entire moving trying to earn her respect. I'm no fan of Melanie; she's too weak for me (room for debate, I know). Scarlett is a text-book sociopath. Ashley is a pathetic defeatist. The others are as dumb as Rhett tells them in the beginning. To one of your points, the movie portrays white trash accurately. The best part of the film is when Bridget crosses her legs. I rewatched twice in the past few years and agree with you. As for Sofia, she gets way too much blame, her dad, Al Pacino, Andy Garcia, and the other superstars couldn't make the film work. George Hamilton? I think he is great, but not in a GF film. Has a foundation been formed around you? Are you a well-known cultural icon and martyr? Do you have more than a few mug shots? If the first two don't apply to you then I believe you may not have an internet footprint. No one has said George didn't exist. It is unusual that someone with his notoriety has so few photographs on the internet. The original BSG was exciting and groundbreaking. It had the good fortune to die a quick death and left a lot of good will. The reboot should have been that fortunate. Instead, it lingered and went from darn good to beyond awful. Galactica 80... let's not discuss, but we probably agree. True story. I don't recall base ships, only base stars. But it's an old memory. Not considering residuals was a sign of the times decision. That makes sense. Thanks. That concept would make an original film as far as I know. Very strange analysis. Good scripts most of all. Her looks started to fade around 25 and were gone at 30. Go thru the gallery above and tell us how many photos she looks good in. Sounds like Arkan-cide She looked pretty good in her early twenties. Many, if not most, women do. Especially, in her era when the USA was not overweight. Her looks had faded by her mid to late twenties. We have decades of photographs that demonstrate that. H