MovieChat Forums > lm362 > Replies

lm362's Replies

The only connection between the boy and the tiger was in the boy's mind or imagination. The tiger did not eat the boy for the same reason any wild animal sometimes comes into contact with a human and does not attack. The animal either does not sense a threat, is not hungry or angry. At the end, I think the boy finally understood that even though the tiger did not try to kill him it had taken his mother whom he loved and had taken away people that were loved by others and would never stop so it had to be killed The tiger did die when the gas tank exploded. There was no connection between the boy and the tiger, except in the mind of the boy. He had no knowledge of how wild animals behaved. He mistook the tiger's actions towards him as non threatening or even friendly, not understanding wild animals sometimes come in contact with humans and do not harm them. At the end, when the tiger notices the boy with the sheriff, briefly breaks off the attack and then the boy sees it trying to kill the sheriff, he possibly understood that the tiger was not acting previously out of any sense of a bond or friendliness. The tiger did not have a mystical connection with the boy. The boy only thought there was a connection between the two, but there wasn't. All the previous times the tiger saw the boy, it simply was not motivated to attack. In the end, the tiger, once it saw the boy did break off the attack briefly but the boy then saw it go after the sheriff. The boy really didn't understand anything about how tigers behaved. Once it started attacking again he likely understood that it might even attack him or at the least, take anyone else he cared about. The creator of the Walking Dead comics and tv series has (stupidly) said he does not want a cure. He wants to keep the storylines going where people war and come together-more waring rather than coming together, I think. If the doctor had remained alive viewers would have soon wanted talk and activity regarding finding a cure. No there was no training of Rey, or at least I don't call that training. And now we know for a fact that Mark Hamill wanted to train Rey and wanted to do some lightsaber fighting. Yes. Good storylines, including one that acknowledges that not all criminals are evil, but it makes clear that what they do is evil and deserves punishment, even as they are getting help. My only problem with the show is too many car chases, but at least from what I saw they were responsibly done, for the most part. Then I'm sure you would feel nothing for any human that is hurt or dies in real life...or at least hurt like you should. Both links no longer work. Answering my own question here now because I understand things better. Even though the people Duncan killed were the doctors that made him what he is, the Sheriff can't take any chances on him killing more people, should he escape. Also, the sheriff has learned more about what Duncan is, how that works and with this knowledge feels it is not possible to take Duncan alive. Actually, in almost every other movie, it was either stated or implied that the person, whether transforming fast or slow had died. Also, you might not care about the comment this person made but it is not your right to say that no one else cares. That is being very rude and hateful. That is because you are looking at zombies as only of supernatural origin as they are in folklore and myth. Maybe this movie isn't doing it that way. Look up the word in several places for differing definitions. Some people have had real life medical conditions or have been given drugs that so drastically slow down vital signs or reflexes so that they have been called either zombies or zombie-like. Also, this movie never showed Maggie having died, so it could have portrayed these zombies as still alive(heartbeat), but with very slow or almost unnoticeable vital signs. If a person jumps off a roof, it is highly likely that the head will hit the ground which would kill a zombie or the brain will be damaged which would also kill the zombie. As of now, none. If you portray a zombie as a person who has no heartbeat after becoming a zombie, it is totally unbelievable that some illness could cause that. It has to be of supernatural, or some would say satanic origin. Sure, it is just a movie but make the cause of the zombification believable or portray it as of supernatural origin as it truly would be. This movie did zombies so different that I was hoping they would have beating hearts which would further distinguish them and this movie from other movies of the genre. I loved the movie because it reminded me of the TV series I loved so much as a child, but it had more serious elements that I thought were good since the series had played everything mostly for comedy. It was a refreshing change. The only thing I did not like was the sexual innuendo line the Poison Ivy character said. I thought that did not belong in a movie that was so like the 66' TV series. George Clooney was very good and I think he is the best Batman ever and should reprise the role again someday as long as it is done similar to the TV series. The critics wanted the original idea of the Batman-dark, foreboding and not a truly good hero. If anyone remembers, many critics said the same thing about Christopher Reeves portrayal and the script of the first Superman movie. Many of them like the original idea of Superman as played by George Reeve. But I and many others loved that changed vision of Superman. Shari, I'm glad you are doing so well in your life. I also struggle with people's wrong perception of me and my disability. I, too enjoyed Linda and Shawn's performances in the movie. I am a disabled person and I find parts of this movie funny and do not feel it is inappropriate to laugh at it. My and my sister's imitating the speech of Roger and Virginia was not out of cruelty, but just like you would find anything funny that is also sweet and cute. I did learn to never call any mentally challenged person or anyone else retarded. It is a word I block on all my social sites, too. Rented it tonight and stopped viewing it shortly after the oxygen destroyer was used. To have Stenz do this when, in the 2014 movie, he clearly regretted ordering a bomb to try and destroy Godzilla and the Mutos is not in continuity with the 2014 movie. In that movie Stenz clearly saw Serizawa was right. He would not fail to trust Serizawa in this movie. This movie has way to much swearing and violence, or rather, the violent scenes went on way too long. Well, they could leave a version of the film as it is, but for those who are sensitive and need less detail they could release an edited version Some mistakenly think domestic animals act like wild animals if they are left to fend for themselves. Some people treat pets like property to be discarded when they are no longer wanted. Since I don't believe in ghosts, I believe as some others do on this thread. I believe Marylee has some kind of powers to make objects move, operate by themselves and even to make a scarecrow move about.