RickSantoro's Replies

Cool, you can see the future? I hope so. That's why I also hope the next 2 episodes are also garbage. So we get a better chance of it when HBO realize what a terrible mistake they've made. Who is? If you're referring to me, then no I'm not. Firstly, I don't live in that shit corrupt country, and secondly, if I did, I wouldn't vote, as there is no point. What does any of this have to do with what I said, anyway? Are you aware this is the Game of Thrones board? Well if you already know then this thread isn't for you. It's to help spread awareness like I said. But you should be supporting such threads. Like in the show, we need to band together to take on the enemy (the ones who liked the episode). We need to try and show them the truth. [quote]I only hope the writers make up for it at the end of the series.[/quote]How in the world could that be possible? The damage is done, man. Since when do these writers give a shit about prophecies? Didn't you see the shit they pulled last Sunday? The Prince that was Promised meant nothing. Why should you take stock? Maybe because he is telling it how it is and how everyone with a brain feels about the latest episode. It doesn't matter who he is, what matters is his message. I posted this to help spread awareness to the brainwashed idiots out there who I'm hoping deep down knows the episode sucked but need a little push. Wow, so unpredictable! No one has ever come up with that idea! You're a genius man. You should ask HBO for a writing job. They gave those 2 imbeciles a job, so your chances should be pretty good too. Hey maybe they'll let you write for that show about the Confederates winning. [/s] Well we've already wasted 8 years of our lives, so what's 3 more weeks? May as well see this trash through. At the very least we should be able to get a few laughs. Burn down the HBO headquarters Well we've already wasted 8 years of our lives, so what's 3 more weeks? May as well see this trash through. At the very least we should be able to get a few laughs. Yeah. People are assholes Such a huge insult to all that came before it, with George purposely trying to avoid those stupid tropes... A nice wedding when George is writing: main characters dropping like flies The end of the world when George isnt writing: 12 inch thick plot armor all round This. It's not like it would be a very long shoot anyway, what with him only being needed for a few scenes. No excuse really. Yeah the first one was better. Why'd they ever recast him anyway? Dumbass that was the complete opposite of filler 😄 She was only a little girl for like 2 movies dude. Stop living in the past. She grew up to be incredibly hot. Probably, who wouldn't? And I don't even find her all that attractive. How would banging her make him a perv? But I don't think he would do it anyway. She's kind of like a daughter to him maybe