MovieChat Forums > lm362 > Replies

lm362's Replies

If the science/cgi is not very good in a film but the storyline and characters are good, I like the film. I really liked this film with a good storyline and characters you can care about. Yes, we did get a good movie. Maybe the science wasn't right, but the human stories were well done and easy for viewers to feel for the characters. That is where this film totally messed up, having Raymond Burr's character say that they never found any corpse when it is plain that there was skeletal remains anyone would have found. In my opinion, the makers of this film should go back and take out that line. Even the description of this movie says it is a new Godzilla. I admit it. I cried on first view and still cry when I see that scene Those you mentioned and towards the end when the scientists are going through the streets and seeing all the dead animals. I felt for the humans the animals attacked, but also felt for the animals who died. I really hope that isn't the case as it makes no sense. It is the same thing that was done with Lon Chaney's The Wolfman and that is way I don't think it is a good movie. All life is precious whether it is a child or an animal. Children die by animal deaths in real life so it was not wrong to show a child getting killed, provided it is not with graphic/gratuitous violence. I thought it took itself very seriously and that's why I liked it. "imaginary teens". Really? Your comment clearly shows to do not respect your own parents and do not think parents should be respected. You deserve to be ignored and will be, as far as I'm concerned. Not all teens think it is cool and some teens would listen to their parents and not watch the movie. It is true that many who are abused don't become abusers but some do. Showing Avery's side does not excuse her deadly bullying of Jessica and her awful home life certainly is no comparison to what she did to Jessica, which was drive her to try killing herself. Her remorse did not have a positive effect on you? Do you not rejoice when you yourself learn to do what is right and stop the wrong you have done? The it is only right to feel that for others. I was very moved my her remorse and thought of the positive impact she can have on others, helping them to not repeat the bullying she did. The people making this film wanted many people to see and be inspired by this film. They wanted this film to make a difference for people's lives. Had they had uncensored profanity many people, including teens might have chosen to not watch the movie. To get the most viewers, they bleeped most or all the profanity. Spoilers...Major one ahead. But many bullied teens who try to commit suicide fail to succeed. So this is not an unreal ending. To want help for someone who has committed wrongs is what being a caring, feeling and loving human is all about. You need to learn to feel for the characters. I was so moved when Avery broke down, realizing the harm she had done to Jessica. Why should Avery be ostracized for the rest of her life when she has finally realized what she has done and can do so much to steer others away repeating the things she has done? Because in real life bears are not that intelligent. It is not arrogance. It is knowledge of how they are. There needs to be some kind of explanation if a movie is going to portray an animal that is acting abnormally. It just makes the movie make more sense. But that wouldn't explain the bear intelligence. Maybe that should've been left out. So only the evil nun and the priest died in the accident, not the child? Interesting movie even if it is only fantasy. @FernadoChaves True. I think the poster did not read the publicity about the movie.+ I'm watching the full version of the movie-TV version. Jack came out of post op and then talked to a rescue worker. He told her that not everyone can be saved and said "believe me, I know". But when coming out of post op location he did not act like someone who just found out someone died. So just don't know. If she had acted more emotional, the scene likely would have been too hard for anyone to watch and that would have turned away viewers. Remember, this was 1976 and serious subjects were dealt with with mild realism. The director likely knew this and so he had her underplay the emotion of her character. Plus, with the shocking scene of what her mother did to her in the final part of the film, it likely was though best for the child to not act so realistically. Also remember that since this movie serious themes have been dealt with for more realistically-and many time it has been too realistic. I'm fine with what the actress did with her part and how she was directed. I really question why you would want to see her act more accurately? Did you not put yourself in the characters place, feeling the fright and pain she felt?