allseeingi's Replies

Seriously, if you want to hate the character, hate her for being an annoying asshole like everyone else does. The original comment I replied to said that there is no one lobbying for a gay Avenger, and they claimed google search results yielded no one advocating for a gay avenger. I have proven that incorrect several times now. I literally showed you the articles. People requesting a gay Avenger has been shown already. If you are making the argument that this film making a lot of money is an indication that it's a good film with no issues, then you are a fool... >but Falcon seemed to have Bucky's blessing. Because the writers wrote it that way. You do realize these aren't real people who gave their consent. These are characters being portrayed by actors who are acting out lines written for them by writers. Thousands of new posts for #nothmythor. Why are you lying? Anyone can do this search. Literally the first result is "The Gay Avengers: Endgame Character Is a Half-Baked Attempt at Diversity", third result is "Avengers: Endgame has not helped Marvel's LGBT stance", fifth result is "Avengers: Endgame is being called out for doing "the bare minimum" with first gay character". It's literally nothing but advocating for gay avengers and claiming that there are already gay avengers. I can see just clearly thanks. Perhaps you're the one seeing things wrong? No... it's ALWAYS the other person that's wrong.... Asgard is a fictional realm and its capital city appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Based on the realm of the same name from Norse mythology, Asgard is home to the Asgardians and other beings adapted from Norse mythology. They are from Scandinavian lore. You're so full of shit it's insane. It has NOT been explained why non Scandinavians are now appearing as Asgardians, leftists have simply been inserting them there pretending it has always been that way, which is simply not true. The out of place "all girl" scene in the middle of the main battle, the nerfing of several male characters in the movie, Captain America giving the shield to Sam instead of Bucky, Thor giving watch of Asgard over to Valkyrie (why there are non Scandinavian Asgardians still has never been explained), and more. Fat Thor was funny for about 3 minutes. And then it turned into a terrible joke that just wouldn't end. I hate how they portrayed Thor in Endgame. >Because a Google search revealed nothing about gays lobbying for a gay Avenger. WHAT A FUCKING LIE. I literally typed "gay avenger" and it's nothing but advocating for a gay avenger, and even claiming that there are already gay avengers. There's an army of people waiting to defend it, but the truth is this movie has massive flaws as have been discussed all over these threads. Particularly the poor handling of several characters like Hulk and Thor, and intentional leftist political injection into the movie that turns a lot of people off. The movie played to the lowest of society. Also known as sjws. It was understandable, but they dragged it out too long. >Feminism is good! The original form of feminism maybe. Now it has simply become an attempt to subjugate men. I'm surprised something more risque wasn't the first result. Be careful. You'll trigger the feminists... That's wasn't really explaining anything.... I'll just say the same for Endgame: Lazy writing Idiotic character actions Bad jokes No heart....yayaya they forced a scene with all the females during the middle of the big battle. It was hollow. Disney is in overdrive virtue signal mode trying to get more females to get into these movies. It's so disappointing to see this nonsense forced into the movies. That's funny, I'm the exact opposite. Loved Infinity War and the more I analyze Endgame, the more I can't stand it.