BreakbeatSavant's Replies

Well said. I'll read it. The reason we're in this mess right now is because MSM didn't bother to read Barr's letter before just breathlessly taking his word for it. If they had they'd see Mueller does not clear Trump of obstruction or collusion. No one blocks a report that is actually exonerating. The ONLY reason to block it is because it isn't. Anyone who doesn't understand this is either a simpleton or a chump. I have to agree. If they try to make 2020 a referendum on abortion they will lose. But they won't because, like you say, they've fully embraced abortion. That's a bit weird IMO because how would Russians even know? In my experience having traveled all over different parts of the US for work, it's highly dependent on region. Along the coastlines people are generally trim and fit. It's really unhealthy diets in parts of the South and Midwest where obesity really thrives. Cincinnati and Atlanta are two cities that immediately come to mind. I'm actually not opposed to trying it. I'd much rather eat meat than organs. I love those Brazilian restaurants too. Talk about a meat lovers paradise, that's Brazilian food. I saw a show once where cave explorers would feed on large spiders, arachnids like tarantulas. Mostly by roasting giant spider legs on fires, they said it didn't taste all that different than eating crab legs. "Everybody screamed bloody murder against the TPP (and other multi-global trade pacts) when they should have screamed for trade negotiators to mandate a standard minimum of civil rights protections for all the countries involved in the deals, to mandate increased human rights protects across the board, in addition to the labour rights and environmental protections that were already on the table. The Obama Administration was at least trying." I agree, and this is where I really fault Obama in that he wasn't a good communicator once he'd get elected. Instead of keeping his base informed he kept the TPP negotiations opaque. The rank and file left that should have been his natural allies were left in the dark to assume the worst about TPP from leaks. It really is a shame. Perhaps he felt publicly explaining his reasoning might sound too condescending, but the idea of having to do so seemed to really turn him off. Sitting presidents can't be indicted you colossal dumbfuck. Looks like you desperately need to read what those quotes are instead of trusting the word of a pathological liar president. Mueller spells out he was not exonerated. Ok, but that's not Depp deliberately "throwing money" at her like a chump throwing it at a gold digger. I also strongly disagree with your characterization that "by the time he met Heard he really needed to offer incentives". They met on set a decade ago in 2009 filming the Rum Diary as each other's love interests and "officially" started dating in 2012. He hadn't lost his looks or his mystique until after getting engaged to her in 2014. Until then he still could have had anyone. Here's a quote from a Guardian article I recalled reading of him in Nov of 2011 where the author is quite clearly lusting over him. [quote]At 48, Depp's face remains, if no longer quite ethereal, then still breathtakingly beautiful – creamy smooth, freakishly symmetrical, with a thick chop of chocolate hair untroubled by any trace of grey. The actor has spent most of his career trying to abdicate from the position of Hollywood sex symbol, but there appears to be nothing he can do about the tenacity of his beauty.[/quote] [url][/url] Depp aged really quickly really fast, all of it happening after he got engaged to Amber it seems. What incentives did he offer? If he did by all means point them out. I just don't recall him buying her any castles to be with him. She was already a success and had her own money when they began dating. Sounds like you're agreeing with me. I was talking past tense, and so were you in your OP. Stop. Depp could have had anyone, whether he chose to "throw money" at them or not. He was successful, famous, and a good looking guy. He had it all. He didn't need to throw money at anyone or be romantic. You sound ridiculous. :) I was just memeing. #learntocode You would love the taste of snake then. What kind of snake have you tasted? I heard in trying to deal with their out of control Burmese Python problem in Florida, some culinary organizations have been promoting recipes using its meat. I also heard its got a real gamey taste. I'd much rather try seal than Burmese Python. Isn't it really high in cholesterol? Sort of like foie gras? That sounds really disgusting. It sounds like you really need to re-dedicate yourself to diet and exercise so you can lose some weight and improve your self esteem. Only then can you start worrying about other important issues like global warming. Blaming liberals for your struggle with obesity isn't going to help you solve your problems. I didn't care for the supernatural aspects of the Green Mile. But I did find it a fascinating exhibit about the barbarity of the electric chair.