MovieChat Forums > lm362 > Replies

lm362's Replies

Ending Spoiler....Yes, and it leaves no explanation as to how the monsters got back on Monster Land. Was it of their own choice or by force as appears to be the case in the beginning. Since they did save humanity, was still any of the safeguards still in place so they can't leave the island or were they trusted now? Yes. And if the explanation is that this is an alternate reality where the twin fairies and peace island does not exist just doesn't work out. The attraction of Mothra was that she was cared for on the island and had a connection with the princesses. And as for Godzilla, well it kind of lowered his status and the others status. This isn't a good movie, at least to me. Zombies are fantasy with the exception of those who are, by influence of some drugs, are called zombies or zombie-like. Writers can do whatever they want with the fictional kind although it makes no sense for anything truly dead(No heartbeat or circulatory function) to be able to act as a living person. So? You saw Wade put the shot gun shell into the barrel of the gun. If Maggie still lived, Wade was going to do as Maggie had wanted. He would have shot her to end her life. So the ending is not idiotic. It showed one way Maggie herself was choosing to die and it showed another way which was her being killed by her father. Thank you for the photos. People can be so vicious as to shoot an animal. I agree with you. Likely it was food to be served cold. Thanks. I guess back then there wasn't much concern over people noticing a lot of detail in a show. No. She was only interested in furthering his career as a violinist. Where Ursula was honorable and kept her feeling to herself, Olga gave a slight impression that she cared for Andrea and caused him hurt when she showed no interest in him. She cared nothing for the feelings of the two woman that had taken care of him and given him a home. Yes, she did. But at that time a relationship with a much younger man and her would have not been approved of and she knew this. Also, she knew the young man did not have the mind set necessary for a relationship with her. He clearly still found things in common with others his own age and still found those of the opposite sex of his own age attractive. Most young people who want a relationship with someone older does so because they feel they have less in common with those of the opposite sex who are of the same age. The younger person is of a more mature mind and identifies more with the feelings and activities of older ones. Ursula also knew that due to his circumstances, he was to some extent in a state of confusion and uncertainty-about his life and his career. He was not in any position to even consider any feelings for her. Spoilers ahead Age has no limits. The limit here was that the young man was not of the same mind as Ursula. Young people who fall for even significantly older ones of the opposite sex do so because they have a more mature mindset than those slightly younger or at their same age and they are not as active although they do keep themselves healthy. And they are settled in life as far as having a career/goals in life. This young man had not merely shown up to find a place to live to carry on his career. He has been injured, woke and really stayed confused about himself and his career, not knowing how he could start it or continue it. Also, the way an older person pursues a younger one is vastly different. You do not "pursue" the younger one. You more or less slowly and delicately show your feelings and see if the younger one reciprocates them. Ursula really had no time to do this and the young man's emotional state was in confusion so he likely would not have even noticed her attraction to him and wasn't in a stable position to even think of returning such affection. i don't think the movie was saying she could never have the love of someone younger. I think it was saying it takes both being stable emotionally and of a like mind, being comfortable with the lifestyle each other has. Ellen tends to be a bit disrespectful and negative towards women who are fine with viewing their husbands as the final decision maker of the family after discussing the matter with the wife. At least that's the impression I got from her. Husbands should not be dictatorial but it is fine for them to be the final decision maker and for a wife to support her husband even if she feels the idea might not work. At least he cared to make the decision and carry out the plan. But all the messages were moved to this site, so comment away. But that version never made the Neville character as he was in the book in the sense of showing him studying about the vampires, trying to find out what they were exactly and how they got that way. The character was interesting and it would be nice to see him adequately portrayed. Also, the 1964 movie only inspired fear of those infected as the book did and the Will Smith movie was so interesting because it not only made the dark seekers scary but also made them sympathetic characters. It would be good for a movie to portray them as they were in the book but add some sympathy for them. Yes, he could have done much good and brought much happiness to others. These are vital lessons to all of us to be kind to others, to look at what they are inside instead of what appears on the outside that really doesn't represent the real person. Also we must not let our fears of someone, whether their appearance or actions frighten us so much that we do not look behind those things to try seeing person behind them and maybe be more understanding towards them. Wrong. All the horror movies Joan Crawford did in the 60's were good and she did great in them. Maybe not. If you notice, Ahab had both legs at the end. Likely, that was a goof, but I would rather think it is symbolic of Ahab, now dead, has his body back healthy and whole and anyone who is resurrected will get a healthy body.